February 13, 1992
Lord, is it fair to reduce the newly converted Greek prayer group to naught? Is it fair that they are chased away by one priest and dispersed to return into the desert they were once in?
Vassula, your priests need prayers!!
Lord, will you allow him to dry up a whole Vineyard? You have turned deserts into Rivers and arid ground into Springs of Water!
Vassula, your priests need prayers!
You have filled the starved with Your Fruits, Lord,
You satisfied the hungry, You lifted the weary
and exalted the poor and the wretched,
You brought happiness to the suffering
and the sick were healed with Your Love
and those who were desperately thirsty, You gave them Water.
Do not abandon them …
I shall not abandon them; My Vassula, your priests need prayers …. look, have faith in Me; ecclesia shall revive, My healing balm is:
But there is no love among many of us!
I shall pour out My Spirit on all mankind, and make the heart of the inflexible melt and their iniquities will be purged in My Fire;
Lord, I will dare say one more thing: That little prayer group now is terrified by this priest, as You know. I am not worthy myself, I am lost without You and the light inside me flickers almost to extinction without Your Light.
your heart is set to tell Me more, finish your sentence, My daughter,
… unity could not be built without the Greek Orthodox priests; the sort of unity You desire does not please them.
yet, My Vassula, I have a list of generous men; they will be an example for the conversion of this generation; but have in mind this priest; honour My priests and offer Me sacrifices of reparation and I will solicit you with My favours;
resign yourself to Me and allow Me to test you now and then; I will heal all the disloyalty My Eyes witness;