Our subject of the retreat is all about the prophecies of TLIG. As you know, many have been accomplished and just as many still have not. All the TLIG messages are in the category of prophecies. When the Lord speaks, His Angels bow down, but you have not noticed, that today in these End of Times, when Heaven is leaning all the way to reach us and God from above, is calling us, speaking to us, how many in this world listen? Most of them, with arrogance do not believe, mainly because they have apostatized. Others, because His message is delivered from a weak hand. As a loving Father, He warns us, warns the world to change their heart and return to Him, otherwise only disasters will befall on us. Here is one of the many warnings:

let this year pass by and you shall see what moaning and bemoaning this genera5on will have harvested and what panic there would be! your genera5on carries out plans that are not Mine and so they add sin Upon sin, lethal sins;” 30 November 2015

Some people sometimes ask me, “What does Jesus say these days?” I feel like telling them, “Do you know what Jesus has been saying these past 27 years?” They want to know the future, whereas Jesus once said: “the future is Mine and Mine alone.”

In reading True Life in God, we benefit from the call of God who wants to lead our soul to holiness;

Do not allow your heart,” says the Lord, to become “like a cracked cistern that continually loses its contents, never retaining it, and no matter how much it is filled, it will always dry up and remain empty.” [2 March 2003]

but let us be alert to God’s call and learn by His words of knowledge so that we can perfume the world with his sweet odor, transforming the deserts into fields of knowledge.

I invite you today to learn and follow in the footsteps of the ancient prophets, and to open a wide path in your mind and in your heart to see how they maintained their perfect faithfulness that they had towards God when He called to reveal His purposes to them: Let us learn from them and meditate as they passed through these arid lands, these spiritual deserts. On the spiritual path, they learned self-denial, putting God’s interests and God Himself first. They have learned to strip themselves of their ego and their will. Today, let us realize their indomitable courage, their zeal and their love for God. They were also human and possessed no more than we have, except a will directed towards good, to glorify God. They were weak, but God gave them His strength. They did not have it easy, but they struggled, putting their trust in God, and they persevered to accomplish their mission and glorify God. The character of the prophet of God lies in his ability to be inflexible as a Church, but alone against all, to testify that God alone gives him the strength to resist men.

They allowed God to strip them of everything that was worldly (as Jesus asks us in His messages), so that He might imprint His Image upon them. Even as their oppressors harassed them, they were not broken or overwhelmed, but rather their enemies trembled before their presence. (This teaches us to trust only God and depend only on God.) In their poverty of spirit, God could flood them with His light, enlightening them with Wisdom. In their misery and incapacity, God gave them the nobility of spirit to bear His Word fearlessly and with majesty.

Therefore, let us also flee from the convenience that our modem world offers us, as well as the comforts, and break this safe cocoon, in which we have woven ourselves, and break our chains and free ourselves to gain what the prophets have received and our soul in this sensitivity, will turn into a fountain of tears, filled with repentance, when we realize Who it was that was outside the door of our heart, knocking all these years. God asks us for a change from within. There will be those who will say: “but we have always observed the Law of the Church and we have obeyed it…” The Lord says:

it is not enough to keep Church law and obey it. Your rigidity condemns you. Very often you speak of the law, but you do not carry it in your heart. The heart of the law is love; you live the letter of the law and you neglect to live the heart of the law.

We often overlook the most significant elements of the Law, which are love, mercy, and good faith. If only people really took seriously the prophecies of True Life in God, which are God’s merciful call to prayer, all men and women would already be saints. If we accepted and put into practice Unity in diversity, as the Lord asks of us, we would already have hope that the prayer addressed by Jesus to the Father will be fulfilled.

If only every human being would respond to the Love of God, displayed by Him in His Message of True Life in God to each one of us, our life would be transformed into a Hymn of Love.

If people would only take seriously Christ’s warnings about Satan’s rage in these last days, he would already be defeated and banished from the hearts of men and the world.

If all the religions of the world responded to God’s call for reconciliation, all men and women would already recognize each other as brothers and sisters, descending from a single Source.

And if everyone realized that we are living in the End of Times, of which God is renewing everything in full power, we would never stop praising God night and day and our hearts would become a blazing fire of zeal!

(…) I am longing to dress you with My Name, with My very Presence; your clothing will be Me for I am everything; in My Body lives the fullness of Divinity, therefore in Me, you will find your fulfilment: I will have you hidden in
Me, and in this manner, when the Time comes, I will present you to the Father;

I am your sweet fragrance, (…) and I want you to be like a bright star shining in the darkness of this genera5on, perfuming if with My fragrance; you will con5nue to shine because you would be offering the world what came from
My Mouth, you would be offering everyone: the word of Life; and many would see Me in you since I have clothed you with My Name, so that you become truly My companion;

your True God, your Lord Jesus Christ, welcomes you wholeheartedly now in His Sacred Heart: your Home …. I have revealed My Dominion to you, (…) My own …. My grace is with you …. ic; (28 January 1997)