March 18, 1996
peace be with you; My Command to you is:1 go out where I send you to bear fruit that will last; the Amen is with you; go round offering all that you have learnt from Me; by the power of My Holy Spirit you shall walk, you shall talk, you shall move hearts, you shall cast out devils, you shall uproot evil and you shall plant goodness; and I will rejoice at My choice; rejoice, too, in your God; even after your death, your body will still keep prophesying; – you see My Spirit will express Himself through your body; I, and I only, preached to you: “Salvation”; My Power is at its best in weakness, I have found Weakness and I have become your real Friend; you want now to be pleasing to Me?
Yes, my God and Father.
work faithfully in My Name, thrice Holy and carry out My Command in union with the one2 I have united you with and healed and let him put up more generously with the faults of the weak whom I have raised and blessed; stand your ground for this work of Mercy; resist evil and cling to Me; go, and do not be afraid to declare the truth; My Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to the truth;
My Name: Peace and Love;