True Life in God e-Newsletter
February 23, 2004

A Lenten Message from Jesus

TLIG Rhodos Prayer Group Invites all Associations to a Special Lent Intention

The Greece Pilgrimage/Retreat Only 10 Places Left

Your Salvation Lies in Conversion and Tranquility


I am …. naha lishbu firü nabish khaleh shbekh nirü malekh bissä; mbarakh abshan khedir lah coghar;(1)

I am your Saviour, your All, your Heaven; blessed is he who receives Me; have my Peace I, Jesus bless you;

it is marvelous to see you depend entirely on My Power! I would hate to see you become habitual and not depend on grace; see? My Divine Presence how distinct it is when I am in communication with you?

Vassula, hear and write: “your salvation lies in conversion and tranquility;” this was one of My Themes that I was addressing to all of you in these past years; but in return for what the Bridegroom (2) was offering, He still receives hostility and disdain;

He calls out and says: “My Return is imminent, be prepared to receive Me in grace while Grace is still at your very doors!” but in your lethargy, generation, your darkness continues to increase in you, growing ever more arrogant; My Light is shining so bright, yet in your obscurity, generation, no one sees it; here I come to illuminate your dreadful night but to this day My Holy Spirit is not honoured;

you fill yourselves, generation, with all that is not holy and is an abomination in My Eyes, you hear of emissaries sent from Me, and you show your gratitude by raising your hands calling out your praises to Me for sending them as ‘ambassadors of the Most High’ to be among you; but instead of pondering over My Words, your endurance is affected by your inclinations towards sensationalism; these people are like Scriptures say of them: “they are like a drowsy man, besotted with sleep whom you are trying to rouse up, having explained to him certain things, when you have finished he will say, ‘what is it all about?’ his heart, like a broken jar will not hold any of My given knowledge, then, like a fool he is led astray;”

this is why Satan has raised so many false prophets, who ape (3) My teachings and My divine actions; so many of you are reading what does not come from Me but are of human origin and a false creation by the evil one; but I will call all hidden deeds, good or bad, to judgement;

I called out from the very beginning: “come all of you who wander in this desert and discover Me, your Triune God;”

see, there is no closed door from My side, but My Calls are not heeded nor are they honoured; My frequent visits to you, together with My chosen one, bringing all the way to your feet My Salvific Love Hymn to renew you and restore My tottering House, have been left uncultivated;

to some of you, I said: “I will now strip you of My visits since you seem to be indifferent to My request of multiplying the fruits of her labours in your hands by evangelizing;” and so I have; moreover, this departure and abstinence is necessary for your growth; this is the hour, or never, to take up the sickle and reap vigorously; reap a harvest you never prepared yourself and have My blessings;

to read more of this message (click here )

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A Lenten Invitation from TLIG Rhodos

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Easter time is drawing near and as we all know, this year we shall celebrate Easter together (the Western churches and the Eastern churches).

Knowing the Holy desire of Our Lord for the Unification of the date of Easter, we would like to share with you some thoughts:

In the orthodox tradition, there is a 40 days’ period before Easter during which every Christian prepares his soul and body to be cleansed in order to take part spiritually in Christ’s Passion.

Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Life showed us in Math (4:2), the way of reclusion, prayer and fasting. Also St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians (5:19-26), leads his fellow Christians to total abstinence and purity of soul. The Fathers of the Church were doing all that not as a purpose but as a WAY. Often in the messages of TLIG, our Lord encourages us to live a pure and holy life, in denying our will and our self. Sometimes He asks Vassula and us to fast only on bread and water as a sacrifice for a special intention. Through these examples, we realize how important it is to die to our self and to offer Him every sacrifice possible.

Therefore, we kindly ask all of you who would like and can participate, to achieve the following, all together, in unity:

  • 40 days of fasting starting February 23rd for the orthodox Christians and February 25th for Catholic Christians. Fasting in the orthodox tradition forbids meat and all products based on meat, like sausages etc., milk and all products based on milk like cheese, yogurt etc, and egg. That means it is allowed to eat only vegetarian food cooked with oil or vegetarian butter.
  • Every Friday during Lent, please offer fasting, sacrifices and acts of Love for the intentions of TLIG a ” QUICK SPREAD of the messages and the Lord’s Help in Opening up doors for witnessing”)
  • During Lent, a more intensive reading of the Holy Scriptures, the messages of TLIG and also books or leaflets referring to the Lord’s Passion
  • Prayer of the Rosary more intensively and the Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner”
  • During Holy Week, read the following passages of the messages and meditate on them: (09.11.1986 )and (20.02.1988 )
  • On Good Friday which is the Peak of Our Lord’s Passion, fasting on bread and water. Meditation on Our Lord’s Passion, message of 02/05/1987: “Come and penetrate into My open Wounds, come and immerse your souls in My Blood, ….and do not weary bearing My Cross…..”
  • Also meditate on the whole message given on (02.05.1987 )

Let us offer a little part of ourselves, let us be a sacrifice to Him who is The Sacrifice.

Let us offer everything we can with love, respect and zeal, so that Our Lord delights when seeing His children’s offerings.

Let us share spiritually The Cross with Him and put a balsam on His wounds relieving His pain and bitterness caused by our division.

Let us consecrate ourselves to His Sacred Heart for the intention of the unification of the date of Easter.

He is the One who will give us the required strength, perseverance and His Grace to love Him and to be a Living Offering.

Happy Lent, Happy Easter, Kali Anatassi !

The Rhodos Prayer Group
Rhodes, Greece

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Only 10 places left onthe Meteora Pilgrimage/Retreat in Greece

This pilgrimage/retreat was put together by volunteers. No TLIG retreat is a profit making venture. Part of the inspiration behind this particular pilgrimage was to introduce non-orthodoxTLIG friends to some of the most precious places and relics in the orthodox world. These places and relics have significance to all Christians as they are part of the Living History of Christianity. If you have not yet requested an information packet for what no doubt will be a trip of a lifetime accompanied by Vassula andinspiring clergy. Write Theodora Konidaris the volunteer organizer as soon as possible. [email protected]


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“WE -US”