By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we would like to inform you that about 10 days ago the radio team launched for first time the Greek radio channel.

Therefore, currently TLIG radio runs 4 channels (English, Russian, Croatian, and Greek) playing the messages 24 hours a day – 7days a week!

Moreover, one can find on the radio library the messages in 14 different languages which can be listened to on demand, or downloaded to your computer. Once downloaded anybody can burn Cd’s, or play them on a portable player.

In June alone over 4000 messages, homilies and prayers were downloaded from TLIG Radio. Volunteers are still needed for the English and Russian Teams. Contact:

More About TLIG Radio

In July 2004 True Life In God (TLIG) radio commenced the first live broadcasts over the internet. It is a non profit Christian radio (supported only by volunteers) and its purpose is to broadcast the True Life in God messages which Vassula Ryden has been receiving from God since 1985.

You can listen the radio from any computer connected to Internet. NO SPECIFIC SETTINGS ARE REQUIRED. You only need Windows Media Player, if this is not installed on your computer you can download and install it free from here. Also, you can listen to the radio from any WiFi (internet) radio device.

In 1990, June 30, Jesus wrote: “… broadcast My Message; come, I will give you the means of diffusing My Message; I will supply every want in due time; flower, spread My fragrance of incense abroad;”

Vassula says about the Messages: “The inspired writings teach the readers to know God and understand Him. Many people believe in God but do not know God, so it encourages us to have an intimate relationship with God, which leads us to unitive life with Him. United thus through the Holy Spirit, in Christ, the faithful are bidden to live one and the same life, the Christ-life.”

Ways to Promote TLIG radio: So you like TLIG radio and you want to shout it from a mountaintop! Here are a few ways to increase the listener-ship.