by Vassula

Do you know on which grounds our Lord intends to rebuild His Church? I will tell you on which grounds our Lord intends to rebuild His Church. It will be rebuilt on Mother Virtue which is Love and her children, which are all the other virtues that sprout from Love. One day Jesus came and visited me and asked me a question. ” Daughter”, He said, “are you willing to continue carrying the Cross I have predestined for you?” and I answered, “I am willing, so long as I do not lose You and am with You, united and one.” Then He asked me, “do you know what this means and what it requires?” Then the Holy Spirit helped me answer Jesus’ question and I found myself saying: “Sacrifice, abasement, humility, effacement, love, faith, hope, docility, self-abnegation, prayer, prayer, prayer, patience, penance, mortification, suffering, fasting, and trust in You? and a spirit of forgiveness.”

The Lord seemed content and said: “you have said well, but it is not just to know these things; you want to remain in My favour? then you must put everything you mentioned into practice. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a trophy, he who wins it will cherish it; again, the Kingdom of Heaven will be given to those who come with their hands full of good fruit – and so My Vassula, I intend to rebuild My Church on the virtues you have mentioned.”

Jesus Christ has not changed the tone of suffering and insistence about unity even in His latest messages, last summer He said to us again “My suffering is great because of your division, the division of My Church, this same Church I have bought with My Own Blood. Ah… who is the generous soul that will be first to unify the dates of Easter? I love you all; I bless each one of you. Be one under My Holy Name.” 26.9.99

Our division is a sin and a scandal to the rest of the world. How can I make you understand how evil division is!! It’s Cruelty personified! It’s Satan himself! How can we sit there year after year and have Satan sitting at our table? It’s a mockery to Jesus and He is weary of these endless dialogues… “yes, yes your holiness, this is how we should do, no, no your beatitude maybe it is better if .. yes, your excellency maybe next year, yes we know it is a scandal, but his grace thinks it is better if … stop all this! and come down from your thrones and put on sackloth and repent so that you truly manifest your grief! Come together and break bread together, enough is enough! for this will be the greatest act of charity that you will be offering Jesus in this Jubilee Year.

This intolerance with each other shows our lack of love not only towards neighbour but towards God as well. God needs a pure and generous love from us. How can anyone esteem himself pious and just, when the fruits of repentance which are love, reconciliation and unity are not there? Through repentance one can be reborn. It is not one’s outward appearance of religion that can make him enter into the kingdom of God, but only by a change from within. It is in the conversion of your hearts that the Holy Spirit will bring you to unity. Jesus says that He will hear arguments from some people who will say:”But we have always kept the law of the Church and obeyed it.” and for this Jesus replies:
“It is not enough to keep the law of the Church and and obey it. I need humility and love and the conversion of your hearts to be the foundation of your unity.  If you claim you are in the Truth, explain then to Me your division … How can any man claim He is just when your countries are at war and aflame!” This is because so long as we have war in our hearts, this is manifested from without, the wars that are going on.
“Learn that My Sacred Heart seeks from you: charity, generosity, prayer and a spirit of reconciliation and to love one another as I love you. Will I hear from you your cry of surrender and of repentance?” 14.9.92

About the law of the Church, Jesus says this: “You talk of the law but you do not carry it in your heart…. You have neglected the weightier matters of the law which are love, repentance, mercy, good faith!”19.3.93 To reconcile and make peace with one another is to reconcile and make peace with God as well. It is to return to God’s favour and intimacy after a period of estrangement and rebellion through sin and transgression.

In the very beginning of this revelation, when my Angel was trying to draw my attention towards God and turn to Him, he was saying things which I did not understand. He was telling me to make peace with God. Immediately my reaction was to say “but I am not at war with God! What is he saying?” But yes, I was. I was, since my soul was estranged from God and I still belonged to the world, I was still the daughter of men and corruptible and mortal. I was not yet God’s adoptive child through the grace of the Holy Spirit and not until I would repent would I be reborn to see God through the light of the Holy Spirit who encompasses all beings, and become the child of the Father.

