November 25, 1987

(I saw Jesus seated near me.)

Are you, Jesus, there?

I am; you have discerned Me; you see, Vassula, for that little faith you are giving Me, a faith much smaller than a mustard seed, I can make you see Me, feel Me, write with Me; come, I will be your Holy Companion;

(Later on.)

beloved, you need not fear for I have laid out my plans long before you were born; from all eternity I knew you would serve Me, beloved; do not trouble your heart to what you will say or do, for I, the Lord, will place My Words on your lips;

I am guiding you, you are in Me, in My Love; I have consecrated you, you are blessed, I am leading you into the very depths of My Bleeding Body, accomplish My desires in doing My Will;

I will favour you by giving you the grace in achieving discernment; remain in Me; give Me all your weaknesses, beloved soul; give them all to Me and let My Strength annihilate them;

you will accomplish all the work I have designated you for, glorifying Me; trust Me and I will uphold you; blessed by My Hand, keep Me in your heart as I keep you in Mine; imbue your heart from Mine to be able to impregnate others; I, the Lord, will nourish you; trust Me, feel confident; come, come, beloved soul, and rest in Me; I, the Lord, bless you and all your undertakings;

Vassula, take My Hand, take My Hand and follow Me, see?

(Jesus led my spirit. I dragging behind Him. He took me to St. Peter’s Basilica. He pointed with His Arm stretched out and with His index at a lonely figure. It was the Pope, John Paul II. There he was, seated, alone, in thought. He appeared in deep thought.)

see Vassula? he is waiting; he is waiting;

Father, may Your designs be accomplished. Amen.

My Messages must be handed to him, accomplishing all what is written;

come, beloved, the time is near; do not fear, remember I am before you; what I have commenced and blessed, I will finish; come, Love loves you and guides you; keep your hand in Mine; us, we?

Yes, Lord. Together. O how I love You, Jesus!

(Jesus, who comes with His Heart in His Hand, offering It to us. Love, with His so Tender Heart, comes again to help us untangle from Satan’s nets.)

I Love You, Lord!

beloved, how, how could I see all this and leave you; I love you with all My Heart; with all My Heart, I love you all;

(I felt His Heart and it’s inexplicable how much Love Jesus has for us!)