“Now listen to Me and write these
establish Our Beth Myriams everywhere you can. Lift the oppressed and help the orphan. Protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me. Unload My burden and fatigue; support Me and encourage Me. All that you do to the least of My brethren you do it to Me… I bless the supporters of My life.
May they remain virtuous and all-loving.
I am with you..ic “March 27, 2002
“Now many Beth Myriams have opened around the world in several countries. The main thing that the people will be served in these Beth Myriams will be Love…the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ as we endeavour to serve Him by serving one another…but also a warm dinner and sometimes clothing, sometimes medical treatment and sometimes schooling. Not all are called to work in these projects, but Jesus does teach us to be generous with our love in other ways.” Vassula
On May 23, 1986, Vassula’s Angel, Daniel, said to her: “collect money and give it to the poor needy souls…be generous.”
The usual progression is reading the Messages, trying to live the Messages, starting or joining a TLIG prayer group, being inspired to do more for God. Some do prison ministry while others start a Beth Myriam using the Guidelines on the TLIG Website; only TLIG people work in the Beth Myriams; other TLIG readers support the Beth Myriams with prayer and financial donations.
“…enlarge My Vineyard, daughter, and I will extend all the fruits of My Vineyard and its boundary will have no end; – My Plan is to save you all…” March 18, 1995
To learn more about the Beth Myriams and their locations around the world, and how to make a donation, click on Beth Myriam in the left menu on the Home Page of www.tlig.org.