June 16, 1992
This morning, I was tempted and had a small doubt that God was really speaking to me.
“Yahweh, let my words come to your ears,
spare a thought for my sighs.
Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God.” 1
Vassula, I, Yahweh, love you; remember, My child, how distressed I was, 2 when I was telling you then about My children abandoning Me? Vassula, tell Me, where have you acquired this great stock of wisdom in Scriptures if it were not from Wisdom Herself who smiled on you and became your personal Teacher? ….
Vassula, I am your Abba, let Me tell you: in the beginning you lived for one purpose, you lived for yourself, you served your vanity; you believed then that you were vested in splendour and glory; but in reality you were quite naked; no one had come to tell you how naked you were until I, Myself, came to shine on you and in your darkness; only then, your eyes for the first time saw yourself in the Light of the Truth; you saw yourself as you really are; if it were not for My Compassion a sword would have awaited you;
however, I pitied you and in My Mercy, I breathed in your nostrils reviving you; I then restored your memory to our relationship; I did great things to you:
I espoused you to Me
and you became Mine; 3
I then formed you to become a child after My own Heart who would carry My whole purpose: to bring back My people to the real faith based on Love and share the Cross of My Son, the Cross of Unity; I have formed you to live not for yourself but to live for Me; I have taught you, My child, how much greater it is to serve My House than to serve your vanity;
now, spend your life with Me, for this is the lot assigned to you in life and in this Era of Great Apostasy; so whatever work I propose to you to do, do it wholeheartedly for one purpose, to glorify Me; the world is somnolent and runs grave risks, since it does not know what is going to come to them; out of their sin their apostasy will bring death to them; no one can tell when My Day comes; this Hour will come suddenly upon them;
today I have done great things to save you; I planted Vineyards everywhere, I made gardens and orchards out of deserts; I am a Father afflicted by untimely mourning because I watch how more ready this world is to kill than to love; massive child-murdering initiations erupt daily; everywhere My Eyes turn they see treachery, murders, corruption, adultery, fraud, disorder in marriage, people who sneer at religion, pollution of souls, perjury, sins against all nature, how then am I to keep silent? this is why Justice will overtake this lot; here I am speaking openly like a Father, anxious but offended and afflicted; My Voice is groaning from the Heavens, hear Me: is there any upright man left among you?….
(Suddenly God’s Eyes turned towards me. He stopped abruptly His dictation.)
Vassula, go and do your other duties too, I am aware of your time and of your capacity; beloved of My Soul, quench your thirst in Me; I Am a Living Fountain of Purity and I love you;
come, We4 bless you, come;
little one be with Me; are you ready?
Yes, Lord.
hear Me then: how long am I to be offended while you will not listen, to cry “repent!” in your ear, generation, and you will not hear? but look, I am stirring up the dead, these worthless people whose behaviour was appalling and far from sanctity; the world shall be filled with My Knowledge and My Glory, for as the waters swell the sea, My Spirit too, like a tide, shall come in and no one will be able to stop My Spirit from flowing in;
Vassula, pray with Me,
Lord, in Your Strength and in Your Wisdom
You raised me, You fostered me;
in Your Love You helped me,
and I became Your bride;
Lord,You confided Your Message to me;
praised be the Lord;
come, Lord, maranatha!
and I tell you: I am on the Path of Return; like a traveller who left, I, Jesus, am well on the road back to you;
My Lord, tell me all about it, it makes me happy!
My child I have spoken once …. I will not speak again;
What do You mean, My Lord?
My words are clear ….
I still do not know what You mean, Lord.
look, My child, your God is coming! Love is coming, He is coming to live among you,
Tell me more about it Lord!
We all delight to hear,
Hope speaking where there is despair;
Love pronouncing where there is hatred;
Peace announcing where there are wars and conflicts.
courage! do not be afraid or saddened, for these few days left; trust wholeheartedly in Me; be strong, stand firm, yes stand firm and I shall make your voice carry as far as the clouds proclaiming My Message; approach Me, approach Me ….