tell My people and remind them that: love covers over many sins; let your love for each other be proven to be true…

allow Me to refresh your memories: it is a blessing for you when they insult you and persecute you for My Sake because it proves that I, God, am resting on you…if you were only to please men I would not have called you; if you were to work hard for your interests and glory and not for Mine, I would have turned My Eyes away from you;

open wide your hearts and receive Me; be united, helping one another and try to console My people in these times; the love of your neighbor should be your main concern;

remember, to proclaim My Message far and wide for the smell of death has reached heaven and the punishment that awaits this generation will be drawn upon the earth because of its incredulity and its apostasy; the envoys I am sending you are not heard and My Spirit is blasphemed; many are recklessly injuring My Church, stoning My prophets; many are decaying and now visible signs are given in proportion and weight of their apostasy and their sins;

hardship and distress are upon this faithless generation; these are signs given already to them because of their refusal to reconcile with Me;

I have justified many of you before my Father, however, I want a return of love, a return of faithfulness; I have revealed to you how I work, and what I am in search of; you have heard My Message of Unity and believed it; I have shown to you the purpose of My calling; you have stamped your seal giving Me great honor, can one deny what one believes? Keep alive in your heart what you were taught in the beginning and refuse to sell My Blood; I give you my peace telling you: do not fear for I Am with you; bear My Name1 and honor Me; ic

1 I understood that “bearing the name of Christ” means bearing His Cross, but as He once said: His Cross does not bear only sufferings but joys as well …