Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, STL, S.Th.D.

In the True Life in God messages the three divine Persons reveal to us through their instrument Vassula a new “Presence” in the souls of the baptized. This new Presence is the work of the Holy Spirit (TLIG, August 12, 1998;[1] June 21, 1999;[2] November 4, 2016[3]) who restores to the soul of the baptized the same interior union with the will of God that our first parents enjoyed in Eden. And it is manifest in Gods’ revealing himself to us today “totally” (Nov. 4, 2016) and in giving himself to us ‘totally’ (February – April, 2003), whereby we may “be filled with the absolute fullness of God’s Trinitarian Deity” (June 7, 1998).

As a theologian I wish to emphasize that up until the 19th century, before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these End times, there is no mention of a Trinitarian indwelling or holiness among the baptized. As God the Father created the universe and God the Son redeemed it, so now the Holy Spirit is sanctifying it in these End Times. One simply cannot find in any of the writings of the saints before these End Times the soul of the baptized experiencing a Trinitarian indwelling. Indeed the 13th century scholastic theologian St. Thomas Aquinas relates that only the Holy Spirit dwells in the baptized – not the Father nor the Son – via sanctifying grace, and that the Son is known by other effects: “Although the Son can be known by us according to other effects, yet neither does he dwell in us, nor is he possessed by us according to those effects.”[4]

In the ecclesiastically approved True Life in God prophetic revelations we find a new Presence of the three divine Persons in the soul who establish within it their Trinitarian holiness.  As further proof that this Triune indwelling is a new gift of the Holy Spirit recently outpoured upon mankind, consider its articulations in the lives and writings of the following contemporary exemplars whose writings are approved by the Church and that include St. Hannibal di Francia (1851-1927), the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947), Saint Padre Pio di Pietrelcina (1887-1969), St. Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941), the Servant of God Marthe Robin (1902-1981), St. Faustina Kowlaska (1905-1938), St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) and others whose writings are contained in my publication prefaced by two Catholic bishops, “The Splendor of Creation.”

On July 17, 1996 Jesus affirms, “I shall descend upon you to give you freedom and bring you in union with Our Oneness, filling you with the absolute fullness of Our Trinitarian Holiness; a baptism of Fire is coming upon you, creation! a baptism so longed for, to make all things new again; daughter, proclaim the Kingdom of God and let no one hinder you”. To which Vassula replies, “I shall do Your Will and I shall bring as many as possible in union with Your Oneness, so that they too will be filled with the absolute fullness of Your Trinitarian Holiness.”

On June 7, 1998 Jesus continues this theme when revealing, “Count on Me, beloved, for I will bring as many as possible in union with Our Oneness and I will fill them with Light so that they will be filled with the absolute fullness of Our Trinitarian Deity.”

On June 21, 2999 Jesus reveals, “You are all called to become gods by participation and enter in the Triune life to rule with Us; indeed I am Sovereign of your soul, oh, but such an intimate Friend as well, who can draw you into deification.”

On November 11, 1998, Vassula relates, “My Lord, most gracious, I beg You to come and cultivate my will that it becomes Your Will, stripping it and transforming it to be nothing else but Your Divine Will.”

In response and on January 18, 2002 Jesus affirms, “I will continue to give Myself more to you so long as you allow My Divine Will to remain in you, relying on It and renouncing your will to Mine.” In the following messages Jesus reiterate this important truth:

In the following messages Jesus reiterates the importance of this new outpouring of the Holy Spirit that establishes within us a Triune holiness.

“The real knowledge is to know Us, in Our Trinitarian Holiness and live in an intimate union with Us; I have no favourites, so let the devotion of My Sacred Heart be known to all people” (TLIG, November 28, 1996).

“Your heart will continue to be adorned with the wealth of your King and Lord; this wealth of knowing Me in My triune glory… and the wealth of doing My Divine Will and what is pleasing to Me, your God” (TLIG, May 6, 1997).

