Pilgrimage 2002 – IMPORTANT REMINDER

Wednesday, April 11, 2001 8:38 AM

This message is a reminder that applications for a place on the TLIG pilgrimage of October 2002 need to be made by THE END OF THIS MONTH.

All who are interested in joining the pilgrimage need to apply, even if they feel they cannot commit themselves totally at this early stage.

Unlike the pilgrimage in 2000, priests will not, in general, be sent individual invitations and so they too need to apply and will need to provide their own air fare and lodging costs if they anticipate being able to come.

An application form is copied again, below:

This application is not a registration, nor guarantee of a place on the Pilgrimage.

This application will be used to select the leading workers from around the world who volunteer their time and effort on behalf of the messages.

Applications must be completed & submitted by MAY 1st, 2001.

True Life In God Pilgrimage and Conference. Egypt, Sinai & The Holy Land – October 21-31, 2002


Send applications to: [email protected]


(Name to appear on Name Badge)
First Name:
Second Name:



Postal/ZIP Code:


Home Phone Number:

Fax Number:

E-mail address:
(your own or that of a friend)

Please fill in the following as appropriate:

  • I was a lead organizer for Vassulas meeting in: (city) (date)
  • I was an assistant organizer for Vassula’s meeting in (city) (date)
  • I am a translator of the True Life in God Messages (language)
  • I am a publisher/editor of the True Life In God messages.

  • I am a TLIG newsletter/magazine publisher.

  • I have witnessed in a TLIG Conference. (cities) (dates)
  • I have formed TLIG Prayer Groups.

  • If you have not checked one of the above boxes, please describe your major activity in TLIG:

Supplemental Information :

Accommodation (please mark which of these apply):

  • I prefer a single room
  • I prefer a double room
  • If available I would like an ecomony room with 2 other people.

My Primary Language is:

I will need translation from English to:

>From past participation I have the following suggestions to improve the Pilgrimage:

  • I am willing to volunteer as a translator, I speak – Primary Languages: Secondary Languages:
  • I have computer ability and/or graphic design ability and want to volunteer my services.
  • I want to help out in any way I can in the organizing: The following skills may be helpful: