19-29 May 2016

A renewed interest in the True Life in God messages along with the publishing of the Italian version of Book One containing all the True Life in God messages inspired an invitation for Vassula witness in Italy. A priest, Fr. Rolando, who has been reading the messages for many years, met Vassula with great joy during our True Life in God pilgrimage last year, while we were visiting Napoli and Pompei. Our Italian TLIG Association, led by Francis Mifsud, asked him at that time whether he was interested in inviting Vassula for a talk in Napoli. With enthusiasm Father Rolando welcomed the idea.

Arrival in Rome

On Thursday May 19, 2016 we traveled from Athens to Rome. At the airport Francis Misfud, a True Life in God reader and one of the main organizers, was waiting for us. Later, at the Misfud famiy home Vassula met with Father Vincent Cosatti, a Franciscan priest who has been dedicated to the True Life in God messages for many years and who was to accompany Vassula on her mission in the two cities: Cordenons  and Napoli. Father Ciro Bova, a charismatic priest was also present at this gathering, along with Sylvia, a young girl who has undertaken the correction of the texts of the Italian edition of the book “Heaven is Real but so is Hell.”

Sylvia, who translates movies for films and television was about to undertake the task of the translation of the television series “The Bible”, but the translation task was given to someone else at the last moment. Her sadness and disappointment was great and she said with grievance to the Lord: “Why, Lord, was that task not appointed to me? I want to work for You so much that I would do it even without payment, only for Your Glory.” Surprisingly enough, the next day Sylvia received a phone call from Francis, who asked her to correct the texts of the “Heaven is Real but so is Hell” book! Sylvia accepted with joy and realized that this was the reason she was not given the translation of the television series “The Bible”. The Lord had other plans for her…

Departure for Venice

On Friday morning May 20th, we flew to Venice and from there drove to Pordenone. It is a beautiful town of 50 thousand inhabitants, an hour’s distance from Venice. Upon arrival, Daniela and Bruno Sodano were waiting for us at our hotel. Both new readers of the True Life in God messages, they are a husband and wife couple with two small children who could not hide their enthusiasm and joy that Vassula was to speak in their small town. Later on that evening, Caterina Delfini, the translator of the True Life in God messages in Italian, also arrived at our hotel. During dinner, Daniela told us how she discovered the True Life in God messages.

A year and a half ago, at a funeral, her mother introduced her to Eugene, an Italian who had been living in Kenya for many years. Daniela was not in a mood to talk and tried to avoid the introduction…It was too late. Eugene spoke to her about his conversion through the True Life in God messages. He suggested that Daniela must find them and read them. Daniela searched many bookstores, but could not find them. Later, she started to search on the internet where she found two phone numbers. She called the first number and was told that these books are not published anymore. She then called the second number, which belonged to Francis. Fiorina, Francis’ wife, indicated to her that this number was a home number and not a bookstore, but Daniela wanted to leave them her phone number.

Time passed and Daniela had almost forgotten about the True Life in God books. She figured that it was very likely impossible to find them or become a member of a True Life in God prayer group. Three months later however, she received a phone call. It was Fiorina on the other side of the line asking her if she still wanted the TLIG books. Incidentally, the Misfud family’s country house was near Daniela’s home, so Daniela had the opportunity to meet the Misfuds personally, receive the books, become acquainted with the Misfuds and by the grace of God move forward together with them in organizing Vassula’s talk in Cordenons.

The Meeting at Cordenons

The next morning, Saturday May 21st, accompanied by the organizers, we went to the cultural centre Aldo Moro, where the True Life in God talk was to take place. At the venue, the sound, lighting and microphone check was being completed, so as to ensure that everything was working fine for the talk.

The effort which the organizers made to invite priests to the talk appeared to bring about some results; however, the organizers’ request to inform their parishes of the talk fell on deaf ears and on sealed eyes. Instead, false rumors surfaced that discouraged the priests and some people to attend. From the bishop’s office, the scheduled meeting with Vassula was canceled at the very last moment… Fear, but mainly ignorance about the messages of True Life in God may have led them to this abrupt refusal. The negative stance of the Church still influences many faithful not to attend the meetings; thus, it significantly reduced the number of participants. When we read the Bible we know that persecutors and slanderers have always existed, either because of ignorance and misinformation or because of intent against what is sent by God. The Psalm 140 verses 1-5 is one of the many passages that depict this persecution: “Yahweh, rescue me from evil people, defend me from men of violence, from people plotting evil, forever intent on stirring up strife, who make their tongues as sharp as serpents with viper’s venom on their lips. Yahweh guard me from attacks by the wicked, defend me from those who love force, from people plotting to make me stumble, forever laying snares where I walk, insolent wretches, concealing pitfall and noose to trap m as I pass.”

We have to remind people constantly how Pope Francis on December 16, 2013, during the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, talked strongly about the role of the prophets: “A Church that lacks Prophecy becomes filled with clericalism and legalism.” In describing the role of the prophet, Pope Francis told the faithful present that the prophet is one who carries within himself three moments: the promise of the past, contemplation of the present and courage to show the path towards the future. (click here to read the article)

Vassula’s talk was scheduled for 4 o’clock that afternoon. The event location was ready with the melody from violin chords creating a lovely atmosphere. It was also a pleasant surprise to witness the arrival of 30 Slovenians who traveled by bus for 3 hours, from Slovenia to Pordenone, to listen to Vassula’s talk.

Photos of Vassula’s witness in Cordenons

One of the Slovenians, Frank, who videotaped the event, has been reading the True Life in God messages for more than 20 years. He is a member of a TLIG prayer group and had interviewed Vassula 20 years ago when she used to live in Switzerland.

He spoke with passion and love about the messages that changed his life and today he works to spread the Lord’s messages in his country.

