March 17 – 27, 2014

‘blessed of My Soul, freely I gave, so freely give;’ the Lord spoke these words to Vassula on May 5, 1987. These are words that we should all follow, especially during times of need. Vassula returned to America not only to witness, but to help the Beth Myriam by painting three large paintings. In only a few weeks, Vassula painted a picture of Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane, Jesus walking on water and finally the Holy Spirit as the Bridegroom.

New York and New Jersey

Vassula with Mr. Manolis at Hellas FM in New York
Greek Interview at Hellas FM,New York

Link to hear interview:

On the 17th of March, Vassula was greeted at the airport in New Jersey by Georgia Klamson and Jana. The following day, Vassula had an interview at Hellas FM with Mr. Manolis. It was a very interesting interview that looked at the Messages in depth and debated about some of the topics that concern society today: from fasting and repentance to abortion and the priests and the absence of the youth in the church.  The interview concluded with a Message that reminds us to pray for the priests so that ‘they may turn to Me and draw from Me: Resourcefulness, Peace and Love;’ (February 18, 1992).

Fr. John Corbett
Fr. John Corbett

The following day was the day of the meeting in New Jersey at Casino in the Park. At the entrance of the venue, people were able to buy books, DVDs, paintings, as well as the book ‘Heaven is Real But So is Hell’. Before Vassula spoke, Fr. John Corbett introduced Vassula to an audience of over 200 people. Amongst the audience were four priests and several nuns.

The majority of the audience was new to the messages and was captivated by Vassula’s witnessing. So much so, that after the event many more books were sold, as they wanted to continue their journey towards learning about God’s Love and Mercy.

Vassula concluded with a message received on July 8, 1989:

“…find Me, My beloved, in purity of heart, by loving Me without self-interest; find Me in holiness, in the abandonment I desire of you; find Me by observing My Commandments; find Me by replacing evil with love, find Me in simplicity of heart; sin no more; cease in doing evil; learn to do good; search for justice; help the oppressed;… do all these things so that you may be able to say: ‘I have sought my Redeemer and I have found Him’, He was near me all the time but in my darkness I failed to see Him…” 

 After a short break Vassula returned for a healing service and blessings. Together everyone prayed the Prayer of Repentance and Deliverance.

Vassula witnessing in New Jersey
Vassula offers a healing prayer
Vassula blesses the people with the Holy Cross

For the past three years, many more people have witnessed Vassula being enveloped by a bright light.

Photo taken by audience member

Los Angeles

Upon our return to Los Angeles, Vassula had a meeting with Nasser Zomorod from the Unification Church. During the meeting on March 25th they discussed the mission as well as God’s Love for his children. They extended an invitation for Vassula to speak at their conferences later this year.

Nasser, Vassula and Malviana.

The following day, Vassula had a radio interview with Malcolm from Malcolm Out Loud. There they spoke about Putin and Russia. Vassula shared many messages the Lord gave about Russia; one in particular captivated Malcolm. It was from the message received on October 25, 1992, where the Lord says I will lift her (Russia) to become the head of many nations”.

On Thursday March 27th, Vassula was interviewed by Malvina for her new weekly TLIG TV program. You will be able to see the program at every Thursday at 7:30pm PST. Malvina and Vassula spoke about her time in USA, focusing on the paintings that Vassula worked on.

Malvina and Vassula speaking before the interview.

 Vassula informed the viewers that the original paintings and a limited amount of canvassed copies would be available to buy. The money raised from these sales will be donated to the Beth Myriams as well as the Greek Association.

Malvina and Vassula during the interview.

Whilst on this mission with Vassula, it became evident to me how important it is to help others in need.  Just like God helps us, so should we help others since we are “a reflection of His Divine Image” (June 10, 1992). As we transform into His likeness, there are many signs of this transformation; “the sign of joy, of peace, of growing charity and that is how, through charity a soul can obtain the Knowledge of the Triune God; (August 5, 2000). No matter our situation, there is always some way that we can help those less fortunate. During this Lenten time we should remember what Jesus taught us in the Scriptures, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

By Inga Ekman