April 3-7, 2019


(Message for Ireland:)

“Beloved children, I give you My Peace; the world is falling into decay, but I have not forgotten you; I am visiting you in your distress to help each one of you reach your Room in Heaven; you are Mine and you are all very precious to Me; I am the Light of the world, so do not fear, I ask you to pray for those who have hardened their heart and do not believe in the Truth; never cease your prayers; I, the Lord, have passed through your cities, Ireland, and although at the moment you do not know the Plans I have designed for you;
– remain in My Divine Love and you shall feel strong,
– remain in My Sacred Heart and you shall prosper,
– remain in My favour by your constancy and faith,
– remain in Me, and you shall live;
I, the Lord, bless each one of you leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead; remember: Love loves you;”
   (True Life in God Messages, November 22, 1991-Cork)

It was such a joy to receive confirmation that Vassula would come to Ireland in April 2019!  We were delighted to hear that Jesus chose Fr. Petr Simara, from the Czech Republic, to accompany Vassula.  We booked a large venue for Vassula’s public talk and our event planning started. We knew from experience that planning this visit would be a challenge and lots of hard work! So we entrusted the whole event to Jesus and our Blessed Mother, enwrapped everything in prayer.  We remembered Jesus’ words: “do your best and I will do the rest!” (TLIG Messages, September 17, 1992) Over and over again, He showed and reminded us that  Vassula’s visit to our island of Ireland was His work and that He would take care of it in every detail… all was taken care of in peace and order, and when obstacles arose Jesus carried us through – His Presence was palpable every step of the way… We recalled Jesus words given in Belfast in 1991: 

…I, the Lord shall place My Hand on this country and I shall make them feel My Presence, those that have ears let them hear;” (TLIG Messages, March 10, 1991)        

Vassula in Dublin

Our organizing team was truly inspired and guided by Jesus… He chose our roles and work detail, according to each person’s gifts and capacity – gifts that He has given!  And together we were a joyful, co-ordinated and united team… We did our best and He truly and faithfully did the rest.

We remember how Jesus referred to our Irish border in a message: “your land is parcelled by a measuring line…” (TLIG Messages, Nov. 14, 1991) 

We see a real echo of Jesus’ words in the naming of the Northern Ireland Assembly (the devolved legislature of Northern Ireland) – Jesus said in the above 1991 message: “listen, Ireland, disperse no more, assemble, assemble all in one;(TLIG Messages, November 14, 1991)

The Northern Assembly was created under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement – a major breakthrough and development in the Northern Ireland Peace Process – effectively bringing an end to thirty years of violent conflict. Agreement was finally reached on Good Friday 1998, reflecting Jesus’ presence we are sure – bringing two opposing sides together in an agreement for peace – on Good Friday!  He is faithful and true, even in seemingly impossible situations of deep, intractable historic conflict and division.

We got to work, getting the word out!  Advertisements were placed in newspapers – secular and religious. Our True Life in God mission files and flyers were distributed far and wide.  A taxi driver friend, who regularly distributes True Life in God flyers to his passengers, was now busy giving all passengers flyers for Vassula’s talk!  So many of the people who came to the talk told us that the image of Jesus drew them in, along with the line: “…tell them that the God they have forgotten has never forgotten them;” (TLIG Messages, May 27, 1993); this quote deeply touched many people.

“…walk with Me and allow Me to use you and send you from nation to nation to tell them that the God they have forgotten has never forgotten them; remind them that the heart of the Lord is Mercy; yes, tell them that I am gentle and humble of Heart; Jesus is My Name;” (TLIG Messages, May 27, 1993)

Sadly, despite our exhaustive efforts towards reaching out to media – newspapers/ radio/ TV etc., no-one expressed an interest in interviewing Vassula. We were disappointed, yet recognized that this simply reflects today’s world – with little or no interest in things heavenly.  As ever, word of mouth proved effective in informing people of Vassula’s public talk. The title of Vassula’s book Heaven is Real but So is Hell really struck a chord with people (both religious/ non-religious) as we distributed flyers.  A lot of people were interested to know that Ireland’s leading exorcist priest included Vassula/ True Life in God in his 2018 book: Prophecy: Truth for Today, Light for Tomorrow (Fr. Pat Collins, C.M.).

