A priest and a bus driver died and went straight to heaven, both at the same time. They get to the pearly gates and meet St. Peter who greets them. St. Peter asks the priest to follow him to where he will be staying in heaven and they drive together in a jeep to a little cottage with about 50 acres of rolling green hills. St Peter turns to the Priest and says: “this will be your home for eternity, a perfect little cottage by a nice pond with a flower garden and a library full of books.”
The priest says, “Thank you so much. This I will enjoy greatly!” St. Peter departs and returns to the pearly gates to now meet the bus driver.
This time St. Peter takes the bus driver in a luxury Rolls Royce and they drive to about 500 acres of land with mountains, lakes and rivers. There is a huge 200 room castle on one of the mountains and a wishing well that makes all wishes come true. St Peter turns to the bus driver and says: “This will be yours for eternity! You can live in that castle with servants to wait on you hand and foot and everything you want can be yours!”
The bus driver looks at St. Peter and says, “please do not think I am not grateful, but why have you given me so much more than the priest? “
St Peter chuckles and says: “You brought more souls to heaven! When the priest preached everyone fell asleep. When you drove your bus people prayed!”