April 5, 1993
Happy the man who puts his trust in You!
and happy the one who listens to Me! peace be with you; fidelity is what pleases Me; ah daughter …. soul of My preference, will I ever refuse you if you ask in My Name? never! I and you will continue our journey hand in hand; should you feel weary on the way, lean on Me; should your feet not hold you, I shall carry you on My Shoulders; should you thirst or hunger, I shall provide you with Celestial Manna; listen to My Voice and you shall not lapse; I will hearten your heart and make it sing for joy;
Love is on His way back, try to understand …. I am the Vine and you the branch, I am your Master and I am leading you one by one in My House;
I love you dearly, each one of you;