June 3, 1988

How To Discern True Revelation From False Ones Or Discernment

any revelation denying the Holy Eucharist, calling It 'ritual', or denying the Immaculate Heart of your Holy Mother, does not come from Me
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July 14, 1988

At Your Doors I Am

why withdraw from Love? I am always in My Tabernacle, waiting patiently to see if one of them comes to visit Me; alas! I am still waiting ...
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November 29, 1989
December 29, 1989
May 12, 1990
November 25, 1991

I Shall Use This Weakness To Draw My People To Unity

if My Church today lacks brightness it is because many of My churches have abolished My Perpetual Sacrifice (Predicted by the prophet Daniel 11:31)
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Other themes: Unity in Diversity
October 14, 1994

The Perpetual Sacrifice Will Be Trampled

look here, for over three years the Perpetual Sacrifice will be trampled
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October 22, 1996
October 16, 2000

Ambassadors Will Come From Egypt – My Eucharist Is Given Less And Less Importance

I call you by grace to eat this time the living Manna, the Bread of Heaven, in form of the Eucharist [...] to save all the humble of the earth who receive Me and to give them imperishable life I became Bread to give Myself to you; and through this Communion I sanctify all who receive Me, deifying them to become the flesh of My Flesh, the bones of My Bones
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Other themes: Unity in Diversity
January 20, 2001