November 7, 1989
My Jesus?
I am; peace be with you; receive Me in the way I have taught you; flower, love Me, absorb Me, receive Me and be My reflection, My dove;
My Lord, do let me understand why there are spelling mistakes?
Vassula, these are your own, not Mine; I have chosen you because you are imperfect and with many weaknesses; I, God, choose My instruments weak because My Power is at its best in weakness;
Yet, You do now and then give me new words unknown to me.
I do, when the need comes; I have you under dictation and it is wrong to believe that this is My handwriting;
Why, then, the difference of writing, Lord?
I like it this way; I use My instruments as they are with all their imperfections and all their weaknesses to dictate to them My Knowledge and to feed them and others My Word; I know how many of them take My Words, which many a time are symbolic, to the word, but this again is reflecting their weakness, their obedience and their child-like-faith to Me and their desire to please Me; happy the man who stands firm when trials come; 1
come, My child, allow Me to use you as I please; all your sacrifices will not be in vain; be one with Me, Love loves you;