April 17, 1992
So long as Your Breath blows on me
You will keep renewing me and on my feet.
Breathe on me, so that I may not die, Lord.
Invade my soul with Your Light,
Yahweh my God, clothed in impressive Glory
may You be blessed. Amen.
be in Peace; allow Me to lead you as I please, I love you eternally, never doubt of My Love;
come, My child, together, you and I, together in union with Me, together bonded to My Cross, we will bring many souls back to Me; do your best and I shall do the rest;
let Me use you for My Glory till the end; delight My Sacred Heart and remain nothing; let your heart be My Heaven; I shall continue providing your soul; praise Me often and love Me; love this Heart of your Lord, love this lacerated Heart of your Master; desire Me and thirst for Me your King, despise yourself so that you remain in My Love and will not be deceived; do not look to your left nor to your right, I shall then perform even greater works through you;
you are pruned now and then but I noticed how your weak nature dislikes it! everything I do is done with wisdom from Wisdom Herself; so, My Vassula, allow Me to prune you now and then; believe Me, it is necessary for your growth; I have chosen you for this mission to go out to the nations and to bear fruit; I know how frail you are and how much Satan would like to see you annihilated from the surface of the earth but I am by your side; therefore, never complain but accept all of your trials graciously, with love and with great humility; the devil will be disarmed and will flee with these virtues; never give the devil a foothold;
no one yet has grasped the breadth and the length, the height and the depth of My Love; I want you entirely for Me, just for Me; I am telling you this over and over again from the very beginning when I called you; I have espoused you to Me for My glorification so that you work together with Me; your mind now should be set on Me and Me alone;
pray all the time, asking Me for all the things you need; be obedient to Love’s desires so that everyone sees that you are My disciple; I took you to Myself to make you live a holy life under My Light; remember: you have one Master and that is Me; you have one Father and that is Me; you have one Spouse and that is Me; you have one Love and that is Me; I have taught you to live by the Truth and in Love to enable you to grow in Me; – once you were ignorant of Me and enslaved to the world and to creatures, but I, your Creator, have detached you so that you love Me above everything and above all;
today I am asking you: are you happy to be with Me in this way?
I am very happy, Lord. You know it.
you have become an object of dread for Satan, this is why you see now and feel his fury; the more your fruit increased, the more fires he built, accumulating falsehood and fraud to accuse you; he wrestles with the angel I have given you, he amasses fraud against you, yet in spite of all this, do you still want to continue this Divine Work with Me?
I, your slave out of love,
shall serve Your Greatness and Your Majesty
till the end.
My beloved one, I will continue then to lead you with reins of Love, come;