The Rosary

06 May 1999 22:47

Mary Zore sends the following testimony:

I am offering this spiritual experience which I had during a month of May several years ago to honor Our Holy Mother Mary.

Seeing that I was very weak and constantly prone to falling back into sin, despite my many good resolutions, God provided a remedy in my life: the Queenship of Mary. I first crowned the Blessed Mother in my dorm room many years ago purely in imitation of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and with hardly any knowledge of the great tradition of crowning her in the Church. My crown was made in my jewelry class, and I have to admit that my ignorance was such that I did not fully comprehend the solemn nature of offering a crown to the Blessed Mother and the great need to live that crown by obeying and imitating her in my life.

When I was finishing up my college program I did a novena for direction in my life and at the end of the novena I had two important things happen to me, I met my husband, and I found a copy of the “Secret of the Holy Rosary” in a church pew. ( I recognized the book about the rosary as being significant because of a previous dream after praying a rosary). The romance, however , took precedence over the book ( how spiritually poor I was) and the book ended up in a box for 7 years. After the birth of my son, I again did a novena for direction and at the end of the novena I was looking through the box and rediscovered the book. Reading the book was an incredible experience of having my eyes opened. The little town we moved to has only one Catholic church, and it is dominated by the scene of St. Dominic receiving the rosary from the Blessed Mother, a scene described in the first chapters of that book.

I felt like God had lifted me out of my small, self centered life and shown me the tool which connected me to all my brothers and sisters. I could pray, I could help God with this tool! I started a small rosary group and within six months visited Medjugorje. This was miracle upon miracle to me. I realized how shabbily I had crowned the Blessed Mother before and began to recrown her and really try to live in a holy way. I made lots of mistakes too, but she would correct me. She brought me to new people and helped me find books to read, spiritually enriching books. Most important of all, she helped with going back to confession and straightened out so many mistakes I had made in my life.

After being in the Marian movement for about seven years, (and yes, discovering the Vassula “True Life in God” books which seemed to echo my own conversion and encouraged me along the way) I had the following experience which I would like to relate. I was using the “Hail Mary of Gold” prayer as a prayer and means of meditating and honoring the intimacy between Jesus and Mary. As a mother I knew how close you felt to your children as you nurse them and this prayer brought out that closeness between Jesus and Mary. After doing this for about a month on a frequent basis, I had a beautiful dream. In it I saw a huge box, packaged as if for shipping by parcel post. On top of the box in clear letters were written: Queenship of Mary. Without any words, God seemed to impart to me an understanding that this was a medicine, it was His prescription for the world. It was wrapped and ready to be sent.

The present state of the world, the lack of peace, and prevelant state of impurity and corruption seems to tell me that this medicine is indeed needed. The frequency of approved Marian apparitions ( Fatima, Akita, Betania) and many other not yet approved apparitions, seems to verify the need for this medicine. The first readings on the feast of Divine Mercy Sunday of this year particularly struck me because of this dream and seemed to further verify the dream, and have given me the courage to share this dream:

” Rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, insincerity, envy, and all slander; like new born infants, long for pure spiritual milk so that through it you may grow into salvation…”


Hail Mary, White Lily of the Blessed and Always Serene Trinity! Hail Brilliant Rose of the garden of heavenly delights! O you, by whom God wanted to be born, And by whom the King of Heaven wanted to be nourished, Nourish our souls with effusions of divine grace. Amen

Sincerely in Christ Jesus,
Mary John Zore