Click here to view the original letter from Vassula

Excerpts from Readers (names withheld)

“So Thankful for Vassula’ s honesty… when reading the Jezebel spirit,, I did recognize some of that spirit in myself,,,, it was painful , but true and I thank Her for revealing this to me. I once read , …about Judas, and just like these stories of Jezebel spirit… I see that same spirit , and am terrified how easily it can come a part of ones self. I am so greatful to God to send His Holy Spirit to ones as Vassula to teach us and bring us back to His Heart thru repentence and His Mercy!” Sincerly, Name withheld

“I have been dealing with this Jezebel spirit and just found your article on the web. It CONFIRMED much that I had suspected. I have confronted and seen the reactions you describe, now understanding why I felt so “confused” & why this person is “defensive”, changes the subject, won’t admit wrong or recieve either truth or correction, then he later turns on the people who have confronted in love, and slanders us….making out like the victim.

If you could pray for me right now….I came under severe attack in spirit and body… last week and I’m recovering….This is coming through one “in ministry.” After confronting issues biblically with not even an inkling of seeing the TRUTH…this person has now turned on me as well. Please pray for me….

THANK YOU so very much for writing this….I thank God for allowing me to find it!”

Name withheld