An Explosion of Divine Graces! The Asian Report Part I – Japan and Hong Kong
“Peace be with you. My command to you is: go out where I send you to bear fruit that will last The Amen is with you. Go round offering all that you have learnt from Me; by the power of My Holy Spirit you shall walk, you shall talk, you shall move hearts, you shall cast out devils, you shall uproot evil and you shall plant goodness; Stand your ground for this work of Mercy; resist evil and cling to me. Go and do not be afraid to declare the truth; My Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to the truth. My Name: Peace and Love.” March 18, 1996
The complete Asian report consists of one month of travels to seven Asian countries: Japan, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, and Singapore from November 1 to December 5, 2005.
Messengers of God have been sent out through the ages to proclaim the good news to His people, to remind them of their origin and destiny as sons and daughters of the Most High, to always bring back to mind the reality of God’s justice, and to take to heart the generosity of His Mercy. They have also been sent to deliver messages of warning, exhorting God’s people to repent, reconcile and perform acts of reparation, so as to draw from Heaven His Mercy and not His Justice. Such is Vassula’s mission. Prepared and guided by the Holy Spirit, Vassula was brought once again to Asia, invited by Clergy and laypeople eager for the opportunity to listen to God speaking to us today through His humble instrument.
The uniqueness of this marathon tour of 7 Asian countries Vassula undertook was the length of her travels. Never before had she done 5-weeks, with a concentration of 17 organized meetings, speaking to audiences varying from 100 to 400,000 people. Also, within this trip fell the 20th anniversary of True Life in God. On the 28th of November 1985, Vassula was sitting in her home in Bangladesh and experienced the very first approach of her Guardian Angel.
It was the work of the Holy Spirit to revive True Life in God in some countries like Hong Kong and Singapore where previous opposition had strangled the flow of His Grace. It served to reinforce and encourage the work of the TLIG Associations in Japan, Thailand and the Philippines, to meet some of the hierarchy of India and the Philippines supportive of the Messages and Vassula’s mission, and finally, to document the progress of Our Lady’s Beth Myriam Project in the region.
From these 7 countries, a very positive evaluation was made of the impact of the booklet the “Clarifications of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.” In early 2005, all TLIG Associations worldwide participated in its diffusion. The number of priests and nuns attending Vassula’s Meetings, and the absence of any active opposition from any local Clergy, displayed the progress of Vassula’s mission. The Lord has moved further to open doors for His Message.
The True Life in God Family peoples many nations today. In this account of Vassula’s very exhausting but marvelous trip to 7 Asian countries, the reader will meet others who have organized, worked hard to evangelize, who participated in the numerous TLIG Prayer Groups formed, and who were called to give of themselves to the less fortunate of this world. Their heartfelt and tireless work to share God’s Love Hymn today of True Life in God with everyone around them, has demonstrated the Holy Spirit’s Grace which transforms, transfigures, elevates, and raises apostles on fire to do God’s Work; the Apostles of the End Times. Vassula’s work of speaking God’s Word today to all the nations continues in full force, always in pace with the Lord, going with the Holy Spirit’s flow, and as you will see, gushing into “An Explosion of Divine Graces!”
Japan, November 1-7: Meetings in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagasaki
After a harrowing trip of more than 24 hrs. from Washington D.C., Vassula arrived in Tokyo, marking her 4th visit to this chain of islands in the North Pacific Ocean. In this impressive country whose populace is gifted with age-old traditions of discipline and politeness, highly-advanced technology and a sense of the spiritual contend in the evolution of its society. The survival of the Christian faith here owes its thanks to the many martyred missionaries and converts since the faith was brought to Japan by St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuits in the 16th century.
Vassula’s previous visits took her north to south, bringing to this country’s population of 127 million, mainly of the Shinto and Buddhist religions and 0.7% Christian, the Messages of True Life in God. For many years now, the Messages have been in print, propagated by faithful readers in the Japan True Life in God Association. The Holy Spirit slowly continues His painstaking Work, bringing the Messages to local Clergy and laypeople through the TLIG Witnesses invited by the TLIG Prayer Groups and the successful diffusion of the “Clarifications of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.” During this trip, as is the proper custom, Vassula paid courtesy calls and her respects to the local hierarchy of every city she visited: respectively Tokyo, Osaka and Nagasaki; informing them of her mission and the developments in Christian Unity, highlighting TLIG’s Ecumenical Retreats and Pilgrimages.
In the capital city of Tokyo, Vassula visited the Apostolic Nuncio and spoke to 500 people at a meeting organized by TLIG Association Japan.
Visit to the Apostolic Nunciature of Japan
Hans Enderle of TLIG Tokyo writes: “On the morning of Nov. 2nd, 2005 Vassula, her traveling companion Mrs. Cecilia Lutz, Satoru Sugawara and I visited his Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Alberto Bottari de Castello, at the Vatican Embassy in Tokyo. Also present was Msgr. Leon B. Kalenga the Counsellor of the Embassy.”
