October 1– 8, 2016

Vassula was invited by Archbishop Emeritus of Malines-Bruxelles, Msgr. André Léonard Founder of the Maranatha-Conversion Movement and Sabrina Čović Radojičić, Co-Founder, to speak at a Pilgrimage/Retreat they organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the theme “International Ecumenical Movement of prayer for Healing of Mankind by Divine Mercy.”

The Maranatha-Conversion  Movement was initiated in order to create unity of all people of good will, unity which is required to make the healing of mankind possible.

The Pilgrimage was open to all people to come together and spend time of intense prayer, and fasting for the healing of humanity and for the healing of the heart of Man.

We were in total about 220 pilgrims from various nationalities, and 11 clergy including Msgr. Léonard and a Coptic Orthodox Metropolitan, Abba Athanasios Canepa;  all of whom spent six wonderful days at the Chosen City of our Lady, Medjugorje.  The participants had the opportunity to experience unique moments of meditation, good conversations, fellowship and friendship.  We were also very happy to see that many of the Maranatha participants were True Life in God friends, and it was a great pleasure to see them again.

October 2

The program began on October 2, with praise songs at Etno Selo, a village style hotel where our Conference meeting for that day was held. 

Sabrina warmly welcomed the group and explained that this Pilgrimage was organized for people to pray for a better world and for peace and unity.  It was an International Ecumenical and Interreligious Pilgrimage as the program also included a visit to two mosques and a Jewish synagogue.

On the stage Sabrina had the statue of our Virgin Mary, a Cross, which was actually a replica of a special Cross done by a team of people from Sarajevo and was given to the Pope when he went to Sarajevo with 500 delegates and signed a call for peace; a photo of the Pope as a sign of obedience and love to the Roman Church and finally, a photo of Fr. Jacques Hamel, the priest that was assassinated in France on July 26, 2016.  Sabrina explained that Fr. Hamel represents all the martyrs of our era; he is a symbol of all the people that were killed for their faith, and that to honor him we would have his photo exposed in all our meetings and during the whole Pilgrimage/Retreat as if he were present with us all the time.

The statue of our Virgin Mary, the special Cross, a photo of the Pope and a photo of Fr. Jacques Hamel

The opening of the meeting was done by Msgr. Léonard.  He spoke about the importance of reconciliation and unity among people.  He pointed out that we live in evil and difficult times, times of war, terrorism, and other problems, therefore the communion and reconciliation of the Church is essential for the future of humanity.  Our Virgin Mary has multiplied her apparitions for us, to bring us to her Son.  Msgr. Léonard said that “Mary is the rescue of the Church, look at Mary and you would understand what the Lord wants from us.”

Darija – A 17 year old young singer with an angelic voice

After lunch Vassula was invited to speak.  She gave an introduction to the messages and explained why Jesus is so anxious to reveal Himself and why He intervenes so powerfully in our times, sending us, as well,  His Blessed Mother.  That is because Jesus cannot wait until we die to be judged in a state of apostasy.  It is out of His ultimate Love for humanity that he comes in this way.

“in these times of Grace, I come with Mercy, and I address you with poetry; My words uttered are religion and virtue; with oil of gladness I anoint all those who approach Me, sealing them on their foreheads; this is My approach to you all in these times; My approach is Redemption, Saving Help, Mercy;”  (TLIG messages, May 21, 2001)

Metropolitan Athanasios Canepa with Vassula 

After Vassula’s speech, a good friend of Sabrina, Tea Sušac, gave an introduction about the apparitions in Medjugorje, about the visionaries, how it all started and what teachings our Virgin Mary gives to humanity through these last revelations of our Lady. 

Vassula with Tea Sušac 

October 3

In the morning the pilgrims had the opportunity to a visit the Hill of Apparitions as they were not able to go there the previous day because of the weather conditions.  Later on around noon time our busses departed for the Franciscan monastery of Široki Brijeg built in 1846 and the main church in the city of Široki Brijeg, a popular site of religious pilgrimage located an hour away from Medjugorje.  The monastery is also well-known because Fr. Jozo Zovko resides there.  Fr. Jozo was the Franciscan parish priest of Medjugorje when the apparitions began in June, 1981.  As a witness to the Medjugorje apparitions he has become one of the well-known priests in the world.  He was later imprisoned for his belief and witness to the phenomenon.  Fr. Jozo is also very well-known as he is connected with many miraculous healings, miracles that happened even during the time of his imprisonment.

After lunch we went to the conference hall of the monastery, where Ms. Želika, Fr. Jozo’s collaborator gave us an introduction to the history of the monastery, and about the monks that were brutally assassinated by the communists.  In total 66 monks were killed. 

Picture of the 66 monks that were brutally assassinated

She also gave an introduction to Fr. Jozo’s life since his first days of his priesthood, his persecutions and imprisonment by the communists.  Ms. Želika also presented to us the philanthropic projects that Fr. Jozo was inspired to establish, a true pillar to the needy and to the poor children that were victims of the war, and the miracle of how his inspirations were implemented even though there were no signs of financial support.  Unfortunately, Fr. Jozo was out of town and was not able to greet the group in person, yet, on behalf of Ms. Želika he welcomed our group and gave to all of us a rosary.

