True Life in God e-Newsletter
March 6th, 2004

An Important Message From Vassula

Vassula’s Trip To India Report

The TLIG Website Bookshop

Lenten Message from Jesus

An Important Message From Vassula

Dear TLIG family. An important meeting will occur on the 17th March. It is of the highest importance to TLIG. I therefore ask all of you to pray fervently for this intention. Those who can, please join in a novena for this intention starting on the 8th ending on the 16th. May God bless you,


* editors note:
As some people will not open their Forum right away and as others do not have e-mail, please make a fewphone calls NOW and inform friends of TLIG about this very important meeting March17th.

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Vassula’s Trip To India Report

Vassula, Catarina and I arrived in Mumbai on 3.11 and stayed at the house of Mr. Vijay Lazarus and his wife’s Shirley, dear friends of TLIG and of Vassula. Next day Vassula met there with 20-25 people of the TLIG prayer group in Mumbai: Mrs Celine Vieira, Mr. Tony and Elaine Murray, Mr. & Mrs Agnello Fernandes (brother of Harold Fernandes in the US), Mr. & Mrs Joe De Silva, Bharat Panicker -Vassula’s godson, converted Hindu- just to name a few who were present and shared with Vassula their TLIG activities of the past year and heard the news about the recent TLIG Working Teams gathering in Rome.

On the 5th we left for Bangalore. Mrs Celine Manayani met us at the airport and we stayed at her place, in Karuna Niwas, which is a charity house that shelters unwedded mothers who are rejected by their families and the society. Mrs Celine is the donor of the land for the new Beth Myriam in Bangalore.

In Bangalore Jesus gave us a surprise because the following meeting was not planned. We were invited by the “Sisters of Fatima Provincialate” for coffee and lunch and in the afternoon Vassula spoke in front of 27 nuns saying that we have to repent and empty ourselves to make place for the Holy Spirit in us so that He can transform our heart from a desert place into a garden, into a palace where He can reign over us. Many of the Sisters are already reading the messages of TLIG and they have asked for all the volumes to be sent to them.

On 13.11, we flew to Varanasi where Fr. Stephen Raphael of Kolkata met us at the airport with Fr. Peter Selvan (who is assisting in the translation of the books) and Fr. Shail Akash (the main translator of the messages in Hindi).

India 1

The next day, on the 14th, we visited the Pastoral Centre of Varanasi. Vassula was invited to speak to the Ecumenical meeting of Bishops. Fr. Raphael introduced Vassula to the Catholic and Protestant Bishops and Fr. Peter gave a welcoming speech for her. Fr. Satyenend presented to Vassula the first volume of the messages of TLIG translated in Hindi language.

Vassula spoke in the presence of the Bishops, clergy, nuns, religious and laypersons giving her testimony especially about the Holy Eucharist and read the message of Jesus of 20.1.2001: “many of you who belong to the Church are looting it today; you loot by refusing to recognise My Body in the Eucharist, and partake of My Divine Mystery in the manner I truly instituted; you are looting My House when it comes to measure the magnificence of My Divinity and My Presence in the Eucharist; you are looting My House in many other ways; Scriptures never lie and cannot be rejected, but you reject parts of it,looting it in that way too; in My Church, I have given it to enrich it apostles, I have raised and given it prophets, teachers, and afterthese, miracles, the gift of healing and various other gifts; but you are plundering My House, you are looting it today;”

Everyone present was very pleased to hear Vassula. The Bishops, priests and nuns gave her their addresses so that they receive all the volumes of the TLIG books.

On 15.11 Fr. Peter accompanied us to the Ashram Centre, which is a prayer and devotional centre.

There, Vassula met with Fr. Anil who is the Director of this Ashram.

Many Hindus of the area visit the place for prayers, counsel and spiritual support. Fr. Anil together with other priests helps everyone who visits the Ashram. We visited also the Adoration Chapel where the Holy Sacrament is exposed 24 hours a day. On our way out of the chapel Fr. Anil showed us a little girl of about 5 years old in a coma since a week because she saw her mother dying. Fr. Anil asked Vassula to pray over the child for a complete recovery. The next afternoon we heard with joy that the little girl came out of her coma and was very well in her health. Glory and Praise to Jesus!

Later on the same day, it was arranged for Vassula to speak to the seminarians and priests in a meeting in Varanasi. After the impressive local dance by four novices dressed in traditional Indian costumes that danced the “Our Father” dance in worship of Jesus.

Vassula was formally presented with the 1st Volume of the TLIG messages in Hindi and gave them a speech based on the Trinitarian spirituality of the messages and the mission of Unity of TLIG.

