JANUARY 11th-14th 2012


The True Life in God prayer group in Cyprus invited Vassula to give her testimony in Nicosia. Although they encountered a negative reaction from the Greek Orthodox Church, they continued with all the preparations. Since this would be Vassula’s first time giving her testimony in Cyprus, they rented a hall at Intercollege Nicosia that seats 250 people.


Here we would like to mention what Vassula had said in an interview when she was asked: “Why is the Church against you?” She responded: “Those people of the Church who have not heard me nor ever read the messages are reacting negatively, while those who have heard me and have read the contents of the messages are supporting me and are positive. It was arranged that the Maronite Bishop Chucrallah of Lebanon and Father Joseph would accompany Vassula for her speech on January 13th. Bishop Chucrallah is one of those who have read the TLIG messages and found them very deep and nourishing.

Click here to read the entire report or copy and paste this link: /en/mission/reports/2012/cyprus2012-01