May 23, 1991
Yahweh, my God,
You are lavishing Your scents on me,
praised be my Yahweh.
You are mine and I am Yours.
Give me Your Shoulder to lean upon,
unworthy as I am,
a puff of wind that passes unnoticed and does not return,
a speck of dust washed away with the first drops of rain,
allow me to be in the Presence of Your Splendour.
Lead me through this wilderness with a sensitive hand, Beloved.
Vassula, even in your wretchedness, I shall speak to the nations through you, to make your generation proclaim their praises to Me;
Generation, I am going to pasture you;
daughter, I descend, every time you call Me, from My Throne to come all the way to you in your room and meet you; subject to misery, you have captured My Infinite Love; rejoice! rejoice that your King hears you every time you open your mouth and call My Holy Spirit to come and assist you; invoke My Name, My child, and Love shall overshadow you entirely and keep you company;
delight your King now and let Him hear from His Poverty-Stricken child her vows once more,
(I got up and repeated my vows to the Sacred-Heart of Jesus.)
Vassula of My Sacred Heart, I accept your consecration, your offerings pleased My Heart; honour Me, your Lord, by staying devout and loyal to Me, I who am your Rewarder;