The next day, Sunday 16th, Fr. Anil invited Vassula to speak in front of a crowd of about 2000 people, in their majority Hindus and a few Christians, who gather every Sunday at this prayer centre.

Vassula started by introducing herself as a normal housewife. She said that after the visit of her guardian angel Daniel and her purification, she heard God speaking to her in a very tender paternal voice and she felt that she knew Him to the point that she uttered the words “Yes Dad” because she felt Him as her real Father more than her earthly father. She said that Jesus wants us to be intimate with Him and she said to the crowd: “I have the key to be intimate with Jesus; who among you wants to have this key?” They all put their hands up. And then Vassula said: “To be intimate with Jesus we have to use the words `we, us’, and whatever we do, we must do it with love for Him. Jesus also loves the unceasing prayer and that is to desire God the whole day”.

All the Hindus present together with all the Christians applauded the powerful and inspired speech of Vassula with enthusiasm and admiration. As a result to this, all the newly published 1st volume TLIG books in Hindi that were brought to the Ashram earlier, were all taken by the people present!

That afternoon Fr. Stephen accompanied us to a visit to the river Ganges where we had a half an hour boat ride along the Holy river of the Hindus.

Vassula on the Ganges

May the glory of our Loving God shine in all the hearts! Glory is to Jesus!

Georgia Braun
TLIG Monte Carlo, Monaco

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The TLIG Website Bookshop

Recently there have been improvements to the TLIG website Bookstore. Everybody should take time to have a look at all the books currently in the shop online. The prices really reflect the good service attitude of those people who labour so hard to publish the messages and make them available to the public. Go see the bookshop: /buy.html

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Lenten Message from Jesus

(March 10th, 1990) “…My child, have you fully understood My Passion? I am the One who delivered you from Death; persecuted, I was, for your sake; disfigured from the blows, spat upon, despised, mocked and jeered, I was, for your deliverance; scourged without mercy, I was, for the sake of My great love for you; I have carried your sins on My Shoulders without uttering one complaint, ‘like a lamb that is lead to the slaughter-house, like a sheep that is dumb before its shearers never opening its mouth,’ (1) and to free you my beloved one, I allowed Myself to be pierced by those very ones I had created, yes they pierced the Hands that created them, and through My Wounds I healed you … for your sake I have endured hours of suffering to lift your soul from the pit; I am your Holy One, yet, I allowed you to stretch Me on the Cross until My Bones were disjointed; feel today My agony, feel My thirst for lack of love, a love no flood can ever quench and no torr ents can ever drown

will I ever see you, you who still err in the desert? come back to Me and
reconcile with Me, and live holy abandoning your ways; in sorrow and tears I watched this unholy generation go away following Vice instead of Virtue, Death instead of Life because this generation relied on falsehood, thus conceiving rationalism which gave birth to atheism; so for how long must I have stayed bereft and lonely behind eachTabernacle? while tears of Blood stream down My Cheeks leaving every fibre of My Heart broken? My agonies of Gethsemane are repeated in My Soul every hour, enter into My Wounds and you will understandMy agonies;

I had foreseen from the very beginning how, inspite of My Sacrifice, clans would rise against Me and divide My Body causing so many new doctrines; and once their sense of right and wrong dulled in their own dissension, would lose the sense of brotherhood; and the wailing of My lambs since then have pierced My Ears

… and now as an echo My Cry comes from the Cross to different nations to call you all back and make you one; so if anyone asks Me: “why are these Tears of Blood streaming down Your Cheeks? “

I shall reply: these are shed for you My child, they are Tears caused by sins and impurities; and if you ask Me: “and what about these marks on your Body?” , “why are your Wounds wide open” I shall reply: these My child are being given to Me daily without mercy for those I love most but have now turned against Me leaving My Wounds wide open, yet they were the ones who once said: “we would like to learn Your Ways and follow You”. intellectually they are in the dark and not until they die to their self will they be able to see the Light;

today again, in these days of lent I come to you My child, sinner, just or unjust, or repelled from humanity, or tossed around one way or another in this world, I come to ask you for your reconciliation, go and reconcile with your brother,for in reconciling with him your are reconciling with Me your God; offer Me your peace as I offer you My Peace, imitate Me and be holy, sacrifice and fast so that you may grow in My Spirit which is:Love, Holiness and Truth;…

To read this message in full go to: /msg/vass515.html

If you have TLIG related news, information, or inspiration please write: [email protected]

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“WE -US”