Aegina retreat 2022

Today our theme is: how does one glorify God? In the messages of TLIG, God teaches us how to glorify Him. Glorifying God one has first to die to one’s self: die to our passions; die to our will, to our ego. We should lower our heads so that they see His Head; lower our voice so that we hear His Voice, and lower ourselves entirely so that He will be able to lift us.

Each one of us on this earth has been given a mission, the Lord says. Our primary mission is to love God, to serve Him and love one another – doing good for the rest of our lives, which will glorify God.  God does not mind our weakness, in fact, He can do great things in our weakness, because through our weakness He practices His power and His strength, and where we lack He will fill. What He needs is a pure heart that will give Him glory; this is why we have to die to our ego. This is what He says:

“In your weakness you inherit My strength; in your submissiveness you inherit My Will; in your total effacement you become heirs of My Image. In your poverty, you inherit what the sages are looking for but can never inherit it: you inherit My Wisdom.”

“-My delight is in every pure heart;

-My joy is when I see your eyes seeking only Heavenly things;

My glory is when you come and tell me: “here I am, here I am,” offering your heart to Me to transfigure it into My domain and then reign over it;

-My magnificence and My splendor are when you keep My sanctuary holy, turning it into a glorious domain for My Majesty;

-My Sovereignty is when in your wretchedness and in your poverty, you can cry out: “hosanna! hosanna! to the King who saved us for eternity! this is My Glory….” (TLIG Message, 10.6.94)

God, therefore, is inviting everyone to be perfect and be one with Him. He invites everyone to be deified in a divine union, so that His Kingdom on earth will be identical to the Kingdom in heaven. Through this divine union, that will be glorifying God, He tells us that our thoughts will no longer be the way we used to think, but our thoughts will be according to His thoughts. Our speech will no longer be as we used to speak, but it will be as God speaks; and we would no longer see things the way our eyes were used to seeing them, but they will be the way God sees them; and our acts would no longer be as before, but they will be the way God acts because they will be divine, and they will be glorifying Him.

God invites everyone to walk with Him. To walk with God is to rule with God while still here on earth. In other words, it means that one is under the divine Will of God. God says that He never ceases to give Himself to all of us. In these exceptional times of Mercy, He is pouring out His Holy Spirit prodigiously to lift our soul and transform it to become one spirit with the Divine.

In a message the Lord explains us the following: “like a true son and daughter of God, you would become in this elevated state of grace a perfect image of the Triune God, and all your undertakings will be done without any flaw, since they would be divine and according to Our Mind and Our Will… and will keep amplifying by grace; your spirit will be immersed in Our Divinity; it is I, who brought you into this filial love and into this Divine union, expanding your heart to receive more of Us so that We receive more of you, to give Ourselves more to you so that you give yourself more to Us; in this cycle you will be giving Us all that belongs to Us already; this is My triumph in you…” (TLIG Message,09.03.1999)

I want to tell you that surrendering to God is the best thing one can do to be able to be elevated in God and glorify Him. If one surrenders to God, then God can fulfil His purpose in you; otherwise how else would He do it if He has not your full fiat? God says He can transform us to become gods by participation, which means being a child of God.

 Here is what He says:

“Being Our offspring, as any offspring, you would have the right as well to share and give your opinion; Even to govern with your Father; Then, in the tranquility of My Breath in you, you will see things through Our Light and the way We see them;” (TLIG Message, 09.03.1999)

See? This says it all. God has chosen us; we did not choose Him. He commissions anyone who is willing to go out and bear fruit that lasts. And, talking about fruits, this is what He says:

“tell Me, of what use is a fruit-tree which would never produce its fruit? or, of what use is a harp without its strings? in other words, of what use are to Me your praises when said without love? of what use are your sacrifices if they were offered without love? Your goal then should be love… for it is on love in the end you will be judged and not on your eloquence of speech or on your knowledge, or on any of your sacrifices, or on the gifts that I, in My benevolence offered you; you will be judged on the measure of your love;” (25.02.1998)

So, speaking about love, that is the key to glorifying God. Let me tell you: “The soul,” the Lord says, “cannot live without God, but it takes its life from God.” We know in part that the Holy Spirit is eternal life and that the soul lives in the love of God, in the humility and meekness of the Holy Spirit. The soul is like a bride, the Lord the Bridegroom, and they love each other and yearn for one another. The Lord in His Love longs for the soul and grieves if there is no place in her for the Holy Spirit. While the soul, having come to know God yearns after Him, for in God lie her life and her joy. The Lord in our days tells us how eager the Holy Spirit is as well to make us understand that He too is our Bridegroom and that we are His wedded one.

This act of love glorifies God, for the gift of love the greater it is the more your knowledge of God is complete. The more your love is ardent for God, the more your prayers are ardent. The more perfect your love, the more your life is holy. Love delights in the Truth.

So, in conclusion, our lives should be revolving only around God, and around Divine Love, which will be glorifying Him, because love unites the soul with God and the more powerful the love becomes the more profoundly the soul penetrates in God…