“…I have decided to hurry up with My Return; I will not wait too long to return to you; even though many are refusing to believe this, they will believe when it happens but then their heart would be unprepared to receive Me; My Return is imminent…” March 31st 1995

“…daughter, I will heal many; Love will return to you as Love, fulfilling My Word; “ Oct.13th 1987

“My return is imminent and I am giving you constant signs to prepare you. Love is on the path of return, I am on My way to you. Tell Me, when a king enters into a city, will there be no preparations to receive him? The whole city will be in turmoil and the king will send before him his elect and his imperial court to prepare a way for him and make his paths straight. He will send his messengers to announce his coming. He will ask them to shout with a loud voice: “Here is your King, your King is coming…”

“Imminent” – likely to occur at any moment; impending:

How many of the hundreds of millions of Christians feel Jesus’ return is “likely to occur at any moment” ? How seriously do we believe it ourselves ? Soon is one thing, but Jesus tells us, “any moment”!

We have to try to wake people up, get them out of their lethargy and complacency, so that they strive again to prepare themselves via a deeper conversion for the Great Return. One way we are going to reach out now is through Facebook.

Vassula has a new book coming out, “Heaven is Real But So Is Hell” , which she has been working on and will be published next year. A new Facebook page has been prepared to promote this book and the True Life in God messages. The Facebook page is at: http://www.facebook.com/jesusisreturning TLIG Facebook users are asked to LIKE the page, invite their Friends to join, and Like/Share/Comment on every post they can on a daily basis.

This is your chance to shout with a loud voice the Messages of True Life in God and we need you to do it on Facebook. If you have resisted joining Facebook, now you have a good reason to make a very simple page if you do not have one, visit the new Facebook page and tell your family and friends about it .

“…pray that my sayings will ring clearly in the ears of EVERYONE…”

I will speak and you will write; pray that My sayings will clearly ring in the ears of everyone; I have entrusted you with the noblest of My Works in your times; this Divine Work is placed in your hands; yes, it so pleased Me to give It to you and place It with great affection into the hands of a mere child who would have to depend on Me entirely;” Feb 25 1998

Let us ring in some ears now on Facebook!