Dear friends of TLIG,

We have finished the year 2004 with prophecies that came true, some good and some terrifying. The recent good ones were those that were announcing that something good will happen in Rome. That was the clarification of the notification. But there were others too regarding Rome that happened exactly as our Lord said they would happen. The bad were those of the Tsunami. There is still one last bad one to come that cannot be subtracted, but as I explained, it can be subdued in its velocity by our conversion and our change of heart and prayers.

And this is why I am writing to remind ourselves of our conversion. First we have to remember always for whom we are all working. We were asked to die to our old self and allow Christ to cover us with Himself. We were supposed to have been renewed in spirit by the breath of the Holy Spirit like a new baptism. We were supposed now to be in the nuptial chamber near the Bridegroom, lifting His veil and adoring His divinity. We were supposed to have progressed since on each one of us God’s favors have been bestowed with generosity and without us asking. God gives generously. If we live and represent ” true life in God,” we should have grown in Christ becoming holy. Are we there? Are we intertwined with Him right now? Or are we grieving the Holy Spirit?

Scriptures says: “never let the sun set on your anger or else you will give the devil a foothold. Even if you are angry do not sin. Any bitterness or bad temper or anger or shouting or abuse must be far removed from you – as must every kind of malice. Be generous to one another, sympathetic, forgiving each other as readily as God forgave you in Christ.”

Chirst in His last message on the 12th April, disappointed with some, said to these: “I have shown them the Knowledge of holy things, but they have not given Me full return for all the graces I have given them. I nurtured them and they were not satisfied with the food I was giving them. I gave them drink but in their folly they substituted it with mercury yielding My Glory to their own. Although they once said: “I will not yield God’s Glory to another one’s,” yet they yielded My Glory to self glory…”

Scriptures say: “Brothers, even if one of you is caught doing something wrong, those of you who are spiritual should set that person right in a spirit of gentleness; and watch yourselves that you are not put to the test in the same way.”

At this point, I would like to ask any one who still has a grudge in his heart to ask God to heal them, for these sort of people do not know how to forgive or love. Are they then expecting God to forgive them? The more you lack forgiveness the more you will lack love and the more you will enter deeper in darkness. Grudge is a sin. Bitterness and jealousy are like poison and do not come from God. All these things deprive people from the grace of our Lord. So what am I to do with all your devotions, rosaries, good works, your presence in Masses, when spite still lives as a flame within these people? Stop grieving the Holy Spirit and put your heart straight in front of the Lord and offer your work for the Lord with peace, and stop deceiving yourselves. Go now and reconcile and start afresh.

In Christ,