The topics of Vassula’s talk were “The Mercy of God and an account of what is True Life in God.” Bruno introduced Vassula along with her mission and then Father Vincent Cosatti spoke about the True Life in God messages and its contents. Suddenly, even though we had checked the sound system a few moments earlier, making sure everything was working perfectly for the meeting, several sound problems occurred… a customary phenomenon for the TLIG talks…

Vassula’s speech, which was simultaneously interpreted by Francis, kept the audience’s interest alive. The audience included young people and couples with their children who were hearing Vassula’s story for the first time!

She spoke about Jesus Christ’s delicacy, His sensitivity and about how much He is attracted by our spiritual poverty and wretchedness… She spoke about His desire to offer us His Sacred Heart… She spoke of the Father’s sweetness, of which David also exclaims in the Old Testament, and of God’s infinite Love for His creation…She spoke about the Holy Spirit, which we know so little about, but which is so willing to enter into our lives, if we allow it…

Vassula continued by declaring that there is a spiritual battle being waged in our time; we must as Christians go out on the streets, without fear, to proclaim that Jesus Christ is alive, risen. She referred to the three years of mystical education which she received from Jesus Christ before He asked her to go out into the world and testify… Vassula proclaimed that the sin of our division keeps the body of Christ separated; she emphasized His desire for a unified one date for our Easter celebration…

The audience listened to Vassula’s stirring testimony and applauded continually. Vassula said that God wants to save every one of us; the applause belongs to Him and His Mother, pointing to the icon of Jesus and the statue of our Holy Mother that were on the stage.

Among the audience’s participants was Father Claudio, who has been meditating on the TLIG messages for more than twenty years. He had travelled for 4 hours from Verona to listen to Vassula’s talk. Before leaving the venue, he thanked Vassula warmly for her work. The noteworthy fact that a priest travelled so many kilometers to hear the messages from Vassula’s mouth shows that Wisdom enlightened him to understand the value of the Messages, to thirst for what is holy. The more one drinks of this wisdom, the thirstier one becomes. This example depicts the contrast between this wise priest and those who reject TLIG without having read a page, misguided by slander and misjudgment from others who have never read any part of the messages.

Audience hungry for spiritual food

In spite of difficulties and obstacles, Vassula’s talk took place through the power and the grace of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God!

The Lord’s Spirit was powerfully felt in the audience; here we want to specify that any success the meeting has had, in fact all meetings have had, is due to the many prayers said for this mission. Vassula always states that she does not want to appear as though she succeeded; any success that unfolds is due to the presence of the Holy Spirit. We also have to remember that the Lord’s power works at its best the weaker we are. When we invoke the Holy Spirit to guide us in our day to day lives, we might appear that we are defending ourselves in our thoughts and opinions, yet we are in truth defending the Word of God, not ourselves. A true apostle continues speaking and working for God without hesitation, whether the road is rough or smooth.

The Word of God is not like human speech; it comes down like a hammer, pounding with authority, but at the same time, like a melody: a poem that soothes the heart and heals it! It is filled with tenderness, mercy and an ocean of love. The manner in which God manifests Himself to our generation today through the True Life in God messages is an immense blessing! In fact, what one can say is that True Life in God is a call of Mercy. In this era of the great apostasy which has been foretold in Scripture, while the Christian world is collapsing, the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is present to revive what is in ruin; this is why the Holy Trinity approaches us.

“It is I, Jesus, Jesus your Savior, manifesting Myself through this weak instrument, to give you all and to the entire Nations My Holy Message of Peace and Love; I, who am Sovereign and above all, bend all the way to you, My little flowers to be able to reach you… Out of My infinite Love and out of My Boundless Mercy I come to offer you My Peace and My Love.”(December 7, 1988)

Photo with some of the organizers of Cordenons and Eugenio who gave his testimony


The books were very popular. People asked Vassula to sign them and wanted to take photos with her. Some of the attendees very willingly accepted to give a personal testimony about how they discovered the True Life in God messages and what it was that touched them most in Vassula’s speech.

I cite some of the testimonies:

  • I am Alessandra Ponte, I live in Treviso. I heard about Vassula’s books and her life about 10 years ago through my mother, Nicole Manuzzato who lives in Caracas. At first I read the book ‘My Angel Daniel’ and I was soon very impressed to learn that an angel could approach a person who was not attending the church and was not leading a ‘holy life’; a situation in which we all live and of which we question ourselves about. Soon after I read this book, I started to read the Messages given by Jesus and I realized that there is hope and redemption for all of us. Jesus loves us infinitely and He wants the best for us as; we are His children. I think that when we have Him by our side, disciplining us, must be the most beautiful experience we can have in life. I would like to always be with Jesus and to never again separate from Him.
  • My name is Esther and I live in Udine. I began reading the Messages many years ago. They are so beautiful. They confirm the validity of my relationship with God, a path in life that still continues; it grows and confirms that what Vassula is doing is right. I received a very good impression of her; she is a very beautiful person inside. Her testimony is incredible; the way she was contacted by Jesus to walk this path is an amazing thing. God chooses the individuals He wants to reach in the manner He likes.
  • My name is Gemma. I think that what Vassula said is fantastic; it is beautiful. I wish that all priests would speak like she does when sermonizing from the pulpit; there would then be a general conversion among us. I learned about the TLIG messages through a monthly magazine I subscribe to: ‘Il Segno del Soprannaturale’ (The Supernatural Sign.
  • My name is Lucia and I thank Vassula from the bottom of my heart for her testimony today. It was lovely! I heard about Vassula and the TLIG messages in Medjugorje. Everybody knew of her. When she speaks, I feel that it is Jesus speaking. That is my personal impression…
  • My name is Samovits Stanuel. I am a doctor and have come from