Unity comes through communication, sincerity, harmony, and reconciliation. To perfect our union with our brothers and sisters, we need to first recognize the strengths and weaknesses that exist within ourselves, our prayer-groups and our churches. Should a weakness arise, prayer and reconciliation can rectify our union. Sustained harmony is a channel towards receiving the Holy Spirit.
By Vassula Rydén
One reason why God created man was to prove to Satan that not only was it in His nature to want to communicate His glory to created beings, but that He could deify him, “like the Most High”, out of the very dust of the earth. This creature would rise out of the slimy origins of corruptible matter and be exalted to the supreme heights of divinity, becoming a god by participation. This is why man in his restored and sanctified state stands over and above the ranks of even the angels. In the Orthodox worship, our Blessed Mother can be called; “the sweetness of the angels,” and “higher than the heavens,” and “more honourable than the cherubim and beyond compare, more glorious than the seraphim.”
But our adversary, Satan, from the moment God created us was against us. Envious that God has created us in His image and likeness, he never ceased to use his freedom to put man to the test and tempt him for his fall.
Today, the world does not believe in the existence of Satan as an evil spirit or any other evil spirit, nor does it believe in the other dark forces that plague God’s creation. To accept that the evil spirits exist is already to have conquered part of the spiritual battle. But Jesus warned us that in our days, the latest trick of Satan is to make people believe he does not exist nor that there is a place like hell. Many Christians today are not aware of his presence and the presence of the evil spirits either on the physical aspect of things or in the spiritual sense and the effect these evil spirits can do to us. Thus by rejecting this reality, we are giving Satan and his fallen angels their freedom to move and go about without being detected and without hindering them. Satan is not just a form of evil, or an energy, or an idea, but a real personality with intelligence. With him are hordes of other evil spirits who are in the same battle against the Kingdom of God, that were they to be physically seen by the eye, they would darken the sun.
We know and have learnt that evil spirits are never content to roam around marshlands and open spaces, but are always seeking to make their abode into a body and soul. They roam to look for “openings” and opportunities to lodge in souls. Apparently, demons are never impressed while being exorcised by timid and effeminate persons, perhaps this is why we find in the Orthodox Tradition the practice of literally blowing away the demons and spitting at them. In the baptismal rite the person who is being baptised is asked to blow and spit at Satan three times. An Orthodox priest says on this: “How regrettable that some priests have discontinued this custom, finding it vulgar and distasteful! O, if they only realized what a service they do to Satan! He sure is fond of persons with such qualities of courtesy and refinement and appreciates their cooperation…”
A Greek Orthodox father said: “The Orthodox Church obviously has a vivid awareness of the reality of the devil as an invisible personality who not only seeks to take over the souls and bodies of men, but also dwells in material things like homes, certain rooms, the air and water. Before a person is immersed in the baptismal water, the water is always exorcised so that it might be liberated from demonic powers. For example, the priest prays to God that “all invisible phantoms of the air depart from us and let no demon of darkness be hidden in this water, nor, we beseech Thee, O Lord, allow to descend, with him who is now being baptized, any evil spirit which bringeth defective reason and confusion of thought.” He then blows into the water three times in the form of a cross and signing it with his hand which he dips three times, he says, “By the sign of Thy precious Cross let all adverse powers be shattered!”
Many Christians are not aware that they might be carriers of one demon or more. They can never imagine that whatever physical or psychological illness they suffer could be caused by evil spirits that made their home in them. Many emotional disorders, neurosis, break downs, unfounded fears, anxieties, migraine headaches, asthma, allergies and other psychosomatic diseases very often are caused by a demon that has taken his abode in the soul and body of a person. In our days if someone suggests to them such a thing, they would laugh at the notion of having such a demon or they would simply think your thoughts are medieval, outdated or superstitious. Leaving such a demon or even ignoring it would simply cause more damage since it would be an invitation to this evil spirit to remain permanently in us.
