forbrydelser mod de ufødte
Helt op til nu har der været så meget debat igennem årene siden aborten blev fri. Debat om moral. Debatten om et menneske er en "person", medens det stadig befinder sig i moderens mave.
Er vi holdt op med at spørge, hvad Gud mener om dette?
Herrens ord kom til mig: “Før jeg dannede dig i moders liv, kendte jeg dig.” (Jer 1:4-5)
I Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne findes der en række budskaber, hvor Han tydeligt refererer til det øjeblik i vores skabelse, længe inden vores fødsel. Her er til eksempel et uddrag fra et budskab, der blev givet os den 15. september 1991
... i midten af dette blændende Lys vil din sjæl din sjæl se, hvad den engang så i en brøkdel af et sekund, i selve det øjeblik hvor de blev skabt ...
de vil se:
Ham, som først holdt dig i SIne Hænder;
De Øjne, som så dig først;
de vil se:
Hans Hænder;
som formede dig og velsignede dig ...
Spørgsmålet om abort er stadig et varmt emne rundt om i verden, som de seneste begivenheder i USA har vist.1
Derfor har vi gendigtet et hæfte med 17 forskellige budskaber, hvor Gud henviser til abort. Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at vi aldrig kan tabe Guds barmhjertighed af syne, og at han kalder hver enkelt af os til forsoning og altid er klar til at tilgive.
hvis I bare vidste, hvor parat Jeg er til at tilgive jeres tidsalders forbrydelser ved bare et enkelt venligt blik på Mig fra jer, et øjebliks fortrydelse, et suk af tøven, en lille fornyet overvejelse; et smil til Mit Hellige Ansigt, og Jeg skal tilgive og glemme, Jeg skal ikke engang se på Mine Sår; Jeg vil udslette al jeres ondskab og jeres synder fra Mit åsyn, havde I bare et lille øjebliks anger; og hele Himlen ville fejre ved jeres gestus, for jeres smil og jeres venlige blik vil blive modtaget ligesom røgelse af Mig, og Jeg vil høre det lille øjebliks anger som en ny sang; 29. august 1989
Lad os nu høre Guds Røst i spørgsmålet om abort:
Jeg ser fra Himlen frygtelige syn; åh! hvor Jeg lider, når Jeg ser livmoderen, som former dette barn, afviser det og sender det i døden uden et navn og uden anger; livmoderen som formede det, erindrer det ikke mere; 5. august 1990
Crimes Against the Unborn and Abortion References in the TLIG Messages (fås stadig kun på engelsk)
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Fader vor Skaber
July 17, 1994
My child: “blessed, ah blessed one of My Soul, at the memory of your creation, I wept; I wept tears of joy; I had set you in your mother’s womb with a heart, to live and share My Glory; (July 17, 1994)
July 22, 1994
I have said: “although this generation has thrust itself so willingly at Satan’s feet, I, the Holy One, can never forget the memory of your creation and how at the memory of this instance My Father had shed tears of joy; this is why I will not stand by and watch this offspring of My Father take the shape of My Enemy; the Enemy may have attraction but it is deadly, whereas what I have to offer will bring you to your divinity and back into your Father’s Arms;” (July 22, 1994)
August 19, 1996
ah… have you not heard, how Our Creator, thrice Holy, triumphant over all, had wept with tears of joy while He was creating you? yes, it is this same God, who is the Most High, the great and living God, to whom you owe your life, who created you, that the world today has turned against Him; (August 19, 1996)
December 13, 1992
soon My Throne and of the Lamb will be in its place and your soul will be renewed with My Transcendent Light, because I, your Father, intend to restore the memory of your soul and make your heart sing to Me the word, Abba – Father! I tell you, you do not belong to the world, so why do you still allow yourselves to be deceived over and over again? (December 13, 1992)
February 11, 1992
I mean to deliver you from the clutches of the Evil one and restore the memory of your soul; I mean to open the hearts of stone, making them utter from henceforth noble praises for Me your God; (February 11, 1992)
Guds nåde
January 12, 1988
Lord and Saviour, how will they know or recognise their faults?
