
Vassulas første tale i Vadstena
Jeg vil dele årsagen til, at Gud i vores tid manifesterer sig mere end nogensinde, med jer. Det er blevet…

Profetier om Rusland
Forskellige uddrag fra Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne angående profetierne om Rusland. Herren har givet os 28…

Profetier i Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne
for disse Tidernes Ende Fr. Petr forklarer, hvorledes vi befinder os i slutningen af en epoke i menneskehedens historie... og…

Profetier i Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne
for disse Tidernes Ende Fr. Petr forklarer, hvorledes vi befinder os i slutningen af en epoke i menneskehedens historie... og…

To vigtige profetiske budskaber
Ligesom på Egypternes tid sendte Gud plager, der varede adskillige måneder, for at får dem til at forsage deres falske guder og minde dem om, at kun Han er deres Gud.

Ær Min Moder
Ved at ære Vor Moder ønsker vi at vise al den respekt, vi har for hende, og at hylde de talløse nådegaver, hun er blevet skænket.

Om behovet for at skelne ånderne
Denne nye udvidede artikel fra Vassula indeholder bidrag fra Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi. Desværre lader mange mennesker til at blive bedraget…

En beretning om Vassulas artikel, “Profetier der går i opfyldelse her ved Tidernes Ende”
Introduktion og læsning v/ Niels Christian Hvidt, Doktor i Teologi, af Vassulas artikel: Profetier der går i opfyldelse her ved Tidernes Ende

Profetier der går i opfyldelse for disse Tidernes Ende
af Vassula Blandt de mange Sandt Liv i Gud [SLIG] budskaber, som vi har modtaget i alle disse år, gik…

Nogle præciseringer til at forstå den tværreligiøse dialog af Vassula
Der er en beretning i litteraturen om Medjugorje fra vor Velsignede Moder, der fortæller seerne, at den mest hellige person…

En respons på Vassulas breve om Pave Frans
Den følgende artikel fra Fr Joseph Iannuzzi, S.Th.D. er en respons på de to breve, der blev sendt den 13.…

Vassula’s comment on September 11th
Her comment of the ‘9/11’ attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, predicted exactly 10 years to the day before 

The Problem of Christian Prophecy
Christianity always carries within it a structure of hope "It is increasingly urgent that the authentic structure of promise and… 

Vassula on Prophecies
(After the tsunami disaster in SE Asia) In this article I will be pointing out the prophecies given to us… 

Den Trinitariske Åndelighed i Sandt Liv i Gud
En artikel om den Trinitariske Åndelighed i Sandt Liv i Gud

Beware the Jezebel Spirit
By Vassula Rydén Introduction One reason why God created man was to prove to Satan that not only was it… 

Uddrag fra Sandt Liv i Gud vedrørende
forbrydelser mod de ufødte
forbrydelser mod de ufødte
Ved at ære Vor Moder ønsker vi at vise al den respekt, vi har for hende, og at hylde de talløse nådegaver, hun er blevet skænket.

Only what is beyond us brings us together
by Michel Thao Chan President and Founder of Cercle de Réflexion des Nations (CRN), Secretary General of Sino-Europe Development Formation… 

The two main pillars
Bishop Antoine Chahda The Syriac Catholic Bishop of Aleppo Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to start by thanking the… 

“The Lord blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29: 11)
Bishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh The Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs, Hama and Tartus. Which is the Bridge that unites us… 

Unity, an Angelic Act
Camel Bechikh Dear friends, committed believers, peacemakers, Each of the spiritualities present here has undergone major stages in its history.… 

Where is the problem for reaching peace?
Bishop Isidore Battikha, Archbishop emeritus of Homs, Syria Bishop of Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela Greek-Melkite Catholic Church INTER-RELIGIOUS TALK In… 

Speaking in parables
Bishop Isidore Battikha, Archbishop emeritus of Homs, Syria. Bishop of Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela Greek-Melkite Catholic Church Handling such a… 

Which is the Bridge that unites us and gives Peace to the World?
Bishop Simon Atallah, oam Bishop Emeritus of Baalbek-Deir El-Ahmar (Maronite), Lebanon, Former President of the Episcopal Committee for Ecumenical Affairs… 

Blessed are the peace-makers
+ Bishop Riah Abo El Assal, Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem Jesus said : "Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall… 

How to bridge our divisions and bring peace to the world
WELCOME SPEECH OF TELESPHORE P. CARDINAL TOPPO ARCHBISHOP OF RANCHI Dear Brothers and Sisters: Life is a great pilgrimage and… 

Spørgsmålet om fred
Hvis folk seriøst ville lytte til Guds kald til bøn, ville alle mænd og kvinder allerede være helgener. Hvis man…

Broen til fred
Vassulas hovedtale ved Sandt Liv i Guds økumeniske pilgrimsrejse 2017 til Rusland Nu forsøger vi at finde nøglen til at…

What is Christmas?
{introduction} Here we are talking about the salvation of mankind and of the Incarnation of Christ, the Son of God,… 

The Holy Shroud
Above to the right, a colour image from the Shroud as it appears naturally (unreversed) showing the reddish colour… 

The Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit
A reminder to all those who fearlessly persecute the merciful call of God 

Vassulas tværreligiøse tale fra en indvielsesceremoni i Bangladesh 
Vassula holdt denne tale da hun modtog sin tredje fredsguldmedalje for tværreligiøs harmoni og fred.