The Holy Spirit says: “I am trying to draw you all into a filial union of divine Love with the Father and the Son and Myself so that you move in Us and We move in you … it is true that without Me your body is dead, (that means spiritually dead) but with Me your body is alive and in Me and through Me you will be counted as a child of God; this is why you must allow Me to reign in your hearts and make you into sons and daughters of the Most High.Scripture says: “happy the pure in heart: they shall see God” (Mt 5 :8) In order to see God, and acknowledge Him as your Father you have to be born of Me, the Holy Spirit, by grace; how else would you see God? A child before being born, has he ever seen his father? not until he is born will he see his father; and so it is with your spiritual birth of Me; flesh is flesh and has the vision of flesh; but he who is born of the Spirit is given a vision of God enabling him to seize Him, acknowledge Him and penetrate in His depths” 7.6.98

So by remaining divided, we are audaciously rebelling against God and all the heavenly powers. We are fearlessly in front of His Throne transgressing His Law of Love and the worst is that we really, really believe ourselves to be righteous…

Brothers and sisters, for how long will this go on? For how long will we allow Satan to nourish us with his venom which is division and pride? God is inviting us all to be one so that this divine union consolidates His Church that is now in ruin. Not only will we consolidate the Church if we reconcile and unite but we will make all the demons flee; we will overturn all the dark powers and the dominion of the evil one when they will hear the footsteps of the Holy Spirit.

How do you want the Church to be credible in front of the world’s eyes when it preaches peace and reconciliation to countries who are massacring their people, when we, in our own center, we are spiritually massacring the Body of Christ by throwing venomous arrows on each other. For how long are we to remain deaf to the cries of our Lord to make peace? How can we go and sleep on our two ears when we are still living in division and scandalizing all heaven? Listen to this message from Our Father: “O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame!” 25.9.97 “I look at the earth today and wish I never did. My eyes see what I never wanted to see and My ears hear what I dreaded to ever hear! My Heart as a Father, sinks with grief. I fashioned man to have My image, yet they have degraded themselves and today so many of them have taken the likeness of the beast!” 5.4.96

Let us then change our heart and be an example of unity to the rest of the world.

Humility and love, Jesus says are the the keys to unity. He says that it is not the eloquence of speech nor the lengthy discourse that will lead us to unity. It is not our exchange of praise on one another that will lead the Church into one. All these things weary Jesus because devastation and ruin have penetrated into His Sanctuary, so what praise can we exchange on one another? Jesus says:
“Where is their honour? Bow down that you may see My Will. Lower your voice, so that you hear salvation speaking to you from the heights of Glory.” 15.6.95

Many have the audacity to say, ah, Jesus is repeating Himself, so it can’t be Jesus speaking in these messages. Yes dear friends, this outcry comes from heaven and it is indeed Jesus calling, whom you are recrucifying with your incredulity and your rigidity! He will repeat Himself because so long as people remain deaf to His Merciful Calls, He will repeat Himself! and the prophecy of Isaiah still stands for them today: “they hear and hear yet never understand, they see and see yet never perceive …”Jesus says to us how much we are offending the Father, and I prefer to take directly His Own words, He says:

“My Father is more than offended; how much longer will the earth be divided and riven? how much longer will My Church be divided and in rebellion? The Spirit of the Father is constantly blasphemed and ridiculed by many of My ministers. Has not this generation yet heard an uproar from heaven? Have you not yet heard from the highest heaven a lament from the saints?” 5.2.99

Division is like an evil master in us and we should not give that master any opportunity in any instance to overrule us. But, God, who is the Source of all that is Good can overpower this evil master which is division, because God’s Law is a Law of Goodness and Life, overpowering all our evil inclinations. So when we come together to talk about unity let us come with simplicity of heart, fastening beforehand our heart on God. We should leave aside the mistrust and the brilliance of worldly speeches. Do not let us meet with conceit and deceitfulness;  no one who comes in that manner ever will see and understand things in God’s light.