the way to recognise their faults is to seek My Will; repent; think of My Mercy; believe in My Providential Works instead of treading upon Them; worship Me in sincerity; seek My interests and not yours; (January 12, 1988)
January 23, 1987
I am God of Mercy; I am Meek; I am the Good Shepherd; I am a Forgiving Father; how could I see you lost without Me coming to your rescue? I count each one of you; the Good Shepherd will lay down His life for His sheep; I am an abyss of Forgiveness; I will never abandon you; (January 23, 1987)
January 30, 1987
I ask nothing of My children that they have not already; if they have but faults and sins let them give them to Me and I will purify them, I will unburden them, I will forgive them, I will not blame them, I will only love them; I love all those who fall and come to Me asking for forgiveness, I love them still more; I will never reject them even if they fall millions of times; I will be there to forgive them and wash in My Blood their iniquities; never will I weary in pardoning them for I am a God of Love and Mercy, I am full of pity for the weak; (January 30, 1987)
April 9, 1987
My child, people always judged in human ways; I am a God full of Mercy and Love, but so little understood (April 9, 1987)
May 15, 1987
your only recourse is Me; My Heart is an abyss of Forgiveness and Mercy; little one, as I have enlightened you, so will I enlighten those who turn to Me; (May 15, 1987)
May 18, 1987
I give even to the most wretched; let your friends see how My Heart is an abyss of Mercy and Forgiveness; let them see how I raise even the dead; let them see how I love even those that denied Me; (May 18, 1987)
January 13, 1988
Lord, many blame You for being unjust, so they try to turn away from You, saying: “If there is a God, if… He is unjust.”
flower, to these I say, “if you die, it is because of the evil that you have committed upon yourselves, it is the fruit of your apostasy, repent, renounce your sins, return to Me and I will forgive you;” […]
the way to recognise their faults is to seek My Will; repent; think of My Mercy; believe in My Providential Works instead of treading upon Them; worship Me in sincerity; seek My interests and not yours;
Vassula, I rule with kindness; My Sacred Heart bleeds and lacerates; why do they provoke Me? have I not said that anyone who claims to be in My Light but hates his brother, is still in the dark? have they quite understood what I meant by, “if you are bringing your offering to the altar and suddenly remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, go and find your brother and reconcile first with him then come back with a clear heart and present your offering;”
by this, I meant how one should be in harmony with each other and love each other; make peace with each other; reconcile before offering Me your gifts in My House; child, there has never been absence of love in My Heart nor in the hearts of My first disciples; (January 13, 1988)
June 21, 1988
come back, reconcile for My sake, beloved; I, the Lord, will forgive your sins and will purify you; RETURN! […]
today I, the Lord, will add one more commandment; write: “bend! bend to be able to reconcile and unite, humble yourselves to unite;” (June 21, 1988)
December 3, 1988
come, all those who have not reconciled with Me, come, come and Reconcile and have My own Peace; 1 come and share My Love, come all those who still have not understood Me, make Peace with Me, come and make Peace with Love […]
I come to wake you up, because many of you are in deep sleep; I am coming to you all out of My Boundless Mercy, to revive the dead; I come to ask you, out of My Infinite Love I have for all of you, to repent and change your lives and be holy; live in holiness, for I am Holy (December 3, 1988)
January 17, 1989
come to Me, even those who do not love Me, I have forgiven you; come, and I will heal you; (January 17, 1989)
The Messages of True Life in God
The Messages are a compilation of nearly 2000 messages that Vassula Rydén has received from God since the year 1985. The messages are profoundly spiritual and are written in a clear and direct language. In the Messages, God invites each of us to enter into conversation with Him and asks that we substitute Vassula’s name in theses texts with our own.
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