Fr. Petr explains how we are finding ourselves in the end of one epoch of human history and how even when we became unfaithful to God, He never abandoned us and is trying to help us, although to this day very few are recognizing His graceful Presence and fewer still accepting His call.
Fr. Petr introduces the prophecies about COVID-19, prophecies of these End of Times being realized in our days. This video is the second episode of the series ‘Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times’ based on Vassula Rydén’s book of the same title.
Fr. Petr introduces step by step the prophecies about COVID-19, prophecies of these End of Times being realized in our days. This video is the third episode of the series ‘Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times’ based on Vassula.
Very important reflection about these last days… how our indifferent attitude towards God and his Law of Love is not only morally degrading man but it has been drawing on us all sorts of natural disasters and makes a way for Satan, who from the very beginning has been trying to trick us into a fall.
We will once more come back to the prophecies regarding COVID-19 and the economic crisis, which is a clear sign to us that we need to let go our foolish idea that our life and the whole existence of human mankind relies only on a strong economy – only on materialistic values – that we have put in God’s place.
Our Lord is longing to help us, but there are conditions. He is asking the world to renounce its evil ways and make peace with God. The sooner we do these things, the quicker God will relent and stop the plague. The longer we wait, the longer this evil will remain alive among us.
Fr Petr explains how the Lord had been warning us years prior of the Tsunami and why it struck on Christmas Eve. Yet the Tsunami itself is a mere precursor for times ahead if we don’t change and how the Unity of the Chruch plays a critical role in that “change”.
We are going to have a closer look at an event that fundamentaly influenced the world of the 21st century, shook our false image of ourselves and showed us very clearly that life without God will lead us to destruction. We will speak about the fall of the Twin Towers in the USA.

Prophecies Booklet

As the world witnesses the unfolding of biblical events, the new publication, “Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times,” sounds a clarion call to mankind from the heavens. Bearing the Magisterial seals of approval, the True Life in God messages from God through Vassula Rydén foretold world events before their fulfillment, and they reveal imminent prophecies whose impact upon the human race and the planet will increase without prayer and conversion of the heart.
These approved messages prophesied the fall of communism and the twin towers, the Indonesian tsunami, the Icelandic volcanic eruption, the meteor over Russia, Covid-19, the economic crisis and more. They also foretell Russia’s aid in time of crisis, the Great Day of Purification, the Hurricane of Fire, and shifting of the earth off of its axis, the Great Conversion of the Church, an era of peace and holiness and the return of Christ our Saviour.
In these End Times, when creation groans with eager longing to be set free from its slavery to corruption (Rom. 8:19-21), and when mankind seeks a remedy to discord and division, God comes down from heaven with his Heart in his hand to offer us the remedy: To turn to Jesus’ Mercy while there is time and to consecrate ourselves to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts – our only true refuge. In emphasizing God’s timely yet urgent appeal for unity in diversity whilst holding fast to His Tradition, “Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times,” invites all to partake of the infinite riches of Jesus’ Love.
Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, S.T.L., S.Th.D.
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Prophecies being realized for these End of Times

by Vassula Rydén

In the early days of the the Pandemic, Vassula went through some of the Messages that seemed to be prophesying the COVID-19 days we are living in. On March 28, 2020, Vassula released her first article on the matter.

by Vassula

Among the many messages of True Life in God that have been given to us all these years, I quickly went through some of them that seem to be prophesying what is happening in our days with COVID-19. The Lord has been calling us since 1985 out of His exuberant Love in His messages to repentance, to a life of prayer, to make peace with Him. He has been calling His Church to unite, and unite the dates of Easter! He was trying ever so hard to drag us out of our apostasy and our complacency. He has become a beggar for our sake! The Lord was trying to show us that the real danger to life is not the threat to death but the bad choice of choosing to live without God.

I was asked by the Lord to make His messages known around the world. I did my best, as did the collaborators that were chosen by our Lord. There were results, but not as many as the Lord wanted because of the accumulation of calumnies, slander and persecutions these divine messages received from various sources, limiting thus their diffusion. What have we gained? What have we gained in creating obstacles in our incredulity so that the Voice of the Lord would not be heard as it should have been heard? The Lord, afflicted, had been trying all these years to break through our deafness and through our apathy to lead us to Him, to lead us to Life. He was trying to cleanse from our eyes the scales encrusted by the dust of our apostasy. Our incredulity did us no good.

Now God has stopped the world

 He put a brake to many of our materialistic functions. He wants us to reflect on His Presence which is the most important thing in our lives, especially in these times of Lent. Is it a coincidence that this outburst came during the period of Lent? With God there are no coincidences… The Lord invites us now to stand before Him, to recognize that He is the Saviour of mankind. He places His friendship right in front of us, drawing us into an everlasting intimate relationship with Him that can surely rebuke the pandemic with just one Word uttered from Him, just as, in the same way, He rebuked the strong winds when He sailed with His disciples on the Galilean Sea.

Here are just a few of His messages…

March 23, 1988

“(…) creation! beware of the devil, for he is redoubling his efforts to ensnare you and in the meantime pretending he is non-existent so that he maneuvers without being feared; O creation! He is preparing a large holocaust upon you, O how I cry from My Cross! creation, return to Me! do not let him ensnare you by denying Me! pray, pray for the return of souls, *let every soul learn the prayers I have given you, I love all of you; (…)”