Article provided courtesy of True Life in God Radio

The True life in God Association in Tokyo runs a Beth Myriam (which means ‘House of Mary’), where around 80 homeless people are fed regularly. At first, the cooking was done in a rented condo, but recently, the Beth Myriam team moved next to a local community hall where they feed the most needy people. Every Tuesday, TLIG volunteers cook to feed the poor; the Filipino volunteers and friends are especially helpful there.

On August 28, 2012 the volunteers in the Beth Myriam of Tokyo served hayaashi rice to 100 homeless people. On September 4, 2012, about 83 people were served with food. After the meal about 20 people, most of them non –Christians, stayed longer to pray one decade of the rosary with the people who had served the food.

Mr. Satoru Sugawara who runs the Beth Myriam in Tokyo said: “Apart from reading one message from the TLIG book, I do nothing more for these people. However, it is God’s love which inspires them to ask more and more about Him”.