April 3rd 2019

What a joy it was to welcome Vassula at the Dublin Airport!  She emerged serenely into the busy, bustling Arrivals Hall accompanied by Fr. Petr and Dimitris, our Greek True Life in God friend who lives here!  It was really special to welcome Vassula to Ireland after many years.  As we drove convoy in a couple of cars in the crazy rush hour Dublin traffic, the perfect song was playing on the radio:  Break Open the Sky! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8_VDBEskrI

The lead car with Vassula and Fr. Petr moved through the traffic, the passengers chatting like old friends. We knew that Vassula’s testimony would be like refreshing dew for our country – a very changed place since she last visited. The true reality of Vassula moving through our busy city traffic struck us as so amazing an event – Jesus sending Vassula, His prophet for these end of times, to our country… What an event! It was awesome; in the true sense of the word. If people could actually grasp the truly amazing, supernatural reality what is happening in our days, there would have been a mega-pile-up on the surrounding spaghetti junction of motorways!!  We prayed and asked Jesus to please ‘Break open the Sky’ to allow heaven to reach down and touch all our human hearts…and to let those who have ears hear…

Vassula surprised and delighted us when she mentioned that she and Fr. Petr would like to visit Knock (where Our Lady appeared on August 21st 1879 https://www.knockshrine.ie) We thought that with all the travelling she undertakes for Jesus this would be way too far of a jaunt for just a day trip! But Vassula simply smiled and said “People often ask me: ‘Aren’t you tired of travelling?’ How can one be tired with the Lord! He’s coming with me all the time… and with all of us – we are never alone!” So a trip to Knock was scheduled.  Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis visited Knock when they came to Ireland.

While chatting over dinner that evening, Vassula spoke of the early days of her mission when she had a vision of Padre Pio and St. Francis; they encouraged her in the True Life in God mission which Jesus was entrusting to her.  She also spoke with such a majestic voice, reminding us that we are all sons and daughters of the King of Kings and to never let the evil one try to drag us down…

“sons! and daughters! you are the offspring of the Most High! you descend from Sovereignty and Splendour, oh come! you belong to Us! 3 you belong to Heaven ….you are of Royal descent, so why, why do you listen to the Beast? you are blessed in Our Image, not of the Beast’s! you are all meant to walk in the courts of the house of the Mighty One, so, allow Me to clothe you in My Splendour; open your heart and I shall save you!”(TLIG Messages, July 22, 1994)

We had a relaxing dinner, chatting about many things…Vassula thanked us for inviting her to Dublin, acknowledging that there’s a lot of hard work involved in organizing such an event.  We remembered how Vassula once explained this special closeness and bond of friendship we feel when gathered with our True Life in God friends – explaining that it is because our bond is in Him (in Jesus) that we truly feel like a family.

April 4th 2019

The day began with Mass in the local Church, Our Lady Mother of the Church, Castleknock, concelebrated by the two local priests and Fr. Petr.  After Mass, Vassula met with the priests before we drove to Phoenix Park: the largest enclosed public park of any capital city in Europe. http://phoenixpark.ie  Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass here in 1979; more than a million people gathered for this Papal Mass in Dublin’s Phoenix Park, believed to be the largest gathering of Irish people in history. We visited the Papal Cross which was erected in the park to mark this first ever Papal visit to Ireland.  Arás an Uachtarán: – the president of Ireland’s residence and several other notable institutions are also in the park.

A gathering with clergy was scheduled for that afternoon, and Vassula, Fr. Petr and some of our True Life in God team met with the group of priests who came along.   The meeting was to last one hour, but it continued for two and a half hours, touching on many topics:. Vassula spoke about how God called her, entrusting her with the mission of True Life in God to spread His saving Messages all around the world.  She spoke of Jesus’ great desire for Unity and the unification of the Dates of Easter.  She explained the meaning of the three iron bars that Jesus spoke of in His Message.