“O child of the Father!… come back to Me as a child and My grace will be upon you and My Holy Spirit thrice Holy will be your guide and your lamp” (TLIG, November 27, 1996).  

Feast of Our Mercy! Enjoyment of Our Trinitarian Holiness, be rooted in Our Will and be like a sprig of frankincense in summer-time, to continue to manifest the Truth and give a better explanation of the Revelation given to you… continue to walk in the path laid out with sapphires for you, and be a herald and apostle of Our Trinitarian Deity” (TLIG, October 19, 1998).

There are several characteristics or signs that accompany this new Presence of three divine Persons in the souls of the baptized. One sign is the soul’s ability to experience while it is still on earth the same interior union of the blessed in heaven in which the three divine Persons are operating in the souls thoughts words and actions. Consider the following two messages of May 5, 2001 and  Feb-April 2003. In the former message Jesus reveals, “One who dwells in Me and is nourished by Me, raised by Me and clothed with Myself in glorious perfection, will be able to say: ‘I am one with God, for I am living now, while still on earth and among beings: a True Life in God … I am like a fortified city, because my walls were rebuilt by the Holy Spirit Himself; with the Holy Spirit within my walls I am destined to everlasting glory; the Holy Spirit has shrouded my soul in a celestial beauty to be able to step into Your Glory O Christ and live forever! my step will not be mine but His! I will be walking with God because from carnal pleasures I have turned away, and now my spirit is living in blessedness and is incorrupt befitting the Triune God and His Holy Presence.’”

In the later message Jesus reveals, “What is Eternal Life? Eternal Life is to know Us in Our Triune Glory; therefore, if you are wavering, not knowing what I mean, I offer you My Hand and once you take it I will offer you through Grace Life in Us; receive My precious help for this will prepare you to espouse Me and be forever in My Divine Presence; I will then be the ineffable Parousia in your heart because I am the inner power within you; I said I will offer you Life through Grace; what is Grace? it is like a lustrous light that shows you how to share in the Divine Life; Our Triune Holiness and Mercy perfume the whole cosmos… while your body will be moving among men your heart and mind will be enraptured in the luminous light of heaven; if anyone, Vassula, lifts his eyebrow to you and narrows his eyes and asks you: ‘what do you mean when you say, we too can possess God? this cannot be done, nor said;’ I tell you, unless one has experienced the Divine Presence in his heart, the radiance and the Luminous Light of My presence within him, he will never know nor comprehend what is sealed and hidden, for it is through Me that those mysteries are revealed; the door of Wisdom will only open to a contrite heart and to those who in spite of their impoverished soul will fulfil the Commandments; in these souls will I reveal Myself.”

Other signs that accompany the soul that receives this new outpouring of the Holy Spirit that establishes within it God’s Trinitarian indwelling are found in the following words of Vassula from March 3, 1999. She states, “God’s Presence is so very manifest in our days and we have to be blind not to see it. How would we know of this? We would know it by the joy and peace our soul obtains, the tranquility in which He puts the soul to rest. Our Lord asked me one day: ‘…What does My Presence give you?’ I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me, and He opened my mouth to utter these words: Your Presence gives me a foretaste of the Beatitude Vision. It gives me a contemplation of Your glory; Your Presence gives me an indwelling delight, that which is given to the saints with merits. I have none. It gives me an intellectual awareness that in Your transcended Light, You, the Godhead, who fill all things without being contained by their limits can dwell in me, can dwell in us. I find in Your Presence, joy, light, sighs of longing, longing to penetrate even more in contemplation so that I may see what no eye has seen and hear what no ear has heard.” (20.1.1999)

            In his Odes of February 3, 2003 God the Father reveals “dispassion” as another trait of one who experiences the new Trinitarian indwelling, “Near Me and in My Embrace you will grow upright in purpose and learning; you will ponder in all My hidden mysteries and upon the angelic Virtue of dispassion…”

In the ecclesiastically approved True Life in God prophetic revelations the three divine Persons speak to us through the “Odes of the Trinity.” An ode is a type of lyric poetry. The Trinitarian Odes are lovingly structured poems revealing God’s love for mankind and the new and divine glory he wishes to bestow upon us. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit take turns is lovingly courting mankind as a bridegroom its bride, or as a lover its beloved, by revealing the noble heights to which we are forever destined.

