News Bulletins July 2012
“Dear listeners, you are listening to TLIG radio and here is the news.”
Germany Evangelization- Agricultural Villages Hear About TLIG
Between 21 and 25 of June, 2012, a Greek Woman who is a witness for True Life in God and a reader of the Messages went to Germany to give three talks. They were arranged for villages in the Brandenburg district near to Berlin, in East Germany.
The first meeting took place in Earner which is an agricultural village about 3 hours away from Berlin. About 30 people attended the meeting most of whom were agriculturists. They were mostly Protestants and knew nothing about the TLIG messages. The talk lasted about two hours and the people listened attentively. Towards the end of the meeting, the witness answered questions regarding TLIG spirituality. After the talk people were pleased to be able to buy TLIG books and DVDs.
The second meeting took place in Wusseken. About 20 people attended the talk, most of whom did know about the TLIG messages. The witness encouraged the organizers to continue working with zeal for the diffusion of the messages no matter what obstacles they might face.
?he third meeting took place in Dretzen another agricultural town a few km away from Berlin. ?bout 15 people attended the talk,most of whom knew about TLIG already.
UK Retreat Focuses on Evangelization
On Saturday June 9th around 30 people gathered for a one day retreat in Yorkshire, UK at the parish church of a Catholic Priest and reader of True Life in God. The day started with Holy Mass and was dedicated to the work of evangelisation in the UK. June 9th was also the feast day of Saint Columba. An early English Saint, Columba was devoted to evangelisation in the UK. He settled on the Scottish Island of Iona where pilgrims still travel to pray for unity. Saint Columba pray for us.
After the prayer time in the afternoon the priest reflected on the readings of the day from the Bible and the selected True Life in God Message. He emphasized how God makes all things possible through His grace. We just need to be willing to cooperate with His Divine Will under the direction of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus says: “Offer Me your will”.
The present persecution of Christians was discussed and how few people recognize True Life in God. It is the Holy Spirit’s most noble gift for these times. The priest spoke about the historical reluctance of the Catholic Church to recognize the activity of the Holy Spirit from the time of La Salette to the more recent Charismatic renewal. Little seems to have changed. Highlighting God’s Mercy and Love he said it is important that we make good use of this special time of Mercy which Jesus has told us will come to an end.
Towards the end of the day a list of names was taken of the people keen to help with evangelisation in UK. It was agreed that they should each have clear information printed from the website about the situation with the Vatican regarding Vassula and the CDF. Jesus said in the True Life in God Message chosen for the day: “I want to hear from every lip ‘Jesus I love You; save my soul and the souls of others too’.”