October 19, 1988

glory be to God; 1

praised be Our Lord; 2

I give you My Peace, come; 3

I, the Lord, tell them4 this: I bless each one of them; I bless all those who help in My Divine Message, particularly those who sacrifice their spare time for Me;

My calls will not be in vain; love one another as I love you, diffuse My Message even to those who will ridicule you, pray for enlightenment, treat each other equally; beloved ones, I am Present at all Times; I, Jesus, love you all with an everlasting love; come to Me;

Vassula, show My Sacred Heart to them; I, the Lord, will teach them to walk with Me; I will show them what True Life in God means, I will make them understand that they all are My seed and that they belong to Me;

I will show them how Satan had deceived them all and how treacherous he is; I want to tell them again and again that Satan exists, he is the Evil one, he is the one who deceived you from The Beginning and he shall be conquered in the end and crushed; pray, My beloved ones, I will be listening; pray and talk to Me; I am present, I am your Holy Companion, I am among you always; believe in this Mystery of My Presence;

My love to you is everlasting, you will only understand its depths and its fullness once you are in Heaven, feel My Presence … feel My Presence … I bless all of you;

1 Answer to St Michael’s prayer.
2 Answer to St Mary’s prayer.
3 Answer to the Sacred Heart’s prayer.
4 To the little group we formed to meet.