True Life in God e-Newsletter
January 14, 2004
Powerhouse of “Apostles of the End of Times” to Assemble in Mexico City.
A Special Opportunity For a Life Changing Retreat
Powerhouse of “Apostles of the End of Times” to Assemble in Mexico City.
“I am sending you, creation, messenger after messenger to break through your deafness, but I am weary now of your resistance and your apathy; I am ever so weary of your coldness; I am weary of your arrogance and your inflexibility when it comes to assemble for unity; you filled and overflowed now the Cup of Stupor; intoxicated by your own voice you have opposed My Voice, but it shall not be forever, soon you shall fall for you have opposed My Voice by your voice’s misleading nonsense, naturally My Church is in ruin because of your division; you are not applying My advice nor are you practising My desires for lack of faith, but I will expose your heart to you and to the whole world, I shall expose how secretly you were planning to destroy My Law; …the sixth seal is about to be broken and you will all be plunged into darkness and there will be no illumination for the smoke poured u p out of the Abyss will be like the smoke from a huge furnace so that the sun and the sky will be darkened by it;…. and out of My Cup of Justice I will make you resemble snakes, vipers, I will make you crawl on your belly and eat dust…. in these days of darkness; I will crush you to the ground to remind you that you are not better than vipers… you will suffocate and stifle in your sins; (February 18, 1993 )
The Location of the 2nd annual Latin American Retreat Has been officially changed to Mexico City.
It seems as if our Lady of Guadalupe Herself is calling True Life in God to this unique and especially powerful retreat; as She is in Mexico City. If you have any doubt as to your spiritual “fitness”, the days grow short -so now is the time to improve your relationship to God.
With the change from the original planned location in Guadalajara a few extra spaces have been made available, due to a bigger venue . People are advised to act immediately as these places will fill almost instantly.
If you already made plans to go to Guadalajara this is: THE OFFICIAL and FINAL NOTIFICATION OF THE CHANGE OF VENUE from Guadalajara to MEXICO CITY
This Retreat is with Vassula for almost 5 days and Our Lady of Guadalupe will be visited near the location of our retreat in Mexico City. Many of the talks will be in English and there will be simultaneous translation Spanish-English .
Details:Mexico City: February 13-18, 2004
Location: Retreat Place is the Gran Hotel Valle de Mexico, located at Avenida 1° de mayo # 15, Naucalpan, 53370 Phone: (52) (555) 358-9888.
Cost: $300.00dollars -all rooms are double rooms. (US $30 dollars increase)This cost includes all meals and lodging and transportation to and from the Basilica of our Lady of Guadalupe. Transportation to and from the airport is not included. There are no single rooms available.
Speakers: Vassula Rydén, Rev Sverker Tronet, Arch. Eugene Nicolau, Fr. Xavier Escalada, Monsignor Julio Terán Dutari,Fr. Fernando Umaña, Monsignor Lázaro Pérez.
How do I register?
If you Have already registered for the retreat and made a deposit:
1. Transfer the Balance of your payment No later than January 30th, 2004:
For bank transfers from any country, including Mexico:BANK OF NEW YORK,SWIFT: BIMEMXMM, ABA: 021000018, BANCO INTERNACIONAL S.A.
Account Number: 8900085401
Beneficiary: ROSA JONES DARWICHS, Account number: 8000031237
BANCOMER, Office 0434 Guadalajara, Plaza México
Account: 0191068741
Beneficiary: Fco. Javier Pelayo Jones
Guadalajara, Jalisco
2.Specifying an e-mail or fax:
Attention: Hilda Farah
Mobile: ++ 52 55 54 14 94 37 Office: ++ 52 55 52 07 88 64 ; Fax:++52 55 5644 27 74
[email protected]
b. Who you want as your roommate – if you do not specify this you will be assigned a roommate by default.
Upon receipt of this e-mail or fax you will be sent a confirmation e-mail with instructions for obtaining a taxi at the airport another pertinent information: local weather conditions etc.
If you have not yet registered for this retreat and wish to try to get a space:1. Obtain a Retreat Registration Form by e-mail from Hilda Farah: [email protected]
2. Fax or e-mail the form back to her-and follow the above 3 steps.
Proposed Schedule
Thursday, February 13, 2004
6.30 PM – Welcoming speech by Vassula
7 PM- Mass 8.15 Dinner
Friday, February 14
6.00 A.M. Wake up
7.30 A.M. Laudes
8.00 A.M. Breakfast
9.30 A.M. Talk by Vassula – “Complete Unity will come from the Holy Spirit” –
10.30 A.M. Meditation and discussion
11.30 A.M. Break
12.00 P.M. Angelus and Talk by Fr. Sverker Tronet: The Holy Spirit and the Renewal of the Church
1.00 P.M. Meditation and discussion
2.00 P.M. Lunch
3.30 P.M. Rosary of Mercy (St. Faustina)
4.00 P.M. Talk by Fr. Fernado Umaña (to confirm availability) – “Mary and the Holy Trinity
5.00 P.M. Meditation and discussion
6.00 P.M. Catholic Prayer – Vía Crucis (with candles) – Confessions
7.00 P.M. Holy Mass
8.00 P.M. Dinner
Saturday, February 15
6.00 A.M. Wake up Call
7.30 A.M. Laudes
8.00 A.M. Breakfast
9.30 A.M. Talk by Msgr. Julio Terán Dutari – The Holy Spirit and Ecumenism in the Teachings of John Paul II
10.30 A.M. Meditation and discussion
11.30 A.M. Break
12.00 PM. Angelus and Talk by Fr. Xavier Escalada – “The Holy Spirit and the Spouse say Come”
1.0 P.M. Meditation and discussion
2.00 P.M. Lunch
3.30 P.M. Talk by Vassula – “The Holy Spirit and True Life in God”
4.30 P.M. Meditation and discussion
5.30 P.M. Pentecostal Prayer
6.30 P.M. Divine Liturgy
7.30 P.M. Mercy Rosary
8.00 P.M. Dinner
Sunday, February 16
6.00 A.M. Wake up call
7.30 A.M. Laudes
8.00 A.M. Breakfast
9.30 A.M. Talk by Arch. Eugene Nicolau – “The Unity of the Church: A New Pentecost”
10.30 A.M. Meditation and discussion
11.30 A.M. Break
12.00 PM. Angelus and Talk by Msgr. Lázaro Pérez -“I believe in the Holy Spirit”
1.00 P.M. Meditation and discussion
2.00 P.M. Lunch
3.30 P.M. Marian Living Rosary (with candles)
4.00 P.M. Talk by Fr. Armando – “The Unity in the Holy Scriptures”
5.00 P.M. Meditation and round table
6.00 P.M. Orthodox Ceremony
7.00 P.M. Sunday’s Holy Mass
8.00 P.M. Dinner
Monday, February 17
6.00 A.M. Wake up7.30 A.M. Laudes
8.00 A.M. Breakfast> 9.00 A.M. Visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Basílica
2 PM Lunch
5.00 P.M. General talk by Vassula (registered members and general public)
Dinner at Casa Nazareth and Party
Tuesday, February 18
Departure after breakfast.