July 29, 1994

My Lord,
sing Your new song1 to the nations,
sing Your new hymn2 to every race.
Your song heals,
Your hymn works great miracles.

peace be with you, My child; I will continue to compose and as the rain produces fresh grass on the hillsides, so will I produce spiritual food for the hungry and the poor;

and you, be My harp, so that all the congregation of the faithful join Me in My song; so, rejoice your Maker! blessed child, how your weakness amuses Me …. take My Hand and walk with Me, I will help you advance and accomplish your mission by giving you an energetic way3 and greater encouragement; I will give you these graces so that you teach what I have given you fearlessly; and, through you, will spread in every nation the fragrance of the Knowledge of Myself!

I am the Beginning and the End and everything is measured by Me;

1 Song and hymn are: ‘True Life in God’.
2 ‘True Life in God’.
3 Since then, I obtained special graces from Our Lord and during my meetings I felt His Powerful Hand. Even Fr. O’Carroll noticed it, it was so obvious.