(Budskab fra 30. juli 1990 – se nedenfor)

Fr. John Abberton

Publiceret den 15. marts 2006

Hvad betyder disse ord? Vi må se på dem i sammenhæng:

“se på Mine Håndflader, Min Side og Mine Fødder; føl Mine Sår … de, der ikke vil drikke fra Mine Sår, skal gå til spilde …”

Budskabet fortsætter med at tale om “kærlighedskaldet” og vores behov for at svare.

I de to ovenfor citerede linjer beder Jesus os om at se Hans Sår og taler så om at drikke af disse sår.

Vi bør ikke bare forstå “at drikke” som en henvisning til at modtage den Hellige Eukaristi – at drikke det Dyrebare Blod – men i betydningen at “drikke” alt, hvad Han er; alt hvad Han lærer os. Vi bør forstå “at drikke” som at næres åndeligt i vores sjæls inderste. Hvis vi tænker, i mystisk sprog, på at drikke fra “kildevældet”, der er Det Hellige Hjerte, da er det ikke blot Jesu Blod, vi modtager, men Helligånden (blodet og vandet, der flyder fra Hans Side, som beskrevet i Johannesevangeliet). På denne måde drikker vi altså af Visdommens kildevæld. Det er “Sårenes” visdom. Vi bliver bedt om at beskue de Hellige Sår. Således kan vi betragte invitationen til at drikke som en invitation til beskuelse. Jeg kommer i tanker om Salme 42;

Som hjorten skriger ved det udtørrede vandløb,
sådn skriger min sjæl efter dig, Gud.

Min sjæl tørster efter Gud, den levende Gud.
Hvornår kan jeg komme og se Guds ansigt?

Billedet på dyret, eller hjorten, der søger det vældende vand er et klassisk symbol for hjertet (eller sjælen), der søger Gud. Det “rislende vand”, der tales om i profeten Ezekiel (se Ezekiel 47), der bliver til en rivende strøm, der flyder ud i havet (ofte som symbol for menneskeheden), og som bringer liv og helbredelse, mens det svulmer, er et billede på den strøm, der flyder fra Kristi side og taler til os om det helbredende Blod, der strømmer fra de Fem Herlighedsfulde Sår. I visse engelske oversættelser, beskrives vandet, der vælder ud under templets tærskel, som vældende over eller fra templets “højre” [right] side. Man tror, at den sårende lanse er blevet stukket ind i højre side af Kristi Legeme, og at lansens spids er gået igennem højre lunge og har spiddet hjertet.

Hvordan vi end tænker på “at drikke fra Sårene”, inviteres vi til at åbne vore hjerter for den nåde og det liv, som Kristus udgyder over os fra Korset. Når vi forbereder os til Påsken, kunne dette være et af de Hellige Mysterier, der kan føre os nærmere Den, der taler i budskaberne. “Sårenes visdom” lærer os at leve som disciple for den Herre, der ydmygede Sig til vores frelse.

July 30, 1990

(Rhodos – Monastery of St Nectario)

(I stayed at this monastery for five days. Five days of fasting and not speaking. Just praying and meditating.)


I am; never doubt; My Peace I give you; enter into My Heart;

(When the Lord said: “My Peace I give you”, I saw Heaven open and I was welcomed into His Heart.)

time is pressing, the hours are fleeing … come near Me and listen to what I want to tell the church in Rhodos:

look at the Palms of My Hands, My Side and My Feet; feel My Wounds … those who will not drink from My Wounds shall waste away, they shall pine away and dry; I Am your Salvation, so why does this nation fear to drink Me and eat Me? they cry for help but then no one comes to drink Me and eat Me and get healed; have I not said that through My Wounds you shall be healed? pick, then, your steps over this endless desert and let Me hear the sound of your step; come and receive Me;

this nation fails to understand the Call of My Love; I look down from Heaven, anxious to save you all; I pour out My Heart to you; I am sending you Wisdom all the way to your doorstep to teach you that My Theme is: LOVE, but has anybody any ears to hear? I have made a New Song of Love for you, and for the sake of My Holy Name, little ones, I descend all the way to you; I, your Christ, come to ravish your heart with My Song of Love and delight My Heart; do not say: I sought Him, but I did not find Him; I called to Him, but He did not answer; I waited for Him, but He did not come; seek Me, beloved ones, in simplicity of heart and you will find Me; call Me from the core of your heart and I shall answer you; open your ears and your heart and you shall hear My footsteps of My Return; the fig tree has ripened and soon you shall eat its fruit;

come, since many of you have wandered from the rightful path and fear to receive Me, keeping your sins secret in your breast, liberate yourselves by going to confession; repent truly and fast so that you receive Me in purity and in holiness; My door is always opened to all of you, beloved; I am known not to be insensitive to the poor and to the sick man’s needs; so do not put your God to the test and do not doubt of My Infinite Mercy;

yes, the instruments I use to transmit My words to you are poor, unworthy and common; those whom the world think common and contemptible are the ones that I choose – those who are nothing at all to show up those who are everything;1 Wisdom is given to mere children and not to those that call themselves wise; hear Me, Wisdom shall remain a riddle to those who boast and call themselves virtuous and holy; I shall indeed destroy the wisdom of the wise and the more severe will be the sentence they will receive;

I intend to leave in their midst a humble and lowly people who will be able to say to Me: “Alleluia, alleluia”; day and night, night and day, joining the hymn of My angels: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; He was, He is and He is to come”,2 with no one to disturb them, because I shall remove all those proud boasters from their midst; I am telling you, therefore, before My hour comes upon you: seek humility, seek poverty; you who obey My Commandments and teach others to obey them, humble yourselves;

do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn so that I too will not condemn you; repent, and I will make up to you for those years you spent suppressing My Spirit; I intend in these last days to lead this wicked era with reins of kindness, with leading-strings of love, stooping down to all of you to give you My Food; I shall always be a Refuge to the poor and needy; come, lean all of you on My Breast, like John My disciple, and hear My Heartbeats; these Heartbeats will bring you all the way to My Feet below My Cross;

I, the Lord, am among you and I bless you all leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead; remember all that I have given you today and show Me your love by following Me; My Eyes are upon you; be one;