October 26, 1989

Lord? I feel like a boat without oars.

I am; flower, My Path is straight but narrow, and very few find It; My child, do not make a whole fuss every time I prune you; I prune you to grow stronger and that you may produce many more fruits; I want to multiply your fruit; I know that you are trying to tell Me: that I prune you too often; 1 I know what is best for you, My child; after all, have you yourself not offered Me your liberty?

Yes, I have offered You my liberty for eternity.

I am using what you have offered Me, soul; I do not use your will unless you offer it to Me; trust Me, have faith in Me always for I am most Gentle; persevere, My child, and be zealous to serve the cause of right, be ardent to convert other souls; remain small and ask My advice always before taking any decision, help will always be given to you from above;


My Vassula, draw three iron bars with a head on the top these represent the Roman Catholics, the Orthodox and the Protestants; I want them to bend and unite but these iron bars are still very stiff and cannot bend on their own, so I shall have to come to them with My Fire and with the power of My Flame upon them they shall turn soft to bend and mould into one solid iron bar, and My Glory will fill the whole earth;

pray often to the Holy Spirit this prayer:

come Holy Spirit,
come through the powerful intercession
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Bride;
amen; 2

with this prayer My Holy Spirit will haste and come upon you; pray for the effusion of My Holy Spirit to come upon you;

1 This made me smile.

2 Prayer shown to me.