The Odes of the Trinity reveal a new outpouring of grace God upon mankind that has been reserved for these End Times. Although we are the most sinful generation and the least worthy to merit this divine benevolence, God the Father begins the Odes by manifesting to us his great mercy. He reveals, I address My Odes with no sword by My side; My Divine Mysteries are loveable and are revealed to you with oil of gladness; although I have seen your wretchedness and known the miseries of your soul, I have not turned My Face from you, but rather, with Love I remember you” (TLIG, Feb. 3, 2003). Inasmuch as St. Paul reminds us that “where sin abounds grave abounds all the more” (Rom. 5:20–21), Jesus saved his best wine for last (Jn. 2:10), and Jesus reveals to St. Faustina that “The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy” (Diary of St. M.F. Kowalska, 723), so God the Father has reserved for these End Times his greatest mercy and the finest spiritual fruits.  The three divine Persons today seek to actualize in wounded human nature the same interior union with the Divine Will that our first parents enjoyed before sin. God the Son reveals in the True Life on message of February 3, 2003, “make haste at your King’s command to write this Ode, giving it the name: ‘Odes of the Holy Trinity’ then make it known in every city, every province and honour Us…”

God the Father reveals,

I have to re-educate them [mankind] to learn how to seek My Holy Face and recognise it; when your foundations fall to ruin, am I not to intervene? have you not read that I never ceased to work? 1 but to believe that I have ceased to enrich My creation with abundant gifts as in ancient times, is the most harmful of heresies!”

…creation, do not weep, do not mourn, but rejoice and be glad! raise no more dirges when your Creator is singing to you! but open your heart instead so that My Glory and My Light adorn you majestically; shut neither your ears to your King who brings you this wealth from heaven; the One whom you classified as inaccessible, invisible or as: hidden essence, ministers to you now! rejoice in these times of Mercy and be glad!

My Ode now is to lead you to repentance and to acknowledge Me… many of you ask today with disbelief: ‘how can this hidden essence above every essence, absolutely inconceivable, that is God, be manifesting Himself in this most mystical way in our modern times and express Himself in such direct terms through one of us who is also dust and ashes?’

I am free to sing to you and remind you of your true foundations… My Ode will be as sweet as honey to all mouths, and like music at a wine feast…I am telling you all, you too could be counted among My saints who are fit to see Me if you allowed My Holy Spirit to pass through you to shatter all your impurities, and once purity is acquired, the vision of Myself will be given you; ah, generation, from the very beginning We created you in the image of Our Own Nature, saying: ‘let Us make mankind in Our Own Image, in the likeness of Ourselves’… now, come all you who desire Me and throng round Me; come and listen to this Ode coming from the reservoirs of Heaven…

today, I am stepping out of the highest heaven, to call you and become one with Me; I am giving Myself to you to discover My greatness and My Divinity; it is the mystical union between the Creator and His creature; the Bridegroom, who is your King as well, invites you to wed Him; just like a bridegroom stepping out of his golden pavilion, shining like a sun with graciousness, shimmering in his light, I step out of heaven to invite you into the Golden Chamber of My Heart, that is My Bosom and Love

My Heart is your nuptial bed, come and learn My language… I am inviting your delicate soul to enjoy My sweetness; My desire, and I would add, My thirst, is to save you and lift you to ascend in heaven where you belong;

come to Me, My own, in the Golden Chamber of My Bosom and I will grant your soul the sight of My Holy Face; beloved, to have heard Me is to be reborn; to have seen Me is to be; what be