Welcome to the many new readers of the True Life in God newsletter! This week in the Christian world is dedicated to unity. I was one of those people who enjoyed reading TLIG mainly because of the understanding it gave me of Jesus and to experience His mercy and consolation. The beauty of the messages, their poetry lifts our hearts to want to love God. The messages give bucketfuls of hope!
It was only in stages that I began to understand unity and the importance of unity. For years I did not really “get it.” Maybe some of our old readers and new readers also do not quite “get it.” My attitude was … “unity…eh – thats for the church leaders to figure out and has nothing to do with me.” How wrong I was!
It is a coincidence that yesterday, Jan 17th the hands of the doomsday clock were moved from 7 to 5 minutes from midnight? Now this decision was taken in consultation with 18 nobel laureates. Unity has a lot to do with all of us
clergy and lay people. More today than ever unity is the medicine
we all need in our countries, our church, in our families and in
our hearts. The teachings on Unity in TLIG are a priceless treasure.
Would it be possible if Christians made unity and really loved
one another as scripture commands us, that humanity would stand in a
position to destroy itself with nuclear weapons? Unity in LOVE first
is the root…and who should be able to really
LOVE, demonstrate brotherly love? THE CHRISTIANS!!! If we
cannot do it…who is going to do it? Our God is Love! Who
will do it…the atheists? If Christians cannot practice unity
and love one another as Vassula has said so many times it is a
scandal! In the Bible John 13:34 and 13:35 we read:
“A new command I give you: Love one
another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all
men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Jesus says, “I am the Lord of Peace not of dissension…”
Those who dismiss Unity fail to understand. Jesus says: “I am shouting and I am trying to break through your deafness to save you…”
Jesus tells Vassula in the same message,“…your mission, little one, is to bring My people under one Name, My Name, and break bread together…“
Unity is a major focus of the work of TLIG. We the readers of TLIG should have a special commitment not only to understanding and practicing unity, but also praying for unity. This week in our busy lives maybe we can take time to refresh and deepen our understanding of unity and especially to pray for unity. All week this series of e-mails will be focused on trying to help us in this direction.
A Spiritual Echo of Unity
An Address given by Vassula Ryden to the Ecumenical Conference of the World Council of Churches
You can read or you can listen to the audio recording of the actual talk.
The following is a transcript of Vassula Ryden’s address to the Ecumenical Conference of the World Council of Churches, held during Unity Week, January 23, 1992, in the Ecumenical Center, Geneva, Switzerland.
Listen to a recording of this talk >>>HERE[Ms. Vassula Ryden is a voice of spirituality and unity. She speaks to all Christians, Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants, transmitting a message of peace love, and unity: “May they all be one,” by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Many who have listened to the message have found it to be a deep source of inspiration. She has been invited by interested colleagues.]
(from the material introducing Vassula’s talk)
I will read you a small introduction about
myself, and then later on I will read you a few messages of unity. read more