The sublime Source of Christian Unity is the Holy Spirit and it is in Him we should put our hopes and our union. Jesus warns those who do not work with sincerity but for their own glorification. Jesus’ Heart grieves continuously to watch those in His Own House who lack sincerity and who do not work in the Spirit for the unification of the dates of Easter. Jesus asks us to pray for them that this spirit of pride that has rooted itself within them, keeping them separated from the Truth, leaves them and brings them back to their senses. But today still, Satan and his demons keep them chained in their lack of love, for love is the distinctive sign of faith. Jesus says how could they say to one another: ” I have preached the Good News throughout the world; I have laboured to bring the Church into one and now all there is to come is the crown of righteousness which the Lord, my God, reserved for me from all eternity..” when to this very day they are failing in their duty?”

And now, here is another outcry from heaven to His priests:

“All priests should imitate Me in their life. I am not speaking of those who imitate Me and are like My Abel who was pleasing to Us, because of his sacrifices and his sincerity, but of those who are like Cain and Essau and Juda and the Scribes and Pharisees. Of these I am speaking, for their conduct contradicts My Holy Rules.

Must I, for their sake, go on drinking from the cup of your division, this cup forced on Me, by them? so far I have put no pressure on (them) you, I have been pleading with you to unify the dates of Easter but you are not hearing My Spirit. You have exploited the patience of My Father;  this time again I am asking you to unite the Easter dates so that My Spirit shines on you with grace and brings My House into one. If only one of these men working for unity, if only one of them will not give in to his passions, to his fears, and goes forward unifying the dates of Easter… I God, will exalt him.

But what I see from the House of the East are tempers roused, obstinacies and fears, brothers yet adversaries. House of the East you have done well in maintaining the Tradition as I passed It on to you and as My primitive Church exercised It, however, you are not allowing My Holy Spirit to nurture you enough for your salvation and the salvation of those who are in desperate need of salvation… so I tell you, be ambitious for the gifts of My Spirit and do not leave My House barren; My House will benefit from My Spirit’s gifts if you open the door of your heart.

And you, House of the West, you have realized, through the Light of My Spirit, that a body needs its two lungs to breathe freely and that My Body is imperfect with one lung. Pray that My vivifying Spirit will join you together, but what have I to suffer before! So I implore you House of the West, to go forward and unmask the Evil one by unifying the dates of Easter as in the primitive Church.

City and Bride of My Holy Spirit, your fragrance left you… so come back to Me as a child and My grace will be upon you and My Holy Spirit thrice Holy will be your guide and your lamp; for this I need intense poverty of the spirit and an overflow of generosity” 17.11.96

Jesus says that anyone who defends faithfully the Church and witnesses, “they become like living torches, because their words flare in the darkness of the world. The Holy Spirit gives them a warrior’s heart, to fight the good fight of faith and justice, and join, in this spiritual battle of our times, the archangels Michael and Raphael, who are predominant in strength and valiant warriors of Justice. 22.6.98.

These are the words, my friends, I heard from above and I was commanded to write them down and ordered by God to be His echo, echoing His words to cover the whole earth like mist. I have not been asked, I was ordered to fragrance this world with Christ’s messages that will take root only into pure hearts.

God does not reveal Himself to those who claim they have knowledge only on earthly things, for this is no knowledge at all. The true knowledge is to know God and this, dear friends, cannot be learned merely with your intellect. So God gave me a command to spread out His Words in rivers of Mercy and Hope. And this is what I am doing and what He wants you to do.God says that every man will judge those messages from the store of his heart. All God’s Words are right and will be heard straightforward to him who understands, delightful to the simple and to the pure of heart, but to the jackals a scandal and an offence. For He says that the real Christian is the one who is inwardly a Christian, and the real