In this article I shall mainly focus on one spirit, that is very common and found especially in religious circles, but as well in offices, families and circle of friends. One could detect it easily if one knows its behaviour. It is a product of the flesh that opens the door to an evil spirit. It is behaviour that operates through a person to control by the use of manipulative, domineering and intimidating tactics. When it is in the church it is to disrupt the flow of the Spirit. The devil hates the prophetic flow of God, because the prophetic ministry demands repentance and cuts away evil without compromise. The prophet always speaks against Jezebel. Additionally, the prophetic words come with creative power, which renders the enemy helpless. There is such significance in the fact that Jezebel wanted to destroy Elijah. The Jezebel spirit hates the prophetic, uncompromising voice. It cannot accomplish its agenda with a prophet around. However, here, I shall not so much talk about the queen Jezebel, married to King Ahab, because that is from what it gets its name, but because one can read the Scriptures and find out their story. I shall only write of her spirit.
Jezebels have a personality that has been shaped by controlling demonic thoughts. Therefore, the person must be willing to ruthlessly face truth and be willing to let God crucify his flesh. The flesh and its patterns must be subjected to the Holy Spirit daily in order for the person to be permanently set free.
Jesus had warned the Church at Thyatira about this diabolical spirit called Jezebel. Jezebel’s aim is to silence God’s prophets because in doing so, it destroys the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy (Rev.19:10). It takes you away from the truth and from the words of our Lord given to us for the benefit of His Church, to follow what does not come from God. Expert in aping God, it can lure many faithful away from the real prophetic revelation that is given by God’s grace. Since a Jezebel spirit counterfeits the prophetic anointing in gifts, calling, and authority, a prophetic leader will become a target of a Jezebel spirit, as will a church in which the prophetic is held in high regard. A prophetic church and its leaders must realize that if the spirit of Elijah is going to return, so will its counter-spirit – the Jezebel spirit.
In these last days the Holy Spirit led us to be aware more than ever of this evil spirit revealing to us its name. It had infiltrated in some of our prayer groups in the past, causing a lot of damage, frustration, quarrels, and finally division and destruction as well as in the Associations of True life in God. It would not fail to penetrate as well in the good work of the Coordinators’ team and disrupt it, but with the grace of our Lord we will always succeed in discerning it and remove it from within our circles before damage is done. Just like the angel removing the darnel from the wheat, I have a feeling that these are the times when our Lord is cleansing His field.
Face to face with Jezebel
During these past fourteen years, how many times have I come face to face with this spirit, but without knowing its name! I have met individuals carrying this evil spirit in my meetings, during encounters, in prayer groups, and other places. How many times have I heard from them the classical sentence: “I’m just like you. I have exactly the same experiences as you have. I understand you. God tells me the same things as he tells you.” Or, “Jesus is also giving me messages very similar to yours. We should join forces and work together.” Or, more direct, “Jesus and the Virgin Mary told me that we should work together.” Some would be simple but just as deadly and would say: “Our blessed Mother wants you to do this or that,” indicating to me what I should be doing. These comments would be either in verbal form or they would be in written form, passing in my hand or through friends a written message from “their angel” to me, or from “Jesus or Mary,” many of which will be either flattering me to lure me, or flogging me because I had rejected them!
A true gift of the Holy Spirit never labels itself but allows God to let it be discovered. Since it is His work and He intends to deal with it, He will see to it to be known in His time. If one has a genuine call of God, people will recognize it. But so many who are not given the gift of prophecy, go around wearing a badge, cheapening themselves by sticking the label on themselves.
As I was in transit in Nice one day and waiting for my plane, I was approached by a young lady who apparently had recognized me. She said that she had been reading the TLIG inspirations and was delighted with its contents. Just before leaving she pulled out her private card
which contained her name and just below her name was her profession. It read: “Messenger of God.” How brazen can one get!
Very recently we had to face this evil spirit again in several different places. Thanks for Fr. Abberton and Fr. Sullivan’s help, this evil spirit was dealt with great success but not without a struggle. Unfortunately to this day, those that carried it and were asked to go for deliverance prayers and healing have not gone. It is very difficult to bend pride in them or submit to their self-ego. Those that said they went for deliverance prayers, went there unconvinced that they were carrying this spirit; denying what they carry does not help much because they block themselves to the Spirit who is ready to heal them.
