November 30, 2015

Lord! You are the joy of our soul,
the gladness of our spirit,
the lamp of our body,
Glory be to You my God, Father of all…

oh come! do not fear, the sound of your words pleased Me; although your nature is weak and reserved, My Heart rejoices; rejoices in your poverty, My Vassula;

every vision I have given you, every revelation I breathed in you came from My Wisdom; not from sages, or from the intelligence of intelligent men, but from My Holy Spirit;

let this year pass by and you shall see what moaning and bemoaning this generation will have harvested and what panic there would be! your generation carries out plans that are not Mine and so they add sin upon sin, lethal sins; write:

I am now as in the days of Noah, descending upon you to warn your generation; when I warned them of the flood that they would have then, they would not believe; today, Vassula, I have shaken the Heavens as never before in history, to summon the nations to repent, but this race of this generation are sons of oppressors, they oppressed My Warnings; they oppressed My Words to reach out and be heard; despots of evil!

daughter! how I pain to see so many still in deep sleep! from the start from the dawn of My revelation to you I asked everyone to return to Me and live holy! a holy life loving Me and loving one another; this was My fundamental message to this generation and as you heard it from the beginning that you are to love one another;

I tell you, without the bud of love in your hearts you are a living corpse;

and now, Vassula, repose your head on My Heart, and remember My Words to you, that I, Jesus, that called you then tell you again…yes! I love you with an unconditional Love; the choice of choosing you was My Father’s and Mine; We came to you to rescue you and cover you with Our blessings to take the path of virtues, to make your home in Us and We in you; you have only to look around you, add all the Knowledge your spirit drew from Us, to realize the graces you have obtained from accepting Our Call and inherited Our Kingdom; We needed only a contrite and weak heart to pour Our instructions in this heart, and wed it in Our intimacy…

My Father and I became your personal Teacher; I am known to be the Teacher 1 of mankind; so blessed are you that I have instructed you My Law and have given you Our Peace so that you never feel abandoned; We have anointed you in Our Love; you are Our child who grew in Us; We formed you to be firm and in your nothingness We rejoiced;

My Song is about kindness and justice, My Song is for all of you to be sung everlastingly; come always in My Presence with songs of joy; crown Me with Love and do not allow the enemy to uproot your foundation in Me; I always answer your prayers and provide what is best for you; I always send more food2 than you could eat! call Me when you want, My Vassula; your labours of those thirty years will be recompensed as well as to all of those who worked for the same cause of Justice; Heaven does not forget; everything you do with Love for My Sake is counted; alone you are not! Love is always near you… ic

1 I heard then: par excellence – meaning above all
2 Symbolic