Iceland Volcano – Prophecy Update and Explanation From Vassula
April 24, 2010 In the wake of the recent eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland, Vassula writes this explanation… 

Umiskendeligt jødisk
Skrevet af en eremitnonne, der bor i Holywell, Wales, Storbritannien, og som ser på "Sandt liv i Gud" på baggrund af sine rabbinske studier, som hun har været tiltrukket af i mange år.

The Holy Spirit
25 minute talk on the Holy Spirit. 

Prophecy and Revelation
A talk given at the conference "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit at the Threshhold of the Second Millenium" in Cattolica, September 18-21, 1998, arranged by "The Movement of Hope." 

A Cry from the Sacred Heart: Christ’s Desire for Unity 
Vassula's Pilgrimage speech, as delivered on May 25th 2007 at the Adakule Hotel in Turkey. 

“De, der ikke vil drikke af Mine Sår, skal gå tabt”
"Hvad betyder disse ord? Vi må se på dem i sammenhæng: ..." en reflektion fra Fr. John Abberton, 15. marts 2006

We are Judged by Love
The Justice and Judgement of God

“For My Sake will you learn the Rosary?”
If we search the messages for the phrase, "Pray the Rosary" we are given ten references. Nine of these are requests or invitations from Heaven ... reflection from Fr. Abberton, October 6, 2005 

Mystical Marriage and Divinisation in True Life in God
Written by a hermit nun living in Wales, UK, who contemplates the messages of True Life in God September 2005… 

The Day of the Lord
An extract from an interview with Vassula on Voiceamerica Internet Radio from Feb 22, 2005 

Welcome Address by Vassula to gathered participants of the 4th Ecumenical TLIG Pilgrimage to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan in May… 

The Holy Eucharist
A Reflection by Vassula, February 2005 

Uniqueness of the Spirituality of True Life in God
Fr. Tony Sullivan October 2004 Even powerful spiritualities like St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, St Teresa of Avila,… 

Indviet til Sandheden
af f. John Abberton I Johannesevangeliet beder Jesus til Faderen for Sine disciple: "Jeg har givet dem dit ord; og…

Fornyelse og undervisning i en asketisk levemåde.
af Vassula Grækenland, Meteora 2004 Hvis vi af hjertet ønsker åndelig fremgang og at følge Vejen for dermed at leve…

Forskellige former for Helliggørelse: løsrivelse fra verden, frigjort fra lidenskaber, og uanfægtetheden.
af Vassula Grækenland, Meteora 2004 Gud har altid manifesteret sig for menneskeheden, ikke for at give os noget nyt, men…

Tværreligiøs tale af Vassula
Holdt ved Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha i Dharmarjika (buddhistisk kloster) den 23. februar 2003

Reconciliation and Unity
by Vassula Egypt, October 21th - 31th 2002 Repentance is the gate that leads souls from darkness into Light. Therefore,… 

A Warning Message to the World and the USA
Prophetic Message from Jesus on February 7, 2002 

Discerning Obedience
Vassula writes on the need to discern whether what is being asked or demanded of us is in accordance with God's Will, October 2001 

“The Foundations of the Earth Will Rock”
September 11, 1991 prophecy including the Message 

15th Anniversary of TRUE LIFE IN GOD
Vassula writes a letter to readers and workers in the True Life in God Apostolate on 28th November, 2000 

The Real Message of True Life in God
Written by Vassula in May 1997 

Vassula experiences Jesus’ Passion
Since receiving the charism of locutions from God, Vassula, on many occasions, has experienced the Passion of Jesus. The following group of accounts is of one of these occasions, experienced just prior to a conference in Omaha, Nebraska in June, 1993. 

The Announcement of the Kingdom
Meditation about the Kingdom of God, one of the central themes of the prophetic message. 

Unity and Reconciliation
A meditation about these so important themes of Unity and Reconciliation 

Reconciliation: the Trinitarian Approach
by Father Vladimir Zielinski (Russian Orthodox) Nicolas Fedorov, the great Russian thinker of the 19th century, says: "Our social program… 

Be One in the Divine Trinity
by Fr. Stephen Raphael (Roman Catholic) Introduction We have been moved by the Holy Spirit to come together to this… 

The Third Epoch
by Archimandrite Eugene Nicolau (Greek Orthodox) I hope that you can hear me, because I like to have my hands… 

The Necessity of Unity
by Archbishop Milingo (Roman Catholic) I deem it a great fortune that I am one of you to-day, in the… 

A Prayer for Unity
by Mons. Paolo Maria Hnilica S.J., Bishop of Rusado (Roman Catholic) (As in the case of Fr. Vasile Axinia, at… 

The Trinity
by Fr. Rene Laurentin (Roman Catholic) Why I am talking to you today about the Trinity? This brings us closer… 

We are called to become gods by participation
by Vassula I want to welcome in the love of God, everyone here. Our Lord is good and He never… 

Let us be One in the Divine Trinity
by Vassula Do you know on which grounds our Lord intends to rebuild His Church? I will tell you on… 

The Nobility of the Cross
by Vassula In Your great condescendance, You have hymned to us to rejoice us; Like a bridegroom who prepares for… 

The Father’s Heart
by Vassula We invoke You, my Yahweh, my Father, for we know that when we do, Your Majesty would come… 

by Vassula Egypt, October 21th - 31th 2002 Those who have been reading the messages of TLIG must have noticed… 

Union of Divine Love in the Holy Trinity
by Vassula To be bonded to God and obtain a union of divine love in God, we must decide for… 

Unity from the Heart
by Vassula Holy Land Pilgrimage 1998 Unity will come in the conversion of our heart; that means by our love… 

The Great Return
by Vassula The Action of the Holy Spirit The Renewal of the Creation The Great Return You are probably all…