Aegina retreat 2022

I want to remind you that if the Lord speaks to us in this manner, through messages, and our Blessed Mother appearing to many, it is because of God’s Mercy on us. God is pitying this evil generation. When God speaks it is always to lift the soul from its spiritual death, revive the soul, and remind our heart that has fallen into oblivion that He is our Father and that Heaven is our Home. He comes to give us hope, but are we ready to hear Him and do what He asks us to do?

Here is what the Father said:

In these days, I come with Mercy and I address you with poetry; My Words uttered are religion and virtue; with oil of gladness I anoint all those who approach Me, sealing them on their foreheads; this is My approach to you all in these times; My approach is redemption, saving help, mercy”   21.05.2001

Everyone is called, no matter who they are and from what creed they may be, to become a living altar for God, a permanent hymn for God, adorned with Holy Wisdom. It all depends on us and whether we are going to decide for God and glorify Him. But to decide for God and be able to glorify Him, it means that you should give away all your passions the Lord says, that keep you prisoner to this world. It means you will have to detach yourself from any worldly inclination to advance your soul in a degree of perfection and be occupied by apatheia (dispassion) for nothing in this world will bring the soul to be perturbed (disturbed). The soul then will be so free that will be living in a higher degree of contemplation. 

Therefore, our Lord Jesus teaches us to become dispassionate. Through dispassion, our Lord says, we shall be reborn through the Holy Spirit who will instruct us all the things that are invisible to the eye, but which are Eternal. Then, God will converse with us, the gods born of Him by grace. The Holy Spirit will teach us then to know God.

Jesus says: “Do not weep over material things! Lift your eyes to Heaven and let your heart seek My Celestial Laws so that through these, My Kingdom in heaven comes in your hearts, and My Will be done in your hearts as it is in the hearts of all the saints in Heaven.” “Tell those who have not set their hearts for me to set it now on My Kingdom. Do not say: our Master is taking His time coming… I am at your door, but are you ready to receive Me?” (01.02.95) So:

Let the sage boast no more of his wisdom, nor the valiant of his valor, nor the rich man of his riches! But if anyone wants to boast, let him boast of this: of understanding Me and knowing Me.” (Jeremiah 9:22-23)

And if you will ask what is to understand God? To understand Me is the first principle of Wisdom. It is to acknowledge Me as your God and fear Me. To fear Me is avoidance of all evil, it is as well to see Me with your spiritual eyes while still on earth.” (20.01.01)

Remember that at Judgment Day, we will be held accountable for every uncharitable gesture, for lack of charity, hardness of heart, hostility, calumny, slander, prejudice, arrogance and pride, so allow the Lord to enter your hearts and bring you to repentance, and He, with even just a sigh of regret from you, a smile at His Holy Face,  He is ready to forgive and forget.

So, love is the key to glorify God. Love is self-giving and is above every other virtue. The Lord says that it is our entry key to heaven. Love will glorify Him. Few are those that love God as in the first Commandment and as He wants us to love Him. And fewer still, are those who understand God and know Him in an intimate way. Many preach and talk about God but do not know God in an intimate way. And you can tell that because they have no fire within them.

Christ reminds us that our heart has been created out of His Sublime Love to return this love to Him. This is what He says:

Your heart from the beginning is filled up only with Our Presence. It is created in such an ineffable way that it should be able to maintain all the Sublime Love and sweetness of Our Presence; but, if thorns and brambles pierce it, like a perforated cistern it will lose its contents. The thorns are the worries of this world and the lure of riches that can perforate the heart and dry it up from the life-giving Spring… It would be as a cracked cistern that continuously seeps its contents out, never holding them and no matter how much one fills it, it will always run dry and will remain empty… such a heart is finally deprived of that joy known to My saints, for lack of faith and giving preference on earthly indulgences and luxurious substances other than My spiritual wealth”. (Odes Of The Holy Trinity : the Son and the Father)

The Lord says: Whosoever pretends to be in the light yet hates his brother, it is Me he hates.

To embrace Me is to embrace My Cross” (11.11.98)

By giving Me your time, you please Me and it honours Me. Loving Me, rejoices Me and glorifies Me. Desiring Me infatuates Me… The amount given to Me from your heart is the amount you will be given back from My Throne” (15.06.95)

However invisible I might appear, I am to be found all around you and in the things, I have made; He who lives for Me will live with Me… I am your Father before your earthly father… Bind yourself to Me so that you do not lose Me from your sight and dishonor yourself; obey My Principles but with a heart and not a rock; resolve to do right for the rest of your life but with a taste of joy” (27.01.96)

The humbler you get to be, the easier the Holy Spirit will find its way in you” (23.09.96)

Be rich in poverty and I will turn a favourable eye on you” (09.03.92)

Therefore, say to your soul, My beloved ones: rest in God alone, for He is the only Source of your hope. Let your heart exult and your soul be renewed, for in these times I am pouring My graces on humanity like never before in history” (03.08.01)

In short, all you do, do it to the glory of God.