Profetier der går i opfyldelse for disse Tidernes Ende
af Vassula Rydén
Tidligt i pandemien gennemgik Vassula nogle af budskaberne, der lod til at profetere om den COVID-19-tid, vi nu lever i. Den 28. marts 2020 udsendte Vassula sin første artikel om emnet.
by Vassula
Among the many messages of True Life in God that have been given to us all these years, I quickly went through some of them that seem to be prophesying what is happening in our days with COVID-19. The Lord has been calling us since 1985 out of His exuberant Love in His messages to repentance, to a life of prayer, to make peace with Him. He has been calling His Church to unite, and unite the dates of Easter! He was trying ever so hard to drag us out of our apostasy and our complacency. He has become a beggar for our sake! The Lord was trying to show us that the real danger to life is not the threat to death but the bad choice of choosing to live without God.
I was asked by the Lord to make His messages known around the world. I did my best, as did the collaborators that were chosen by our Lord. There were results, but not as many as the Lord wanted because of the accumulation of calumnies, slander and persecutions these divine messages received from various sources, limiting thus their diffusion. What have we gained? What have we gained in creating obstacles in our incredulity so that the Voice of the Lord would not be heard as it should have been heard? The Lord, afflicted, had been trying all these years to break through our deafness and through our apathy to lead us to Him, to lead us to Life. He was trying to cleanse from our eyes the scales encrusted by the dust of our apostasy. Our incredulity did us no good.
Now God has stopped the world
He put a brake to many of our materialistic functions. He wants us to reflect on His Presence which is the most important thing in our lives, especially in these times of Lent. Is it a coincidence that this outburst came during the period of Lent? With God there are no coincidences… The Lord invites us now to stand before Him, to recognize that He is the Saviour of mankind. He places His friendship right in front of us, drawing us into an everlasting intimate relationship with Him that can surely rebuke the pandemic with just one Word uttered from Him, just as, in the same way, He rebuked the strong winds when He sailed with His disciples on the Galilean Sea.
Here are just a few of His messages…
“(…) creation! beware of the devil, for he is redoubling his efforts to ensnare you and in the meantime pretending he is non-existent so that he maneuvers without being feared; O creation! He is preparing a large holocaust upon you, O how I cry from My Cross! creation, return to Me! do not let him ensnare you by denying Me! pray, pray for the return of souls, *let every soul learn the prayers I have given you, I love all of you; (…)”
In this message, our Lord seemed excessively distressed when He was warning us that Satan is preparing a large holocaust upon us. COVID-19 is becoming a holocaust, spreading like mist around this planet, killing masses of people!
“(…) Vassula, the time is imminent, ever so imminent! O come, My beloved ones! Come to Me! I am the Way the Truth and the Life; come to Me now when there is still time; when the grass is still green and the flowers still blooming on the trees; O come! I love you exceedingly! I have loved you always in spite of your wickedness and your evil doings; creation, why thrust yourselves so willingly at Satan’s feet? creation, return to Me when still the Spring breeze is blowing and there is still time for your conversion; ah Vassula, the time is almost over* what is to come is very near you!”
In the vision, I saw people trying to breathe and inhale that ‘wind’ but instead of being relieved they were lit from within. We know that COVID-19 attacks the lungs. This deadly ‘wind’ symbolized as well that if we die, as Jesus said once, we die because of our apostasy. It will affect good and bad people, all will suffer alike, there will be no difference. Read to understand: Luke 13:1-5
The trees at the wind’s passage dropped all their leaves and spontaneously withered. Much like God’s Word in the Book of Revelation, which is not limited to one single event, so God’s prophecy on a chastisement that will afflict the lungs on account of our apostasy may be repeated in the future.
Several biblical scholars acknowledge biblical parallels and their relation to Christian prophecy. Biblical parallels suggest that a biblical event or prophecy may be followed by a future event patterned after its preceding manifestation. One example of such parallels may be found in the Book of Exodus, “And Moses stretched forth his hand towards heaven, and there came horrible darkness in all, the land of Egypt for three days” (Ex. 10:22). This darkness occurring throughout the land is a rediscovered event in the prophecies of the Book of Joel 3:4, 2:2; 2:10 and the Book of Revelation 6:12, 8:12. Another example is the event of the descent of the Holy Spirit that occurred upon Mary (Lk. 1:35), Christ (3:22), the Apostles (Lk. 24:49; Acts 2:1-4) and the Baptized (Jn. 3:5; Acts 2:38; 10:44-45; 11:15-16), and that is also rediscovered in the prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all mankind in Joel 3:1-5, in the statements of Ss. Popes John Paul II and John XXIII who wrote and spoke of a “new Pentecost” upon the entire Church, and in the TLIG message of Dec. 10, 1995: “I will display portents in heaven as never before; there will be a second Pentecost so that My Kingdom on earth will be restored.”
Similarly, one may consider the TLIG prophecy of a chastisement that will afflict the lungs on account of our apostasy as indicative of the Corona-19 and also the Hurricane of Fire that will encompass the entire planet.
“My peace I give to you; will you pen down My Words?”
Yes Lord…
“this generation is hard to bend; enfeebled by their sins they lay their confidence in Satan, building their hope in him; although I have been standing before everyone to see Me, few have taken notice; their leaders have grown cruel, and death awaits many nations through their hand; how much have I wept over you, creation! You whose life now will be streaming down in death; then when flames will lick like tongues your inhabitants, bursting in the air, I will ask this generation: where will you find relief? and in whom? in Satan? in your ego and self?
the time has come to execute My Justice for the punishment of this faithless generation is at your doors; I will carry out My orders to the letter; when you will hear a thunderclap, My Voice will be heard, thundering in your ears, resounding to the very ends of the earth; then know that the world and all who live in it will hear the Voice of Justice: evil will bring death to many nations… ruin will creep up in every city;
have you heard that ‘the Angel of Yahweh will encircle cities and nations’ calling everyone to repent? these are the things that will take place in the days to come;
therefore, you who have entered My Courts and believed in My sayings, pray and do not dread or fear, but you who have jeered for endless years on My sayings, striking with your tongue My prophets, beware! for you have used lies to justify your lies, you have indeed buried My Words in your own tomb; yes, indeed, you have been twisting My Words; but your sins have created a gulf between you and Me; and now Justice will not be withheld; I tell you, bitter will be your coming days when I will confront you… pray and do not allow your eyelids to close down in sleep!
here is how you should pray:
‘Yahweh, my God, let my prayer reach you,
hear our cry of mercy and for help,
forgive those who have no faith in You, my God,
and no trust either in your power to save us;
do not blast the lights out of our days,
withering with it in a flash the earth;
but in Your Fatherly Compassion,
pity us, and forgive us;
do not allow the evil one to shed our blood like water;
forgive our guilt, repress Your anger, remembering our weakness;
hold back Your angels of disaster,
giving us one more chance to prove ourselves worthy of Your Kindness;
I put my trust in You; amen’
how gladly will I then receive this prayer; this prayer that will make Me relent! daughter, I will bless all those who will sincerely pray this prayer; let this prophecy be heard; ‘the day and hour belong to Me, your God,’ this is what you will tell to those who will ask you the time and hour of My Justice! Love loves you;”
This prayer above is ideal for our times. Please spread it around the world and let everyone pray it with a humble heart…It shows also how willingly God wants to help us emerge from our misery!
Now these two messages below are very significant for these times in which we live of COVID-19:
On May 23, 2018 almost two years ago, I had heard clearly a Voice speaking in French saying that ‘soon an atmospheric explosion will take place.’ Almost a year later, on the April 10, 20