Rhodes retreat 2022
Dear friends of True Life in God,
I welcome you all to this retreat with joy! I want to thank everyone for all the work you have undertaken for the True Life in God and for your efforts in spreading this divine Work, as well as all the generous donors who help us to give away the True Life in God message books free of charge, as well as their constant support to our Blessed Mother’s Beth Myriam project.
Needless to say, we are all called in the peace of God to work with effacement, with harmony with peace and love and with the Spirit of Jesus. If until now, True Life in God is still alive and spreading even more powerfully than before, in spite of all the turbulences it suffered, in spite of recent pandemics, it is because the Spirit of the Lord sustains it. “We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. We are in difficulties on all sides, but never cornered; we see no answer to our problems, but never despair; we have been persecuted, but never deserted; knocked down, but never killed…” (2 Cor 4:8-9)
As I always said, Jesus wants us humble of heart, effaced and willing. No one should work with a spirit of competition or conceit, for you would be contradicting the image of Christ. Saint Paul instructed his apostles and told them to consider always the other person to be better than themselves. (Ph 2:3) That is why no one should Lord it over others.
The Holy Spirit urges us to be steady in our work and with efficiency, never losing our harmony and peace; Jesus’ pace is quick sometimes. I don’t know how you feel, but to know that we have been called by God Himself, chosen from among so many others to share in this Work of Mercy that comes from the reserves of Heaven, is such a blessing that we should normally praise Him ceaselessly all day long. To have been undeservedly called to serve God is an immense blessing.
In whatever way we are able to serve the Lord, it is considered an act of charity, and an act of sacrificial love, because one gives oneself to others. We must not forget though that working for God one has to rely on the Holy Spirit because if at any time whosoever will start relying on their own strength even though their performance shows zeal, it will not be too long before they fall.
We are dealing with the Love Hymn of the Holy Trinity. A Hymn that He wanted to entrust to us, trusting us to spread it with His help. He chose us to become apostles, ambassadors and guardians of His Church, which is His Kingdom.
To unite Christ’s Mystical Body “will be achieved by martyrdom” not less. These are His own Words. But let us remember that Christ is our life and with this we are encouraged. Without Him we are dead even if we believe we are alive. So, let us look for those things that are above, where our Lord is.
Sooner than we think, the signal given by the voice of the Archangel, and the trumpet of God, will be heard and it will be the sign that the Lord Himself will come down from heaven… as He Himself said: My return is imminent and sooner than you think…