Dear Readers of TLIG,

In the messages, Jesus speaks about His images – Icons – weeping. In the United States, a member of the New York City Prayer group has sent us news about two recent phenomena.

Both of these Icons are shedding tears in the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St Paul in Hempstead Long Island New York. This is just one recent example but there are many similar occurrences taking place around the world.

First, an icon of the Virgin Mary, which has a long history of weeping, again recently shed tears. Second, an icon of St Nicolas has recently started to weep. This is the first time this Icon has begun to cry.

For those not familiar with St Nicolas, he is referred to as the “wonderworker”, and he is the same saint identified with Santa Claus. In the west, it might be easier to identify with the idea of Santa Claus weeping. What could possibly make this charitable lover of children weep? It is a sad thought – and should encourage us to pray more for unity, conversion and for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with fervor in evangelizing the messages.

Below, I post several links to the weeping images, as well as a video of the St Nicolas Icon. I have also posted a good link for an overview of St Nicolas in Wikipedia. Finally, our prayer group member in New York helped us find some messages where Weeping Icons are referred to.

The Overview of St Nicolas in Wikipedia:

Here you can view an online video of the Icon of St Nicolas and the tears.

The History of the weeping icon of the Virgin Mary can be read here:

Note: Vassula has spoken in this church in front of the Panagia’s shrine, to the Priests and some lay people.

Shrine of the Tearing Icons

A member of the New York TLIG prayer group went to visit the church where the Icon of Our Lady of Sorrows wept. In this photo the Icon on the right historically started weeping in 1960 but the one on the left wept this past Orthodox Pentecost Sunday. A candle is being held up to the 2 Icons to illuminate them for the picture as the church is dark.

Both Icons have been encased in glass. The one that wept looks almost like a more western non byzantine Icon but it is commonly found in homes of many Orthodox in Greece – as reported by a member of the TLIG Athens prayer group .

Perhaps it is of special significance that this Icon on the left in the glass is called Our “Lady of Sorrows”. Readers of TLIG know our Lady recently awoke Vassula in the middle of the night asking that we pray more and with more recollection. She also asked for more personal sacrifice – acts of sacrificial love. This weeping Icon is just another confirmation perhaps that the time is short and each of us has to find a way to Love God More and our fellow human beings. We have to get out of our comfort zone seeking in these acts nothing for ourselves – that is sacrificial love.

I Allow My Images To Weep
Our Two Hearts Will Defeat The Enemy

June 2, 1994

I allow My images to weep to awaken your remorse and your pain but what I hear is a short sigh in which I find a brief relief from it then, but so very quickly you grant your heart to be taken away by the worries of the world; you allow your heart to be taken away from comforting Me and being a consoler to the Consoler, He who could transfigure you, who could resurrect your soul, who could divinise your soul …

others, upon seeing the torrents shed from My Eyes remain untouched because of their incredulity; having lost the sense of My wonders, they fail to understand and with frenzy persecute My signs; their sins have choked their heart and from thereon their heart flutters after worldly things, never realizing how their soul is being misled by the evil one; who could possibly understand My deep grief? why do they give My Enemy cause to gloat over them in secret? who of you could give Me relief? who of you can give Me rest? every hour that a day contains, every minute that exists I am near you and call to you: “return to Me, return to Love;” oh, but so many of you have grown cruel ….. .

Ecclesia Needs To Be Revived

August 6, 1988

I come to many, I show them My Heart, I give signs by letting My Images shed tears, I appear at various places, but My children’s hearts are covered by a thick crust, a layer of disbelief, they ridicule those who believe, the Word of God means nothing to them, the calls of God are ignored, they pay little heed on Our warnings, no one wants to listen on revelations given by God and spoken from His Mouth, your era’s faith has vanished, swept away by intolerance, perversion, cruelty and ignominy, how sorrowful My Immaculate Heart is, My Hand can no longer keep God’s Arm from falling upon you.

Ecclesia needs to be revived and Her time of Purification is almost over now the Holy Spirit will descend upon you all giving you hope, love and faith, restoring your faith and nourishing your soul, this will be known as the Great Return, as the Sprouting of an Everlasting Source, as the Flourishing of Flowers Ecclesia’s purge will prepare you all to face a New Heaven and a New Earth, She will prepare you to face your God, understand My deep love I have for all of you.

we, us?