“Vassula and Cecilia spontaneously kissed the Archbishop’s ring, it was nice to see this traditional custom as I can’t remember if I’ve ever seen it done in Japan. Vassula and the Archbishop had much in common, as they had both spent time in Africa and Msgr. Kalenga actually is from Zaire. She explained her mission. His Excellency, a kind and friendly Italian priest who served us some good espresso, seemed very open to the messages. He told us that his transfer to Japan was probably one of the last appointments under Pope John Paul II, as he received a letter dated April 1st and the Pope passed away on the 2nd. He had met Father Gobbi and, if I remember correctly, he said he had been at the United Nations on the day that Mother Teresa had everyone say the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. He wanted to know more and asked for the book by Fr. Laurentin. I was impressed when he told us that he had studied exorcism and that rule number one was that you had to be humble.”
His Excellency, the Apostolic Nuncio showed great interest when Vassula spoke of the TLIG Ecumenical Pilgrimages to Egypt in 2002 and the one to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan in May 05. He was familiar with the situation of the different churches, having been assigned to the Nunciature in Damascus in earlier years. He agreed with Vassula when she shared with him the Lord’s desire for Catholics and Orthodox to celebrate Easter on the same day, and lamented the ridiculousness of the different Easter dates. In the Middle East, where many Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter together, the Christian churches have been forced to unite to survive. Vassula explained the advantage of unifiying the dates of Easter, which would consolidate and strengthen the Church.
He was also curious about the apparitions of Our Lady in Akita, Japan. Vassula explained that she, accompanied by Fr. O’Carroll, had met Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, the visionary, in Akita during her first visit to Japan in 1992. Vassula told him that the then Cardinal Ratzinger, when Prefect of the CDF, had instantly approved Bishop Ito’s acceptance and recognition of the apparitions in Akita, because it restates and confirms the secret of Fatima. At the end of our visit the Nuncio showed us his private chapel and pointed out a plaque of the Twenty-Six Martyrs Saints of Nagasaki, Japan.
Tokyo Meeting: The attendance and enthusiasm of the audiences in each of the three cities confirmed the need for spiritual nourishment today, bringing together Christians and non-Christians in their thirst for the divine meaning in their lives.
On Thursday November 3rd, the first public meeting took place in Ueno, Tokyo. The conference hall was filled with 500 eager listeners, taking in each word uttered by their special speaker. “True Life in God is a call of mercy!” Vassula proclaimed. “It is a call to conversion which is a ladder from earth to Heaven… conversion is the desire to know God, to love Him with all your heart, strength and mind… Obtain the Holy Spirit of Love and die to yourself, to your ego, be nothing, annihilate yourself so God can be everything…”
There is a humility ingrained in the Japanese people, they were like children ready to obey Our Lord’s gentle heeding when Vassula spoke of offering our will: “If we offer Him our will, His Will will be done in us. He is a King and His Kingdom is in our heart. He wants our heart, this is what counts.” She read them a Message:
My delight is in every pure heart; My joy is when I see your eyes seeking only heavenly things; My glory is when you come and tell Me: “here I am …. here I am,” offering your heart to Me to transfigure it into My domain and then reign over it; My magnificence and My splendour are when you keep My sanctuary holy, turning it into a glorious domain for My majesty; My sovereignty is when in your wretchedness and in your poverty you can cry out: “hosanna! hosanna!” June 10, 1994
Satoru Sugawara writes: “About 500 people attended, some of them were from distant places like Hokkaido or Okinawa. 6 priests and a number of nuns attended. Vassula talked about several topics in easy-to-understand terms, such as: conversion, purification, unceasing prayer, intimacy with God, unity of the church. Sometimes with humour, sometimes with zeal. She talked about the delight of living with God, including some real episodes. Gradually she had a grip on the audience, and by the end of the meeting the audience became one. At the last we recited the Prayer of Healing and Deliverance.”
We were told later on that a lady in the audience was healed of nightly neuralgic pain, a side-effect of Herpes, and was also healed of the pain from a hematoma around the backbone caused by the constant application of anesthesia. The lady and her daughter express their gratitude to Our Lord and Vassula for the healing, and persevere in praying for the continued healing of two other illnesses. Praise the Lord!
Osaka is located on Honshu island, the second city of Japan after Tokyo, and whose population is 2.7 million, predominantly Buddhist. Since it was Vassula’s 3rd visit to the city of Osaka, it was a homecoming. Laypeople and many foreign priests (mainly French and Belgian) who have been reading the Messages for years, made the trip to attend her Meeting, overjoyed to see the Holy Spirit’s Hand guiding her mission and learn of the positive dialogue with the Vatican. Most of these missionary priests have adopted Japan as their home, after the numerous years they have dedicated in the service of Japanese Christians.
Hans Enderle of TLIG Tokyo comments: “On Friday morning, November 4th Vassula attended Holy Mass at Kitano Catholic Church in the middle of Osaka city, a small Church in the middle of tall buildings. Fr. Daniel Van Kerkhove is a Belgian priest 84 years young who has spent most of his life as a missionary in Japan and who celebrated his 60th anniversary as a priest this past January. He had been especially invited by the local organizers to say Mass. He told me he was so excited he could not sleep the night before and had to take a sleeping pill. He considered his being able to say Mass with Vassula present, a gift from the Sacred Heart of Jesus; what a wonderful p