During all of January and half of February 2009, Vassula went in a mission to the American Continent, covering four countries and five cities: Los Angeles, USA; Monterrey, Mexico, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; and Belo Horizonte and San Salvador Bahía, Brazil.
This report covers the True Life in God Retreat that took place in Monterrey, Mexico.
Monterrey is a city located in the State of Nuevo León, at the North of Mexico. The members of the TLIG Association there organized not only a public talk for Vassula, but a two day spiritual retreat. For this, they invited two TLIG priests who were also going to be speakers.
Vassula and Gethsemane, her travelling companion during this mission, arrived to Monterrey on Wednesday January 28, at night from Los Angeles.
Various members of the TLIG Association in Mexico welcomed them at the airport, and gave her the latest news. Just hours before, both priests had cancelled their participation due to reasons beyond their control. One did not obtain permission from his superior and the other one was facing a major attack to his Congregation which required his presence in order to sort out certain problems.
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The local TLIG organizers, who had worked for months in the Retreat and the Program of the same, found themselves with 410 registered participants from all over Mexico, and only one speaker: Vassula. When informed about this, Vassula calmly said that she has sufficient material from the True Life in God Messages “to talk from now until the end of the year”.
As Jesus has told to Vassula: all obstacles that He allows are for His Glory. This time was no different. As we all know, Vassula’s talks usually last for 2 hours. Well this time we were fortunate enough to have her talk four different times, for various hours. In addition, she performed a healing service for over 600 people!
Although we regretted not having the priests present, we heard for several hours, during two days, directly from Our Lord’s mouthpiece, the Hymn of Love, Peace and Reconciliation that He has given us for our times.
The first event that day was the visit to the local Beth Myriam opened by the TLIG Association in Monterrey. This BM feeds the relatives of very poor sick people from all over the State of Nuevo Leon, which are admitted in the nearby hospital. These people are so destitute that they have no money to buy any food, let alone a hot meal. Moved by this fact, the local TLIG Association opened a BM right across the hospital. When we arrived, all of the attendees were, slowly and devoutfully, praying the Rosary. Afterwards, a random TLIG Message was read out loud. Then, a full warm meal was served by the TLIG members. Currently, 220 people are fed every day.
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The BM has a book where people who want to leave a thank you note or a message Hereunder is the note written by one person who attended the BM:
“My name is Osiris Robles Piñones. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (mormons) and I feel very grateful for having arrived to this Beth Myriam, where there is no distinction among people, race, or religion. I feel the love that emanates from all of you. Your eyes are clear and have a special shine to them, because you are like angels in the Hands of God.
I want to share a thought with you:
“Never fail to do a good deed, because you do not know when you can be the answer to someone else’s prayer”.
Thank you, because when I arrived here and saw the way you treat us, I felt like I arrived to heaven.
May God bless you,
Osiris Robles Piñones
November 20, 2008
The next activity was an interview by the TV channel Televisión Azteca, with nationwide coverage. The interviewer and the two producers were three young men, which were genuinely interested in Vassula’s experience. Javier and Carmen Pelayo, from the TLIG Association in Guadalajara, had contacted them and provided information about TLIG and video footages of prior visits of Vassula to Mexico.
The interview took place at the auditorium where the Retreat took place. The first questions were connected to her mission and how she receives the Messages. Then specific questions were made to her, mostly out of the interest of these reporters. Does Hell exist? What is the end of times? Why does she receive These Messages?
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Vassula shared with them the photos taken in her January 18 meeting in Los Angeles, in the Unity Week, where Our Lady appeared in front of Vassula. They were very impressed and as professionals of the TV industry, expressed that there was no physical way that a light with such intensity could come from a light spot. They asked for the photos and interviewed Gethsemane, who was the one that shot the photographs. To see the photos and the account of this Miracle click here.
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As I write this, this interview has been broadcasted twice in all of Mexico, Central America, and certain cities of the United States.
Later that day, the Retreat officially commenced with the Divine Liturgy, presided by Father Evangelos, from the Greek Orthodox Church. When the TLIG Association contacted the Greek Orthodox Church in Mexico City, to invite them to the Retreat, Father Evangelos attended the door. It turned out that he had attended the TLIG Latin American Retreat that took place in Colombia in 2004, when he was still not preparing to be a priest. He knew the Messages and happily accepted the invitation. Fr. Evangelos was gracious enough to bring booklets with the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostomos, in Greek and Spanish, so everybody could follow the Service. This was a wonderful experience, as we were able to actually understand the beautiful hymns and prayers made to Our Lord during the Divine Liturgy.
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Vassula gave an opening speech and adjourned the meetings for that day.
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During the morning Vassula gave a talk covering various subjects of TLIG. As the people participating in the Retreat, were already familiar with the Messages, she was able to go into depth on various topics, such as: repentance, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Eucharist, God’s Will, etc.
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During a break, for one hour, she autographed TLIG books and took photos with people who approached her.
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After lunch, Vassula talked again for us attending the Retreat. At 6 PM, the public meeting took place with over 600 people present. Vassula talked for over 2 hours, and then a healing service took place, where she blessed each one of those present. Over 80% of the attendees received the rest in the Holy Spirit.
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Afterwards, we left back to the hotel where we were staying, and Vassula went straight into the Business Center, working non-stop for over one hour, preparing her next missions to Bangladesh, Spain and Africa.
It is impressive to see how much Vassula has given herself to the Lord and His Interests. She was clearly exhausted after such a long day, and especially after praying over more than 600 people. But she just went on. The zeal for the Work of the Lord is her driving force and really devours her.
The major subjects which Vassula talked about that day were the following:
As usual, Vassula reminded us that the first thing to do if we want to find God is to repent. We must truly repent from our hearts, regretting all of our actions that have hurt Our Lord. By doing so, through the Sacrament of Confession, we will empty ourselves and make space for the Holy Spirit to invade us. The Holy Spirit cannot come to a soul which is in debt to sin. However, this repentance must come from our hearts, and not only from our lips, as then it would be useless.
We must love God and our neighbor as we love ourselves. Many people say that they want to do God’s Will, but they say that they do not what is the Will of God. “To love is to do God’s Will.” Love must be the guide and basis of all our actions, our thoughts, and our hearts. If we love God and each other, we will not talk against or criticize each other. It is of no use to pray Rosaries, go to Mass, and even do charitable actions, if we do not do the same with love. “It is not he who says, ‘