Aegina retreat 2022

God reminds us over and over again the importance of the gift of love. To accept and to put God in our lives is to put love in our hearts. To acknowledge God in our heart is to obtain peace in our soul. God does not reveal Himself to those who claim to have knowledge only on earthly things; this is no knowledge at all He says. The true knowledge is to know God and to understand God, and this cannot be learned merely with our intellect.

This is what He says: “Leave Me free to shatter all impurities and imperfections that confront Me. In order to prepare you for this perfect union, I need to purify you and adorn your soul with Myself. Allow My Spirit to augment in you and My divine fire roar in your soul. You will be molten under the action of My divine fire… every little impurity will be sieged by My purity and annihilated, and My Light shall continue to glow inside you and My Spirit shall flow in your spirit like a river…20.1.92

Do not say, ‘I have still time to progress’, come now and repent! The fruit of repentance is love.” 12.04.95

Here Our Lord here was speaking of impurities and imperfections, already those two things are great obstacles to the loving Wisdom to flow within us like a river. But the soul is usually unfit to receive the Holy Spirit. So, when God says in His message that in order to prepare us for a perfect union which will glorify Him, He would need to shatter all our imperfections and impurities. In this act alone, the soul will have to go through fire and through terrible painful effects. This is called a purification and a purification is truly needed to a soul to be able to receive the Divine. This is why one has to repent. The Holy Spirit will never make his way into a crafty soul nor stay in a body that is in debt to sin. So, repentance allows the Holy Spirit to pour Himself in you and become the Lamp of your body. He explains it in this message where He says:

You have been taught that the lamp of your body is your eye, and so it is, because a diseased eye has no vision and has only darkness, whereas a healthy eye illuminates the view. The lamp of your body is the Holy Spirit who illumines you. Anyone who has the Holy Spirit within him will seek the true virtues and not the vices. The Holy Spirit is the real Lamp of your body that fills you with the treasures and splendours of Our Kingdom. These treasures and splendours are the virtues. Where there is Light there is virtue. Where there is Darkness there is vice.22.06.98

In heaven He will ask us: “show Me your hands …. then look at Mine …. My Hands have done many good works that are not recorded in The Book; no king has ever been known to have served his subordinates as I, who am the King of kings, served; ‘My state was divine, yet I did not cling to My equality with God but emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave;’ I shall know My own in this way, when they will empty themselves and follow My divine Will” (01.28.97)

And yet, there is still one important gift we should obtain in our spiritual life, and that is to obtain the treasure of the Knowledge and Understanding of God. Failure to know and understand God is a sin. This divine treasure of the knowledge of God is obtained by grace through a holy contemplation. God says that the true theology is the contemplation to Him. We all know how important it is to do God’s Will. But how are we going to do God’s Will if we do not know and understand God? So, it is only through the Light of the Holy Spirit that one can know God and understand God, which will glorify Him immensely. 

This is a message by the Holy Spirit explaining: “I am trying to draw you all into a filial union of divine love with the Father and the Son and Myself so that you move in us and We move in you… it is true that without Me your body is dead but with Me your body is alive and in Me and through Me you will be counted as a child of God. This is why you must allow Me to reign in your hearts and make you into sons and daughters of the Most High. 

Scriptures say: happy the pure in heart: they shall see God. (MT 5,8). In order to see God and acknowledge Him as your Father you have to be born of Me, the Holy Spirit, by grace; how else would you see God? A child before being born, has he ever seen his father? Not until he is born will he see his father. And so, it is with your spiritual birth of Me. Flesh is flesh and has the vision of flesh; but he who is born of the Spirit is given a vision of God enabling him to seize God, acknowledge Him and penetrate in His depths.” (07.06.98)

This message reminds us that we have to be reborn to see God. In other words, it is necessary to have a pure heart. A heart is called pure when it finds in itself no worldly thought, but wholly cleaves to God and is so united with Him that it no longer remembers anything worldly, either sad or joyful, but remains in contemplation, soaring up to the third heaven, enters paradise and sees the blessings promised to the saints as their inheritance; and then accordingly it reflects eternal blessing as far as possible for human weakness. As you have heard before, the Holy Spirit is like a lamp that shines within us. The Holy Spirit is the Source of Life. (give example the fish).

The Holy Spirit explains more to us: “It is from Me that you breathe, bathed in My Light, it is in Me that you move and are (exist), never ceasing to be, for My Majesty transcends earth and heaven and all that is within them. Then, from My Mouth, full of grace, flow wealth and honour, enriching all those who love Me; enriching them to know Us as Triune, yet One in the unity of essence, teaching them with tenderness of heavenly realities, lifting their spirit to revolve only around heavenly realities.” (22.06.98)

We glorify God when, out of love for Him we surrender totally to Him. But the more supreme way of glorifying God is: sacrificial love. Back in November 29, 1987 Christ called me and said:

Vassula, are you ready to sacrifice more now for Me?

Lord, You can use me as You please. I have surrendered. I am surrendering every day.

remain in Me, remain in My Love; daughter, numerous will be your trials; 1 would you still sacrifice more for Me, your God? 2

My God take my life into Your Hands and do as Your Heart pleases.

My well-beloved bride, then, have a look at My Cross;

(I looked, and with Jesus was a gigantic dark-wooden Cross.)

I have been nailed on It, glorifying My Father; do you see what awaits you? I, the Lord, will share It with you; you will then bear all the sufferings your soul is capable of, I will stretch your endurance, little one;

Father, do as Your Beloved Heart pleases with me, anything that will give You more Glory. All that comes from You satisfies me.

be obedient to Me and please Me, obedience turns the devil helpless and makes him flee;” (29.11.87)

1 God was warning me.

2 After the warning, God, accepting my freedom, asks me again.

O Vassula, bring back My creation to Me! Altar! I will pour into you My Flame, enflaming you with Love; you are to seek My Interests glorifying Me; do not be like the others who seek their glory and grandeurs;

Lord, I said and say again, I will only seek Your interests, Lord, and that which brings more glory to You. Take my will. I have surrendered.

yes, Vassula, satisfy My thirst; treat Me as King; honour Me, your God; never rebel against Me; sanctify your body to honour Me…” (19.12.87)

So, let us all join and say:

“The God of gods is speaking to me,
how can I remain silent?
What will He then not show to the upright?
You have worked wonders for the dead;
Who in the skies can compare with Him?
Who among the sons of God can rival Him?” (20.05.93)

And Christ will respond to you as He responded in His messages:

be now like a lamp and shine, glorifying Me; stand up and defend My cause! ah, (…) I shall tell you all the things you must do and you will do them with great courage; no one will swallow you up and they will know that I Am is walking with you; My Cross will lead you to sanctity; speak without fear; everything that I will be giving you will come from Wisdom, so be diligent and serve Me now, My little one, ever so precious to Me …. abide in Me and do not fear, I, I will never abandon you; preach in the manner I preached to you, raise the way I have raised you and make disciples of the Truth …. ecclesia will revive; peace, pray and praise Me; we, us?20.5.93