By calling herself a “prophetess,” Jezebel was teaching and leading God’s bondservants astray. Over the centuries, she has been around, seeking to attack the prophetic ministry given either on a person or in the Church, and where the prophetic gift is present, you can be sure that sooner or later the Jezebel spirit will manifest itself. I sometimes doubt that the person carrying the Jezebel spirit has any notion that she or he carries it, since this person is determined in reaching his or her goal at any price.
Probably most deceiving to many is that Jezebel was religious and did religious things. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, meaning “with Baal”. She converted her husband Ahab to follow Baal. Ahab married her against God’s command. The name Jezebel specifically means “without dwelling or habitation.” A true explanation of Jezebel can clearly be described as the worship of self-will.
Some characteristics of Jezebel
The clear battle with the Jezebel spirit is over people. In the church, that spirit desires to rule and control the people of God. If we are not people of decision, we will fall under the spell of the Jezebel spirit. She is a supporter of, and heavily influential in, religious organization as well as politics. While Jezebel is religious, she wields her false power against the true prophetic flow of God. She hates the prophets and all prophetic ministry. Specifically she hates repentance, humility and intercessory prayer, because they destroy her strongholds of stubbornness and pride.
Jezebels love to project a sense of power they do not have. It is based on intimidation, in order to cloud the minds of those they desire to oppress. How frequently that spirit tries to wield influence: In the church – “If you take this action, we will withhold our tithe.” Or, “Submit to me, or you won’t have a spiritual covering.” In spiritual organizations, – “If you don’t see it my way, I will just pull out and you can deal without me and all the work I prepared I will keep.” Yes, if one does not go along with his or her action, there will be consequences. Intimidation always seeks to move the person through threats. This use of fear puts the victim under control out of fear of losing something precious to him. This is blackmail and far from God’s love, because these are all improper channels, use of illegitimate power and authority, projection of power that is not ours to use. This by no means insinuates that a person shouldn’t stand up for himself, but rather that it should be done through proper channels. Manipulating, intimidating and dominating another human being are blatant uses of control and illegitimate authority.
In the first stages of my witnessing while in Switzerland I was approached by a lady who seemed quite gentle and eager to give some help in the French translations. As I had no one yet, I accepted her offer. Her husband worked in a school and was teaching French Literature. She appeared to be the right person to translate as her husband could give some light as well in what she translated. But after reading the text given to me, I discovered that the terminology was far from Biblical terminology. Jesus’ simple clear words, were turned into French literature, losing the touch of intimacy. And as we know, TLIG has indeed very close links of terminology with the Scriptures. In fact there are many quotations from the Scriptures. I took the liberty to alter certain words that were biblical, taking them from the French Bible. When she found out that I dared interfere in what she called “her” work, I was threatened and accused of interfering into what she called perfect French, treating me as an ignorant person who does not know refined French language, reminding me that her husband is a teacher of French literature, etc. She wrote a hard letter to me and said that either they do it their way without me altering their language and putting it into Biblical language, or they would pull out. After consulting my confessor, he advised me to let them go.
I called her and said to her that I don’t accept what she said. Frustrated, she asked me to give her back her translated manuscript. Immediately I turned to our Lord and asked Him to send me a translator. That same evening Lucien Lombard called me and asked me if he could do some work, perhaps translations? That is how our Lord works. If one instrument fails Him, He replaces that person. No problem.
This lady then, having been stopped to work in the translations, wrote her own book of “divine messages”. Went over to Belgium and had them print them out. The Jezebel spirit is also vengeful. She started to approach many of my friends to tell them how evil I was and that she too had visions. In one of her visions, she said, she saw Padre Pio, who indicated to her that I was indeed very evil and that I was a false prophet. As this was not enough to get even with me, she opened a website against TLIG. Her mission was to d