“My Vassula, draw three iron bars with a head on the top these represent the Roman Catholics, the Orthodox and the Protestants, I want them to bend and unite, but these iron bars are still very stiff and cannot bend on their own, so I shall have to come to them with My Fire and with the power of My Flame upon them they shall turn soft to bend and mould into one solid iron bar, and My Glory will fill the whole earth;” (TLIG Messages, October 26, 1989)

She spoke also of the Prophecies and Warnings video; this video has touched the hearts of many people and is a remedy for our times – especially for the younger generation. Fr. Petr gave his testimony, sharing how the True Life In God Messages touched him profoundly; he now shares the messages with such love and joy in his heart.  One of the young priests who came told us that he had been reading the True Life in God Messages for many years – since he was young – as his mother had the True Life in God message books at home! The priests were very pleased to receive some True Life in God books, including Fr. Iannuzzi’s recently published book A Theological Review of the True Life in God Ecclesiastically Approved Prophetic Revelations. (2018). One of the priests, who later discovered that he had mislaid the notes he had taken at the meeting, was bereft – such was the importance of what he had heard that afternoon.  After the meeting, Fr. Suresh, an Indian priest, strikingly commented: “I am touched by the life of mystic Vassula. I felt flesh and blood is speaking with Spirit. Vassula is definitely a bridge between God and people, we are blessed people to meet her… and I know in my heart I am standing with a Saint.

Vassula with Fr. Suresh

Vassula with Father Suresh.

April 5th 2019

A group of True Life in God volunteers made the three and a half hour journey to Knock by car with Vassula and Fr. Petr.  As we drove, we prayed the Rosary and other prayers, and sang hymns together until we reached Knock.  Vassula admired the many daffodils we viewed along the road – not something you usually see in Greece! We later remembered how Jesus once likened Vassula to a little daffodil: “I was embracing in My Arms a little daffodil;” (TLIG Messages, January 7, 2002).   We arrived at Knock Shrine just in time for the 12:00 noon Mass at Knock Parish Church, which Fr. Petr concelebrated with the priests there. It was a quiet day of prayer and reflection. We visited the Apparition Chapel after Mass where Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. John the Evangelist, a Lamb and a Cross on an altar appeared on the gable wall of the church on August 21st 1879.  It was a silent apparition. The fifteen witnesses watched the apparition in heavy rain for two hours, reciting the Rosary.

Knock Church - Apparition Site

Knock Church – Apparition Site

During our journey back to Dublin from Knock, Vassula spoke of Contemplative Prayer and of the importance of meditating between each of the Mysteries.  She reminded us of the need for quiet time to meditate after praying and to not rush to say more prayers.  She said we need to reach God in silence and contemplation.  This later struck us as the perfect piece of wisdom to be absorbing en route home from a visit to Knock – as the apparition at Knock was famously a silent apparition… Jesus in the True Life in God Messages also reminds us to find Him ‘in silence’…

“so be active when I want you active and among crowds, but now pass your time with Me in a holy contemplation resting in Me, abandoning yourself to My good pleasure; do not think that you will be less fruitful; come enter into the Divine joy of your Saviour;” (TLIG Messages, October 15, 1998)

I Am; lean on Me I am your support and strength; yes, indeed, My Vassula, Silence is the most efficacious prayer of all; meet Me in My Silence; let your spirit be drawn towards Me and be absorbed in Me, in My Silence;’ (TLIG Messages, March 9, 1991)

We walked into the souvenir shops and Vassula spoke with one of the shop owners who appeared very interested to hear about the True Life in God Messages, amazed at how many years Vassula has been witnessing.  She took some True Life in God flyers and information, eager to share with visiting Filipinos whom she knew, who were travelling to Dublin.

Back in Dublin that evening, we went to work setting up the meeting hall and bookstands etc.  Vassula amazed us all with her energy level and stamina after a long day… a seven hour road trip! She was right there with us checking out the venue/ bookstands/ prints of paintings etc.

The venue was large –we truly felt that Jesus guided our choice of venue. We trusted that if we did our best that He would bring the people to listen to His Love Hymn. Everyone was invited to come and listen – people of all faiths and those with none… Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists… special invitations were also sent to the hierarchy and leaders of the many different faiths. Those people who came to our many True Life in God witnessing talks that took place around the country over the last years were excited and delighted to hear that Vassula was coming to speak in Dublin. Our good friend Carol Chamberlain (True Life in God Scotland) arrived in Dublin that evening and a wonderful True Life in God reunion ensued!

April 6th 2019