“Tender Father” is the theme of the 5th Annual North American Ecumenical Prayer Retreat to be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from Friday, November 11 to Sunday, November 13, 2011.

The retreat theme is inspired by the TLIG messages given to Vassula by our Lord on November 28, 2009, the 24th Anniversary of True Life in God. Just as the father in The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) welcomed back his son with great love and celebrated the event, our “Tender Father” reminds us that we are not fatherless and welcomes us back into His most loving embrace.

We invite you to bring your families, friends and neighbours and share in unity with us, your brothers and sisters in Christ, the love for our “Tender Father”. Get to know …the One who knew you first, your Creator…, as you draw deeper into intimacy with Him. Our priests and guest speaker will share the many riches they have found on our “Tender Father” in the Messages of True Life in God.

To Learn about the retreat and all of the details visit: http://tligcanadaretreat.blog.com