Vassula was then invited to give her second speech where she talked about the Mercy of God, and that the True Life in God messages are a gift given to us.  She also spoke about the importance of repentance.  We have to keep repenting until the day we die, Vassula said.  By repenting we are making peace with God. 

Vassula with Sabrina at the Conference Hall of Široki Brijeg

Vassula at the Conference Hall of Široki Brijeg

She also spoke about unceasing prayer and that when we pray we have to pray with our heart otherwise our prayers do not reach God.  Vassula concluded by sharing with the pilgrims God’s utmost desire, the Unity of His Church. 

Msgr. Léonard and Abba Athanasios Canepa

There were some in the hall that had never heard of TLIG nor what the messages contained. So it was a gift from above that many got to know for the first time God’s messages. Even the representative of La Maison de Marie à Nazareth, was taken when he heard of these messages and the apostolic work of Vassula. He promised to spread the messages of TLIG in his circles.

The conference ended with wonderful praising songs.  We then departed for the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary, where the relics of the monks who were slaughtered are placed. 

Mass at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary

After Mass the superior of the Church gave us a lecture about the events that took place in this area and about the martyrdom of the monks.  Our day ended with the priests’ blessing.

October 4

In the morning we departed for Mostar a beautiful medieval city that suffered a lot during World War II and during the tensions between the Croats and Bosnians throughout late 1992, where many people were killed and numerous religious buildings, not only Christian churches but mosques as well, were severely damaged. 

Mostar a beautiful medieval city and The Old Bridge, built by the Ottomans in the 16th century

Upon our arrival we went to the Franciscan church dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi where Fr. Iko Skoko warmly welcomed our group.  We attended Mass which was celebrated by Msgr. Léonard, and as it was the feast of St. Francis of Assisi we felt deeply honored to be there.  

Mass at St. Francis Church

Mass celebrated by Msgr. Léonard at St. Francis Church

After Mass our tour guide Tea Susac gave us a brief introduction to the history of the city as well as the story of the Franciscan church and monastery which had been demolished during the war, as well as the slaughter of 35 Franciscan monks by the communists.  Our program continued at the conference hall called – “International Gallery of Peace”- of the newly built Franciscan church, which is next to the Mostar Peace Bell Tower, the highest church tower in the region.  Marc Fromager, Director of the Aid to the Church in Need organization, gave an extensive presentation of the mission of the organization, which tries to help Catholics in need worldwide, wherever they are repressed, discriminated against or persecuted.

Fr. Iko at the “School for Poor Students” which is still under construction

Our group then departed to visit a mosque in the old city of Mostar, where the Imam warmly welcomed our group and then gave a brief introduction about the architecture of the mosque. 

Visit at the Mosque at the old city of Mostar

Our day ended with a wonderful musical concert performed by a well-known clarinet musician, Ms. Rose Bacot who with her music gave praise to our Lord.  “Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” (Psalm 149:3)

Ms. Rose Bacot well-known clarinet musician

October 5

In the morning we departed with our group to St. James Church where we met with our tour guide Tea.  Tea gave us a wonderful introduction about St. James Church and the plan that God had for Medjugorje long before the apparitions started.  There were many signs given, and only after the apparitions people could put the puzzle together and realize that this revelation was in God’s plans for mankind.

Group Picture at the Statue of our Virgin Mary at St. James’s Church

One sign was the name of the church.  The church is dedicated to St. James.  St. James was not so well-known in former Yugoslavia, so it was strange that the parish priest dedicated the church to St. James who is the patron saint of pilgrims.  The second sign was the size of the St. James’s Church.  In 1939, when the parish priest decided to build the church, there was nothing around the area but only fields.  There was no need to build such a big church with two towers for a community of about 400 people.   No one could imagine at that time why the parish priest had this inspiration.  The church was finished in 1969, and twelve years later after the apparitions, the church had become too small to fit all the people.

Another sign was a vision that Sr. Briege McKenna, a charismatic Irish nun had when a priest approached her to ask for her advice as he was asked by his superior to go to Medjugorje and minister to the youth.  He did not want to go to Medjugorje because at that time nothing was happening there.  Sr. Briege prayed over him and told him to go there as she had seen a huge church and a fountain at the church and that many people would drink water from there and never thirst again. 

The third sign was the big Cross on the mountain.  When the parish priest of Medjugorje asked permission from the Vatican to build the Cross, to his astonishment even though Medjugorje was an “unknown Community,” the Vatican not only approved the project, but also gave relics of the True Cross to be placed in the Cross.

Nothing happened by chance.  Tea believes that even the fact that Ivanka lost her mother a few months before the actual apparitions began, that as well was in God’s plans.  Ivanka was permitted to see her deceased mother eight times after the apparitions, and that was perhaps done to witness “life” after our life on earth.  The fact that our Virgin Mary gave signs about Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, and so many other teachings, is for us to learn and convert and get closer to God.  All these teachings that our Virgin Mary is giving to mankind through the visionaries and to Vassula as well, are given to us out of His utmost love to save us.  The biggest weapon Satan has against us is our own ignorance.

Vassula near St. James’s Church

The group continued its schedule program and went to the Blagaj Muslim Sanctuary wh